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Carl Sagan

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Posts posted by Carl Sagan

  1. 4 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Very attacking subs, but I don't understand how/why Hourihane is staying on. He doesn't have the legs for a whole game. Does Chester have legs for a whole game too? Odd to bring two of your more youthful players off first.

    Radio Derby says we haven't taken any of the daft (my words) short goalkicks this game.

    Early in the second half I decided the only way we might get back into the game was if I had a change of scenery, so I popped out into the Tower of London Moat (currently planted for the Superbloom), listening to the Radio Derby commentary in the sunshine. Hourihane scored and I laughed as I knew this post would come back to haunt me, but I was delighted and thought I'd take just a tiny amount of vicarious credit. As fans we do everything we can to suck the ball into the opposition net.

    Then I cheered when the winner went in and was spotted by a Beefeater mate (sadly a dirty Leeds fan) who came out to see what the fuss was about. But he wasn't averse to toasting the mighty Derby with some of my vodka and tonic (off duty).

    I worried with the lineup that we simply didn't have enough attacking players on the pitch at the beginning, so well done to Liam for realizing and changing things up. It sounded as if the second half was much better. It's such an important win, going into a break on a high (late goals, especially winners, breed confidence), tweaking the setup for the better with Knight in midfield, and ditching the goalkicks. We could be on the right track.

  2. Just now, Yani P said:

    Collins coming on with NML..

    Off go Bird and Roberts

    Very attacking subs, but I don't understand how/why Hourihane is staying on. He doesn't have the legs for a whole game. Does Chester have legs for a whole game too? Odd to bring two of your more youthful players off first.

    Radio Derby says we haven't taken any of the daft (my words) short goalkicks this game.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Yani P said:

    Wycombe come out 2 minutes late...even time wasting in a break..

    And mind games already, trying to rile our players. But if the ref had told them to come out and they didn't for a few minutes, their captain should be booked. 

    Very important half. We've never lost consecutive home games in the third tier.

  4. 16 hours ago, Brammie Steve said:

    Neptune visible to the naked eye in ESE tonight.

    What can anyone else identify?

    SkyView is a great free app BTW!

    Pretty sure Neptune's never visible to the naked eye, but would be with binoculars.

    It's a but of a mystery that the ancients only knew Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as wandering planets against the fixed backdrop of stars, when they should also have been able to see Uranus. But Neptune is several times fainter than the faintest start it's possible to see.

    I love the astronomy night sky apps for spotting things.

  5. My folks were childhood sweethearts in Littleover, so it was a surprise to both of them when I took a test and on the paternal line I was all celtic, mainly from Ireland, while on the maternal line I was romany, mainly from Lithuania! Had the results got mixed up? I gave them both their own test and the results were confirmed.

  6. On 15/09/2022 at 20:48, Stive Pesley said:

    I'm awaiting a kit being delivered

    I found out last year through some blood tests for something else that I have an obscure genotype which means I have something called Alpha1 AntiTrypsin Deficiency (A1ATD)

    It means that one of my parents has it but we don't know which one, as they are both healthy and in their 80s. And possibly both my kids

    Essentially it's marker that means you don't generate as much of the Alpha1 protein which protects your lungs from inflammation. If any of us had been heavy smokers we'd almost certainly all have ended up with chronic emphysema 

    Weirdly it's far more prevalent than you'd imagine, because it can be asymptomatic and there is no routine testing for it. Quite important though as if you have a baby with someone else that carries the gene, you have a high risk of a very sickly child

    Anyway - it kind of got me interested in genetics. Especially as I just got diagnosed with crohns - which is also supposed to be genetic. Even though no one in my family has it. I don't really suffer any symptoms - which is weird. Especially as the reason I found out was because they just removed half of my colon. They thought I had cancer - but nope it's crohns.. so now i have crohns and half a colon


    Sounds tough, Steve. Hope it's the case to say, better Crohn's than cancer, and hope you're able to manage it well. Must be a worry for your kids, but one thing is that medical technology is always improving. Take care.

  7. 3 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    Well, this is where it is true. Here's the facts:

    This is some strange usage of the words "facts" and "true" of which I was previously unaware. The facts are we haven't scored an away league goal all season. In your opinion, what I termed the subjective statistic of "expected goals" indicates the main reason for this is poor finishing. In my opinion, expected goals isn't a sufficiently objective measure to draw that conclusion and watching the games indicates to me the issue is the lack of good chances. I appreciate your efforts but, like Liam, you are pointing to XG as evidence. And because I don't believe it is, I worry that he is using it to justify himself.

  8. Tuesday 13 September:

    Jack Stretton came off the bench in the 89th minute of Carlisle's 0-0 away draw at Mansfield Town, replacing Kristian Dennis.

