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  1. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    Welcome back, Alf - stay off the pitch this time eh? ?
  2. Like
    richinspain reacted to FlyBritishMidland in The Administration Thread   
    Sorry if this has been mentioned but just to add, imagine how the non-playing staff must feel tonight.  Those in the ticket office, club shop, admin staff, etc.  They know they’re future is secure.  Hope you’re still bringing us RamsTV next season @Owen87ITK .
  3. Haha
    richinspain reacted to rynny in The Administration Thread   
  4. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Steve How Hard? in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    Your wife likes it too?.........Erm sorry my mistake, I think I may have misread that. ?‍♂️
  5. COYR
    richinspain got a reaction from Seth's left foot in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    I'm still wearing the original of that for the beach.
  6. Haha
    richinspain reacted to ram59 in The Administration Thread   
    Smooth radio is all 1980s stuff, they're refering to the Maxwell take over. ?
  7. Haha
    richinspain reacted to TimRam in Malcolm Christie   
    Cool, get him training next week!
  8. Haha
    richinspain got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Is that a cross between excitement and excrement?
  9. Haha
    richinspain reacted to i-Ram in What Are You Listening To?   
    I don’t think it’s in the top 10 songs by Elbow.

  10. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Gaspode in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    A complete mistype - but strangely appropriate for part of the film ?
  11. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Is that a cross between excitement and excrement?
  12. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    You better shout loud
    You better get high
    You better tell Forest Derby won't die
    Santa Clowes is comin' to town
  13. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Mucker1884 in The Administration Thread   
    This is turning into a wonderful day.  Great news all round.  ?? 
    (Well it was at the last I've read so far... p2224!)
    I think maybe we should arrange something to show DC our appreciation, our gratitude, and above all, to celebrate the continuation of this fine football club of ours.
    Probably something for the first game... ooh... I don't know... Ooh... Ooh... How about we all wear sombreros, or summat!  How fantastic would that be!
    I'll start a thread up... 
  14. COYR
    richinspain reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    I didn't realise how much this was affecting me. I was convinced I wasn't that bothered. I've lost my grandmother last week and have other issues and thought there were more important things in life.
    I'm not too ashamed or masculine to admit that after reading those Clowes press release snippets on Twitter, I realised my eyes had welled-up a little and I have let out a massive sigh. I now want to have a celebratory drink and put this nightmare behind me.
    I am however realistic enough to know that the football side could well be a struggle for a few years, and I have no expectations, but to know that my home-city club, a club I followed home and away for most of my adult life, a club that I committed thousands of pounds to over the years, a club that has made me laugh, smile, groan and sob, will continue to exist means a lot to me personally.
    Cheers boys and girls.
  15. Like
    richinspain reacted to KBB in The Administration Thread   
    If clowes is basically putting his money up to save the club and give others a chance, say a year, to get their house in order to buy him out, then that will do for me.
    If he is doing it for a long term rebuild, and multi year ownership, then that will do for me.
    Always been about the club surviving. It was clear about 2 or 3 months into this situation thst we would come very close to going under and not existing.
    The fact thet someone, anyone, is willing to attempt to clean up the mess the club is in is, quite frankly, astonishing and shouldn't be overlooked.
  16. Haha
    richinspain reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in The Administration Thread   
    We are not telling you, start on page 6 to find out
  17. Clap
    richinspain reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    I'm sure we can all see the stupidity in this, in that Ashley could have spent the same amount in December and possibly kept us up......but the Boro issues torpedoed that. we won't forget Gibson.
  18. Clap
    richinspain reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    I think with all this talk of rival bids, deadlines in the background, legal actions by players, embargoes, the EFL whims and so on, that it may be useful to consolidate everything we currently know about the situation. So for the benefit of new readers and those who have stepped away through stress and now need a recap.....This is what we know:
  19. Clap
    richinspain reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    Not quite. It’s not a case of the EFL’s involvement helping or not helping. DCFC are still a member of the EFL. The EFL should be helping it in these difficult circumstances, especially as the club has been sanctioned according to the rules over a prolonged period at the behest of other members. That part is done and dusted. We are now a member pure and simple. Our “trade association” is ( or effing well should be ) bound to assist members. That assistance cannot be muddied by past actions for which justice has already been served. And it cannot and should not be conditional on DCFC to act in a certain way in areas governed by commercial law rather than their rules.  The EFL well understand this but are desperate to get their fingers in the pie to justify their   position. It’s a power play and it makes me want to throw up. If they were honest even handed and open they should be falling over themselves saying “what do you need to sort this.”
     Not the usual “disappointment” and “if only” or whatever snivelling weasel words they chose. They have a man on the board who was disqualified as a company director for diverting funds in to his own bank account. They went for us because they were threatened by another member. They are weak, cowardly and employ persons of bad character. 
    It’s an organisation without morals or ethics. A fit a proper persons test ? And people like Peter Ridsdale is on the board ? 
    PS .. you may just detect from the above that I have nothing but contempt and suspicion whenever they say anything. 
    rant over (for now) 
  20. Like
    richinspain reacted to True Ram in Ron webster   
    Ron is 79 today 
    I wished him a happy birthday from all rams fans 
  21. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Day in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    That's Google maps sat nav for you, hope you find your way to your intended destination soon ?
  22. Haha
    richinspain reacted to uttoxram75 in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    They were up for 8 hours!
    We're like a swat team on acid.
  23. Haha
    richinspain reacted to Rammeister in The Administration Thread   
    Too late. Derby is there already.??‍♂️

  24. Like
    richinspain got a reaction from TigerTedd in B4's Film Thread   
    I recently watched this too. I really enjoyed it, but was sceptical about many things until I watched the making ofs as well. Really well made and even more surprising.
  25. Like
    richinspain reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    Gossip says Blackburn.
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