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    Grimbeard reacted to cannable in Live football thread.   
    Never paid enough attention to notice before but… have there always been two tosses for penalties?
    It just feels like that if one team won both, as Newcastle did last night, they’re getting a HUGE advantage in the shootout?
    Wouldn’t it be fairer, that the team who win the toss get to choose end or order and the toss loser decide the other?
  2. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to 1977 Ram Raider in Live football thread.   
    VAR has ruined football 
  3. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to SKRam in Live football thread.   
    Neville just said ‘that’s so unlucky’ when Liverpool hit the post….. well no it’s not unlucky it wasn’t accurate enough to go in the ducking net. Grrrrr 
  4. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to i-Ram in Points Deduction, Who's Next And When Will It Stop?   
    Interesting, and reasonable, observations on Financial Fair Play and Premier League profit and sustainability rules of the wealthy co-owner of Crystal Palace:
    Let me say something else about [chairman] Steve Parish. Do you know how hard it is to do his job?
    Look at Nottingham Forest. This is a club with an owner that has an incredible amount of capital. And he comes in the Premier League and he's told you can't spend it. If you spend it and it falls into a category of losses then we are going to sanction you and we may send you back to the league you came from.
    It's not about financial sustainability, it's not about financial fair play, nobody is protecting the little guy. This is [expletive]. This is people making sure that you can only spend a percentage of your revenue.
    Steve has to run his club with a top line of revenues which is driven by television. If we want to put in a bunch of money to buy more players we're not allowed to.
    So you have to watch your losses and you have to find a way to live between the eighth spot and 17th spot or you go back to the second division [the Championship].
    If anybody thinks that I have a problem with the way that Steve is running the club, and [how he] has stayed up for 12 years, just because we have difference of opinion on things... try being Forest owner Evangelos Marinakis right now.
    He is of course right. He just picked a bad example of the issue as no one cares about Forest 😂
  5. Clap
    Grimbeard got a reaction from I know nothing in Promotion Rivals Watch   
    I want you to go and find a nice, quiet room. Sit yourself down, and have a long, hard think about what you've done.
  6. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Some of them are talking about "vendettas" against them and how the PL will make sure Luton stay up.

  7. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Old Spalding Ram in v Charlton Athletic (H) Match Day Thread   
                           Nyambe   Nelson   Cashin   Elder
                                        Adams.    Hourihane 
                 Mendez-Laing          Bird.          Blackett-Taylor

  8. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to ariotofmyown in Barnsley FC v Derby - Match Day Thread   
    The ref is the least of our problems...I've just done some research and it turns our Conor Hourihane used to PLAY FOR BARNSLEY! Seriously, I've checked it in a couple of places, he played 112 times for them.
    Can someone who still uses twitter send this out please? People need to know.
  9. Like
    Grimbeard got a reaction from I know nothing in Baseball Ground Memories   
    Not one of my memories, though like everyone I have many, but I once heard the story of a young lad going to his first match in the late 60s.
    It was a night match, and the lad and his dad walked over Elton Rd. bridge into the dark terraced streets. Through the turnstiles and into the dimly-lit area beneath B stand and on up the dusty stairs, to emerge into a strange new world. As a wall of noise hit him, the boy shouted "Wow, it's in colour!"
    Sums up the BBG perfectly.
  10. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Mucker1884 in Barnsley FC v Derby - Match Day Thread   
    It seems indisputable that he once played for Barnsley.  Fair do's.  Worth a shrug and a moan of it's own accord, even in an official (club) capacity.
    I'm not sure however, that there is any actual record of him being biased against us... or that he "has form"... other than the equally biased views of Rams fans?
    I take it DCFC have never made an official complaint against him?
    I'd dare to suggest that a professional outfit such as Derby County (The Rams) Ltd would do well NOT to be "all over this".  That would just reek of amateurism, sour grapes, and come across as being very "Un-Mr Clowes"!  As a club, we're better than that!