    Wednesday 14 September:

    Krystian Bielik started in midfield in Birmingham's 2-3 win at WBA, but was taken off at HT after what was described as "a slight knock to the head". At that point in the game it was 1-1.

  9. On 15/09/2022 at 09:50, sage said:

    If you play 433 where do Sibley and McGoldrick play?


    Oduroh    Davies     Cashin/Chester      Forsyth/Roberts


    Knight    Sibley

    Mendez-Laing/Dobbin     McGoldrick/Collins/Osula     Barkhuizen

    4-3-3 is the perfect formation to get the best out of Sibley and I think works well for McGoldrick.


  10. This is the perfect game for us because of the opponents and their despicable, ambulance-chasing owner. I hope our fans make their feelings known. If it weren't for playing Wycombe who have wallowed in their cesspit of opportunism, then we might start to see a divide between the fans, who recognize the current missed opportunity down to management not getting basics right, and the management who fail to see the obvious. My hope is the unity of fans and players for this particular game will see us overwhelm the opposition with a much-needed win. A shame neither Rooney nor Smith are available. It's looking as if we're contractually obliged to play Osula, and obviously Rosenior is not going to abandon his 4-2-3-1. In which case I would go with:


    Oduroh     Davies     Cashin     Forsyth

    Knight     Bird

    Mendez-Laing     Sibley     Barkhuizen


    Subs: Loach Roberts Stearman Hourihane Collins Dobbin Osula

    If Chester's really ready, then maybe he gets a start, Cashin drops to the bench and Stearman drops out. Or maybe Chester comes onto the bench for Stearman and prepares for 20 minutes at the end if the match allows for it. And, in practice, hopefully this would be more of a 4-1-4-1 formation with Knight's energy seeing him up in support of the forwards a lot.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    Would you be "horrified" if he said: 

    "We're creating really good chances but our finishing has been poor" ?

    But that's not true. The point is we only create poor chances. "Expected goals" is a very dubious, subjective statistic, but even if we were to assume is has a degree of accuracy, when you divide our expected goals by our number of goal attempts you see why we do not score. If most chances have only a 5-10% probability of finding the net, it's the quality of the chance that's at issue, and not the quality of our finishing. We are not set up to create good chances. That's why we've only scored in 16 of the last 36 away league games. And then only 19 goals in total in all of those matches. Liam has to wake up and smell the coffee. Those are extraordinary stats, and not in a good way. There is something systematically wrong with how he wants us to play.

  12. 2 hours ago, cannable said:

    Think he’s exactly what we’re missing as well. Maybe Korey Smith can, in his own way, fill that role. 

    It looks so far as if Jake Rooney could fill that role, but Rosenior won't do it as he has too many players with big reputations he's trying to fit into the team. 

  13. Saw Rowett was trending on Twitter and checked it out. Quite a big "Rowett out" contingent. Here's an example:

    If they bin him off, I don't think he's right for us. 


  14. 17 minutes ago, Rammed79 said:


    Oduroh  Davies   Chester   Forsyth 


    Mendez laing   knight    Barkhuizen



    I'd like us to try something like this would definitely like to see Jake Rooney given a go and think Cashin could do with a break and gives us a chance to check out Chester. I'm not a fan of two holding midfielders .

    These are the personnel I would pick, but in terms of formation I would be more 4-1-4-1 with Sibley more in midfield alongside Knight, but both of them linking with McGoldrick as the focal point of the attack. I genuinely think this is a first 11 and formation that could power up the table and win us promotion. I like Cashin an awful lot but I think he could do with a rest. Tough decisions for the bench. Contenders are Loach, Roberts, Cashin, Stearman, Smith, Bird, Hourihane, Dobbin, Collins, Osula. I don't see that Osula deserves a place at the moment, but that still means not picking two more of these.

  15. Some good thoughts in the OP. My table (with bold for the changes):













    I detest mucking about at the back for its own sake. I hate ponderous football. I don't like creating a mentality in which a player's first thought is backwards. I hate it when midfielders come back into defence to collect the ball off defenders, when they should be further up the pitch.

    I love attacking at pace. I love players taking the initiative with a quick freekick or throw-in keeping opponents off guard. I like clever attacking set pieces. I want players to do everything to score a goal, to want to shoot and drive forward. I love to see élan all over the pitch, players playing with a smile on their face, a whirlwind of fast movement with both players and ball. A team should have at least as many attack-minded players on the field as defensive-minded players. Their first thought should be forwards. They try things and take risks to score a goal. I like pressing your opponents high as a team and winning the ball back in the dangerous part of the pitch. I like to see variety, continually wrong-footing opponents by sometimes running with the ball, sometimes passing it, going long or playing short, attacking down the wings and through the centre - always having options.

    Is that too much to ask? 

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