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  1. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to WestStandStartTheBounce in Sheffield Wednesday (H) 12:30 - Sell Out   
    My interest in England has got less and less over the years. FIFA decided to have this in the middle of a season.
    If I miss an England game then so be it.
    Derby is far more important than any national game or a tournament that comes around every four years.
    I'll be at Pride Park 
  2. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Ellafella in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    We wouldn’t have scored them under Rosenior. There was a “shock & awe” aspect to our opening 20 minutes and disagree therefore about defensive howlers:
    1. 1st goal was really about NML power just nicking the ball off the toe of the defender - not a howler.
    2. Goal #2 - a simple tap-in; noted that Rovers had no defenders on the posts from our corners which is indeed school-boy error-level tactics. 
    3. Goal #3 again was about NML power stealing possession not an error
    4. Goal #4 was about McG ghosting the defender and stealing the ball - again we would not have scored under Rosenior.
    Sorry to disagree but I rate Warne especially his simple approach to what is a simple game made complex by young men with coaching badges and a point to prove.
  3. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tyler Durden in Radio Derby all in for Warne tonight   
    Your post makes the assumption that Derby playing well and Bristol Rovers playing badly were mutually exclusive - have you ever considered that Rovers played badly as we were playing so well and putting them under pressure and pressing then at every opportunity?
    Haven't we been punished for defensive howlers this season? Forgot about Ipswich away so quickly? This isn't La Liga you know it's League 1 where the majority of the goals come from defensive mistakes.
    Your post comes across as extremely churlish and petty, give Warne credit when it's due as I'm sure they'll be more than enough opportunity for you to slag him in the future.
  4. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in How good is NML   
    I love him as a winger, but he's wasted as a wingback. Good performance today.
  5. COYR
    derbydaz22 reacted to Loughborough Ram in How good is NML   
    I like most on here have watched years of football and seen thousands of players but sometimes you don't appreciate how good a player is until he plays for your team.
    Nathaniel Mendez Laing falls into that category for me. I've always considered him a bit of a flighty player who is largely anonymous, a bit lazy but who might get you an occasional goal. Having now watched him for a dozen or so games I think that he is a quality player, with bags of skill, a team ethic and who isn't afraid to work his socks off. I'm surprised how many of our goals he seems to be at the heart of.
    In my opinion he is probably our signing of the summer and if we are going to be successful it will be due, in a large part to him.
  6. Like
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in McGoldrick   
  7. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to LeedsCityRam in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Will be an interesting watch this one. Wendy fan at work very impressed with Bristol Rovers other night, says their front 3 are excellent & they play good, energetic football. That said, they've come off a few days playing Plymouth & Sheff Weds and I wonder whether their energy levels will sustain another big occasion. They also played a day later than us.
    Gven our CB injury issues & how much better we looked with 4 at the back on Tuesday, I'd be surprised if we went for 3 at back/wing backs again. Bristol pretty much matched Wendies & Plymouth for possession so think we need a bit more presence in midfield, hence I'd like to see Jake Rooney make his first league start at DM with Smith at RB & Roberts at LB. If we can get on top of them early, I believe we can tire them out

  8. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Crewton in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    You've ruined my weekend ? 
    All I ask for is consistency really. If he's crap for both sides, that would be an improvement. 
  9. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Lincs Ram in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Gasheads? Plenty of Cokeheads more likely!
  10. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Curtains in Derby County v Bristol Rovers Saturday 29 October 2022   
    Still love Max 
  11. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to sage in Questions for our saviour Mr. David Clowes   
    1. We wouldn't have had time to approach a manager employed by another club and also get a squad together. Also he probably didn't know who he wanted at that stage. 
  12. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in The Sibley Enigma   
    He was hacked down twice when running at goal, last home game. Ref only gave one as a booking - no surprise.
    He is one of the few players we have that will run with the ball at pace.
  13. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Premier ram in Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach   
    listened to Warneys after match comments this morning , this guy knows what hes doing , what he needs and how hes going to put it together , at the moment i think hes only got half of the tools to do the job therefore lets give him and the club a break , by all means lets strive for the play offs this season but its not the be all and end all for me , next season we will start seeing a Paul Warne team take shape, keep the faith COYR
  14. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tyler Durden in Ipswich v Derby (A) Matchday Thread - ‘and it’s live’   
    Our quality or lack of in the final third was really damning. Got into a few promising positions first half and some in the second but then the final ball either through player skill or composure was absolutely non existent.