    Hey!  I'm all for us fans slagging him off on here.  That's part of our remit!  I'm happy to add my own name to the catcalls, and claims of Bamfordistic tendencies.  I stand with you, brothers and sisters.
    But I wouldn't like to see my football club getting involved. 
    If there's room for official complaint post game, then that's a whole different ball game.  The club could then go for the throat, as far as I'm concerned.
  11. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Leicester Ram in Barnsley FC v Derby - Match Day Thread   
    One fit striker? Luxury
    When I were lad, we played Dean Moxey up front and that were if you were lucky 
  12. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Srg in Dwight Gayle - Signed until the end of the season   
    Always knew Leicester was down south.
  13. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from sunnyhill60 in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    I can, but if I typed it I would be banned.
  14. Like
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Crewton in Baseball Ground Memories   
    Not one of my memories, though like everyone I have many, but I once heard the story of a young lad going to his first match in the late 60s.
    It was a night match, and the lad and his dad walked over Elton Rd. bridge into the dark terraced streets. Through the turnstiles and into the dimly-lit area beneath B stand and on up the dusty stairs, to emerge into a strange new world. As a wall of noise hit him, the boy shouted "Wow, it's in colour!"
    Sums up the BBG perfectly.
  15. Like
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Sufferingfool in Baseball Ground Memories   
    Not one of my memories, though like everyone I have many, but I once heard the story of a young lad going to his first match in the late 60s.
    It was a night match, and the lad and his dad walked over Elton Rd. bridge into the dark terraced streets. Through the turnstiles and into the dimly-lit area beneath B stand and on up the dusty stairs, to emerge into a strange new world. As a wall of noise hit him, the boy shouted "Wow, it's in colour!"
    Sums up the BBG perfectly.
  16. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Ram-Alf in Baseball Ground Memories   
    There were several younger females in the 70s that would stand at the back of the Vulcan Street End, I started in the Kids Pen, Then moved to the Columbo End as a very young teen where me and my mate would climb up the corner near the floodlights and tie ourselves with scarves to the metal fence with the away supporters walking underneath us.
    Getting older a move to the Vulcan Street was a must, With the red metal fence walkway seperating home and away fans, Many a suicide fan would jump them to have a close chat with the away fans, At the back of the Popside where a hot bovril was served there was no segregation and all hell would break loose at HT, A fence was later put up to seperate both waring factions, Then a portion of the Columbo and Vulcan street was segregated for the more normal fan, So home fans would enter the Columbo end to great the away fans, All cash turnstiles so no checking the fans, Eventually moving to the Ossie End after Chelsea and Leeds wrecking the seats fiasco, Then onto the more sedate "C" Stand Paddock ?.
    As a football arena I don't think there was a more intimidating ground than the BBG, Away players who were going to take a corner at the "C" stand paddock area would often have a change of heart when scores of Lads got to their feet and hurl abuse at them, Away players would often have their shorts pulled on when taking a throw in, Or if you were a Fulham player...getting kicked/tripped, The Hunter/Lee fracas, Lee was initially punched... the reason...Lee was a master at tripping himsel up in the penalty area, Which he did when Hunter was chasing him down, Ref gave a Pen and we scored, Hunter bided his time, And got a good one in right on Lees nose, Ref sends them both off then the fun began with Lee throwing several punches and NOT one landing on Hunter, Only for Hunter to fall over, Word has it that Hunter refused to come out of the changing rooms until Lee had left the BBG.
    For me, DCFC lost something when moving to PP, I bought a ST in the East stand, The view was great right in line with the 18 yard line, The Atmosphere was lost for me, It became more sterile, But I Lived with it I guess, As long as I have my memories I can always visit the BBG anytime I choose ?
  17. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Kingpin in Baseball Ground Memories   
    100%. This was the true end for our BBG. Nothing after had quite the same edge to it. ?
