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Posts posted by IlsonDerby

  1. Please don’t be Bob Malcom. Please don’t be Bob Malcom. Please don’t be Bob Malcom. Please don’t be Bob Malcom. Please don’t be Bob Malcom. 


    Appearance #1: optimism at 10/10 from me. 
    let’s hope he kicks in and doesn’t become BM mark 2. 


  2. 25 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Have no fear, Super Conor Wash is back on the grass, Northern Ireland’s and League one’s answer to Messi……David Nugent I mean (always crocked and can’t hit a barn door)

    I agree with you Brown definitely isn’t ready. 

    I mean aside from your own opinions of him Warne certainly wanted him in summer. I have doubts but our manager wanted him so much he got him out of a contract. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, WestLondonRam said:

    Correct but in 3 years time we will once again be bigger than Bristol city. 
    All I care about is the fee we got for him is it worth it? 
    horrihane is the problem in our midfield not Max. 
    Selling one of our own who is better than we have replaced him with is not a blueprint to success. 

    Perhaps but as it stands we’re not even guaranteed to be a championship club in the next year or so 😂 



  4. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    We entered January with Collins, John-Jules and Brown as CF options and ended it woth just 1 of them available 

    People keep talking about Brown. He wasn’t ready. If he was ready there’s be a list as long as our arm of league 2 and even lower end league 1 clubs trying to get him on loan. He’s an exciting prospect but that’s all he is right now and was never going to be given a real first team role this season. 

    TJJ what can I say, I was expecting it unfortunately. Seems to have no luck but Warne was rarely playing him on his own up top. More often he was playing him with Collins which meant we surrender the midfield. This will at least force him to play 1 up top which gives us more midfield. 

  5. Disappointing to not get a striker in but to put some perspective on the window. Our squad is stronger than before it was open. We have another wide option to take the strain off NML. We have a combative horrible midfielder. 

    thats 2 out of the 3 targets fans all agreed we needed. 

    We also guaranteed decent money without going down the tribunal route for Bird without losing him and weakening the midfield. 

    I think the negative reaction is down to not getting a striker but if Wash is back training and Collins stays fit then we’ve got a striker with 18 goals + Warnes first choice striker as our 2 options. 

    Would have loved an Ennis or Smith to tide us over but they only became crucial because of an injury list. 

  6. He hasn’t forced a move? He’s told them he won’t sign a new deal and Clowes has accepted a deal he believes to be good value which is probably just under tribunal fee (a discount for it not being a drawn out affair?). 

    Some derby fans are such babies. 

    ‘turned his back on us’ ‘forced a move’ ‘don’t come back’ 


  7. 6 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

    Lose a fringe player in an area of the pitch with lots of options, and gain a proven goalscorer to add to our threadbare forwards?

    Yes, 100% if we have to move out to bring in. Our focus right now has to be on getting out of this league 

    But we have other fringe players we could get rid of first? 

    Bird likely off in summer. Hourihane the same. New lad unproven really above league 2 level and is only a loan. We can’t just plan for the next 5 months. Smith clearly surplus to requirements. 

    Leaves Fornah, Thompson, Robinson? 

    Smith, Ward, Bradley are likely the players to try and loan out/move on to free up wages and get minutes. Perhaps not even Bradley as we’d be thin on the ground at CB. 


  8. 8 minutes ago, TomBustler1884 said:

    Do we think a swap deal for Fornah and Jonson Clarke-Harris is a possibility or am I dreaming?

    Lose a younger player with potential for an older player on loads of money who isn’t guaranteed to score outside of that posh side? 

  9. 1 minute ago, TomTom92 said:

    Fair point. 
    I’d class Smith as an upgrade or on par. Gregory not so much, thus my displeasure.

    And yet he got 18 goals in 42 league 1 appearances last season for a promotion winning side who were top for chunks of the season. 

    Collins is on 13 from 29. 

    I hope Smith is an improvement. I hope we get him in and he can do well but not at the risk of having to hand out a 3 year contract or anything silly 

  10. 2 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

    He was solid two years ago. But personally and I might only be speaking for myself here, I was hoping for an upgrade on Collins not a back up.

    I don’t think we’re gonna get an upgrade on a guy with 18 goals with a third of the season left to play. Probably going to put score McGoldrick this year. Best we can hope for is good cover short term with a longer term replacement in the summer. 

  11. 9 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    I never really understood the hate for Davies. I think in the promotion season, he really did an excellent job. Whatever happened in summer 2007 between him and the board, we’ll probably never truly know. There is probably fault that lies on both sides.

    But before that, he put together a really honest, hardworking, organised team with a sprinkle of quality in the right areas. Leacock, Oakley and Barnes were excellent that season. Howard had the kind of season Collins is having now but with far more adulation.

    I think it was a really fun season. There were some quality away days. Howard’s last minute winner v Wednesday, Howard again v Southampton, Howard at the double v Preston, for example. Even going up to Sunderland and despite losing in the dying seconds, all the talk was about that goal from Barnes.

    Yes, we didn’t play the same quality of football as Wolves, West Brom and Southampton as regularly, but we had our moments. We absolutely blew away Colchester on a Friday night as I recall.

    We definitely didn’t play the same kind of football we did under Burley but we were very adaptable and could find different ways to win.

    You always felt like Billy would do his homework and get us set up in a way that would give us a chance against anyone.

    Dave Jones left foot was something else as well! 
    Plus going 1-0 up against Portsmouth in our first premier league game back at pride park before Andy Todd’s diving header to rescue a point. 

    It was very very good before it turned sour but the reason people put less emphasis on the football played by that team (because it was quite dull quite a bit of the time) is because the players were not a promotion squad and yet he had them up there punching well above. 

  12. 10 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    First manager I have clear memories of is Nigel Clough, so I’ll start from him. Based on quality of football only, not necessarily results / managerial performance, I’d rank it as the following (only permanent managers included):

    1. Steve McClaren

    2. Frank Lampard

    3. Paul Clement

    4. Phillip Cocu

    5. Nigel Clough 

    6. Wayne Rooney

    7. Gary Rowett

    8. Paul Warne

    9. Nigel Pearson

    Nobody will ever beat the sheer incompetence of Nigel Pearson who is arguably the worst manager to ever sit in the Pride Park dugout. With the talent he had available, how he managed to deliver such woeful performances I will never know.

    But Paul Warne is the one who’s come closest in my opinion. I’ve always compared him to Rowett, in terms of being a dislikeable man who plays terrible, but effective football. Only Warne’s football isn’t effective enough, given the level he’s managing at and the quality of players at his disposal, so he falls below Rowett in my rankings. 

    In my view Paul Warne has the easiest job of any Derby manager in my lifetime. Getting a squad with this much quality promoted from such a poor league should be something any idiot could manage. But he seems to be making a mess of it so far.

    Can’t believe Clough is that far down! 

    when he took the leash off we were superb, the issue is one bad result and we’d go back to draw first win second mentality but some of the football under Clough in the aforementioned leash off short bursts was unreal. The small number of games we had bueno, Commons and cwyka behind Kuqi were liquid football. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Quite successful.....3 promotions from this division.

    What would you classify as very successful.

    Or extremely successful. 

    I say quite successful. You could say ‘very successful’ I would reserve extremely successful for someone who manages to build a team that doesn’t come back down like the titanic? 

    anyway that was a small point in my overall post. Why is he persevering with 2 in mid when it’s clear we’re losing the battle ? 

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