    If the tactic is that were going to score goals by pressurising the opposition and forcing mistakes then Ipswich didn't read the script last night and other teams might not be so generous too.
    The only really difference between the 2 teams is that we gifted Ipswich a goal and a penalty on silver platters whereas we huffed and puffed but they to their credit gave us nowt. We were never going to score from our own endeavours if we had played for another 90 minutes. 
    Some of the comments about Warne already on here I imagine from the Rosenoir sycophants are really quite pathetic if not tediously predictable.
    Obviously the novelty of winning 2 away games which we never even looked like doing under Rosenoir isn't enough for them but hey ho fill your boots lads if it makes you happy. 
  15. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to RoyMac5 in Ipswich v Derby (A) Matchday Thread - ‘and it’s live’   
    That based on how many previous away wins for Liam?
  16. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Srg in Mr William Osula   
    Dobbin is not getting a look in in the premier league and Sheff Utd are 2nd chasing promotion and won’t be throwing it at a guy with 1 start ever. Chill. 
  17. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    It’s interesting how we’ve managed to put a label on the type of football we’ll play.  It needs to be a bit horses for courses.  I said that LR needed to learn and adapt to the division.  For example, I noticed if we’d sent the centre half’s up for a corner it was cleared, Wildsmith waited for them both to come back and then pass to one of them.  Fine, possession football.  But that also allows the defence to regroup and momentum is lost.  That’s a time to be direct.
    PW may need to learn and adapt to his squad.  And I say may cos we don’t fully know what his style is as none of us have watched 46 Rotherham games in a season.  He’s said we needed to be more composed in midfield.  I take that as get hold of the ball and take the sting out the game now and again.  He’s waxed lyrical about Bird, Bird is not a hoof it footballer.
    I’ve no problem with us being a bit more direct, which doesn’t mean long ball.  It means a targeted ball, getting forward with pace and exploiting space.  We could be direct under Cox, Smith, McLaren, etc.  Long ball is Wimbledon, Cambridge of the 80’s / 90’s.
    I also don’t think it’s promotion or bust this season.  DC has talked about stability and given PW a 4 year contract.  I don’t think he’d rip it up come May if we don’t go up.  He took his time to get who feels is the right man.  Hence why LR was only ever interim.
  18. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Crewton in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Two f'kin games ?
  19. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Last week Bird was the best player so how do you come to the conclusion we’re going to bypass midfield? 
    We were getting nothing out of that game when you have a referee that is incompetent or bias or both. 
  20. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Far too early to be making assertions this is all playing philosophy related and saying don’t like the look of Warneball. He’s been here 2 weeks and today commented on how we lacked control of the midfield so today is clearly not how he wants to play.
    I thought Liam should’ve been given the job but we’ve got Warne and he needs to be given time. I labelled him a long ball merchant but after doing my research he’s someone who adapts to what he has and hopefully we’ll see that in time.
  21. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to nottingram in Warne isn't the Messiah and Stearman is a very Naughty Boy   
    Zero attempt to control the game at 1-0, first thought never to bring it down and play.
    When you reduce the game to first contacts and second balls against teams like Port Vale (no disrespect intended) you make their lives 10x easier because they do it day in day out.
  22. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to Tamworthram in Potential fixture clash with England last 16 world cup game   
    There is zero chance of choosing an England game over Derby for me regardless of our performances and form. We could be bottom of the league and England could be playing in the final but I’d still rather watch Derby. 
    I’ll watch an England game if it’s on free to view TV and I don’t have anything else to do but I don’t really get very excited anymore when the National Team is playing.
  23. Clap
    derbydaz22 reacted to metalsheep02 in Potential fixture clash with England last 16 world cup game   
    Do I prefer to watch Eiran Cashin or Harry MacGuire, not really a difficult decision.
  24. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to LazloW in Potential fixture clash with England last 16 world cup game   
    Might depend on what Warne’s football is like ? (but have to be pretty bad to rather watch Southgate’s particular brand of negative, back foot tripe!)
  25. Haha
    derbydaz22 reacted to Boycie in Manfield town on tuesday night   
    Thats nearly a yellow card warning mate. ?
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