  18. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to LeedsCityRam in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    That'll just lead to the kind of echo chambers we see in wider social media - people just agreeing with like minded people & progressively getting more extreme in their opinions & more intolerant of opposite views. We're a football club, a mass of people with one shared ambition.
    Reality is there are less than 5 posters I can think of across both sides who look to troll - best to block them if they're upsetting you so much. To close your mind off to well argued contrarian opinion is always a mistake IMO. I am adamant that Warne isn't the right long term manager for Derby but I'll be damned if I can't express my short term joy at results with fellow Rams (some of whom are very supportive of him) & discuss differences of opinion in terms of his long term suitability. It may be there are points that I haven't considered that other posters are using to justify their faith in Warne - recently read some comparing to Klopp & his record in German football which was interesting to read (even if I don't particularly agree)
    You've never going to avoid opinions you don't like at the game itself either so don't see the value in restricting it here.
  19. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Stive Pesley in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    It's worse than that. Some people were clearly furious about it, because they were so juiced and ready to start attacking PW for mis-managing a 0-0 bore draw. Almost like being on their vinegar strokes and their mum walking in on them...😂
    It's a curious and downright weird segment of the fan base.
  20. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to Crewton in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    I don't even think the so-called handball was a penalty. Nelson was behind Wildsmith and two Stevenage players contesting the cross. He couldn't possibly have anticipated that all of them, particularly Wildsmith, would have missed the ball. When Wildsmith did indeed miss the ball, Nelson had insufficient time to react to get out of the way. The ball hit his forearm, which was INFRONT of his torso (therefore not making his body bigger) and rebounded towards the goal, where Bradley cleared it. It was certainly ball to arm, not vice-versa, and certainly not deliberate. Neither was the ball heading towards goal or even towards a Stevenage player. If Nelson's arm had been somewhere else, the ball would have hit his torso and quite likely not even required Bradley to make a goal-line clearance. There was no denial of a goalscoring opportunity for Stevenage either therefore.
    If someone wants to speculate what VAR might have said about it, or the referee if he'd been able to review it, go ahead, but to me it didn't satisfy any of the requirements for a handball offence to be awarded.
  21. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to kevinhectoring in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    Stats are as a lamppost is to a drunkard. More for support than illumination 
  22. Haha
  23. Haha
  24. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to jono in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    Do you listen to anyone ? The academy was stripped of its best talent. The EFL are dictating who and what we can sign, our owner doesn’t have borrowed money to spend. Top line strikers or players in their prime are not available to teams in this position. 
    We faced a physical team today and went face to face in the first half and kept them at bay. We then altered our set up and beat them. We did that with the help of a cracking crowd, a manager who was initially tentative because of player shortages in key positions but had the nous to have a plan B . We were all over them for the last 20. It wasn’t pretty for an hour, I didn’t enjoy the football but just maybe it was because we were playing cheating thugs. I wonder what would have happened if we’d been given a pen when Elder was bear hugged in the box as a cross came in ?
  25. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to jono in Derby v Stevenage FC - Match Day Thread   
    Yes it does … and why ? … because the “opposition” seem quite comfortable with using descriptions like clown, PE teacher, Small time manager. You reap what you sow. .There will always be an equal an opposite reaction.
    I get really stroppy these days and am considering bowing out because the anti Warne stuff from about half a dozen posters is so toxic and inaccurate, it disturbs my karma. I wonder if you would caution those who say clown or describe our manager as inept or make mockery of his desire to have honest players with heart and character rather than just money grabbers after a pay cheque 
    Not having a go at you personally but just pointing out that it is a two way street. 
    We were nearly gone 18 months ago. Now we are in second place and have just won 3 tough points with a fantastic supportive crowd, yet because of the dripping poison from a certain merry band this is a 10 year forum low for me. It isn’t about folk having ideas or opinions or differing views, it’s a mindset that’s ugly and needs to be challenged. So well done @Stive Pesley 
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