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May Contain Nuts

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  1. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Rev in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    That gets you toss like this


    and this

    instead of class like this


    and this

  2. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from New Gold Dream in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    That gets you toss like this


    and this

    instead of class like this


    and this

  3. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in Louie Sibley   
    Thought he was working his way back from a particularly nasty bout of colitis?
  4. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from EranioIsGod in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    That gets you toss like this


    and this

    instead of class like this


    and this

  5. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from GenBr in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    That gets you toss like this


    and this

    instead of class like this


    and this

  6. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from brady1993 in Louie Sibley   
    Thought he was working his way back from a particularly nasty bout of colitis?
  7. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to SFox1993 in 2021 / 2022 New kit   
    It cant be me that looks at our kits every year and goes to sleep ? I mean they are so boring, id rather have kits that split opinion and offer something different every year than just the same sort of thing. for an example look at the 3rd kit released by Arsenal today.
  8. Clap
    May Contain Nuts reacted to brady1993 in Trusting Sibley and setting up to attack or defend   
    I'll try and outline what I think @IlsonDerby is getting at with the comment on Shinnie's defensive abilities because this is something I've been thinking about for a while, especially when people suggest him as a holding midfielder.
    Broadly speaking you can loosely split "defensive" midfielders into two camps; those that are energetic, aggresively press and are looking to frequently tackle (think Kante) and those that marshall space, rely on positioning and then step in when there is a good opportunity or they have to (think Alonso). One role is about pressuring the opponent and typically intiates the press and the other role is about screening the defence and typically backs up the press. I'll nominally call the first role the ball-winning midfielder and the second the holding midfielder.
    Of course there is obviously an overlap between the two roles and the higher the level the more you find players who essentially have all the qualities to do either but the point I'm making is they are different and require different skillsets and mentality (almost the complete opposite here). Typically* you want the deepest midfielder in a 433 to be a holding midfielder because by doing that the rest of the team in front of them can both attack and press more freely because they have the reassurance that if they get out of position the holding midfielder is behind them shielding the defense. However if that holding midfielder can sucked into the play and out of position i.e. by going and looking to aggressively winning the ball back there is a cavernous gap of space in the centre of the park just in front of the defense which often leads to very dangerous situations. We've seen both of these cases before at Derby; Eustace marshalled the space and was a shield but wouldn't really go press where as someone like Mascerall, despite reasonable defensive stats, was derided defensively because he would go after the ball too liberally.
    Setting aside his ability on the ball for a second, Shinnie is a ball winner who relys on his energy, his aggresion and going out to make tackles. Those are his strengths whereas his positional ability and his reading of the game is only (at best) ok. There has been a fair few cases where he has gotten himself out of position due to how he plays but thats ok because there is another holding midfielder which provides enough time for him to recover and get back. This wouldn't be the case as a holding midfielder and he'd need to remain far more positionally disciplined. One of the major downsides to this though is you actually negate a lot of the stronger elements his ability to press and his energy. Then if you bring his ability in possession, he just lacks the ability both techincally and positionally to adequately link the defence to midfield which is typically key for the role (despite Eustace often being cited as only being ok on the ball he actually did this side of the game to a decent, albeit simple standard).
    Somewhat controversially the player who is most the suited to the role in the squad (outside of the obvious in Bielik) is Bird who tends to read the game well and has good positioning. I quietly suspect he would likely thrive more in that role than he does in a 2 
    TLDR; Just because a player is a good tackler doesn't make them a holding midfielder. Placing Shinnie would expose a lot of his weaknesses and down play his strengths. 
  9. Clap
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Premier ram in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    There's no point in us keeping him if the majority of people's minds have already been made up, if everything he does well is written off as inconsequential and anything he does poorly highlighted and picked apart. Players targeted with threads like this might as well go, they rarely turn it around, especially without a change in management.
    The fans only expect one thing from a winger, but we don't play him in a way that produces that, so why bother playing him at all?
    Tactically we use him almost purely as support to the full backs, he receives the ball with his back to goal more times than any other winger I can remember. He's hardly ever actually able / allowed to play his own game. We've seem to have coached any directness out of him, he looks confused more than anything and when he gets a rare opportunity to actually 'do something'  it shows.
    Against Huddersfield our tactics first half / first hour were based on keeping us solid defensively, keeping shape, staying in the game before subbing on players like Sibley & Ebosele to be more direct and go for the win. Sure enough Jozwiak is selected to play for the first part of this, it doesn't give him any real scope to produce anything going forward and the one chance he does get he fluffs, before being subbed off, and slagged off.
    'Inconsistent wingers' thrive on seeing lots of the ball, facing goal and having four, five (or more!) opportunities to produce something per match. For Jozwiak those opportunities are rare as rocking horse poo and as such there's immense pressure on him every time he is presented with a promising situation. I think he's struggling to carry the weight of that and as opposed to doing what comes naturally he's overthinking everything.
    People are comparing him to past attackers who've played in good teams, been allowed to build up confidence and form in systems set up with an emphasis on getting them involved - I don't see how he's ever going to get that chance here, especially not with the moaners and groaners at the ground on his back.
  10. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to IlsonDerby in Trusting Sibley and setting up to attack or defend   
    Think this is harsh on Shinnie. Think he gets typecast as a Bryson but he’s much better technically on the ball. 
    He sprayed a ball out first time under pressure on the half volley across the turf to Hutchinson and if Bielik had done it we’d be watching it on highlight reels. 
    The fact is you can’t play Ahinnie there because he isn’t a holding midfielder. It’s not his passing ability it’s that vision you need to spot the danger before it happens whereas he spots it as it happens and often gets the job done. 
  11. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Deej in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    There's no point in us keeping him if the majority of people's minds have already been made up, if everything he does well is written off as inconsequential and anything he does poorly highlighted and picked apart. Players targeted with threads like this might as well go, they rarely turn it around, especially without a change in management.
    The fans only expect one thing from a winger, but we don't play him in a way that produces that, so why bother playing him at all?
    Tactically we use him almost purely as support to the full backs, he receives the ball with his back to goal more times than any other winger I can remember. He's hardly ever actually able / allowed to play his own game. We've seem to have coached any directness out of him, he looks confused more than anything and when he gets a rare opportunity to actually 'do something'  it shows.
    Against Huddersfield our tactics first half / first hour were based on keeping us solid defensively, keeping shape, staying in the game before subbing on players like Sibley & Ebosele to be more direct and go for the win. Sure enough Jozwiak is selected to play for the first part of this, it doesn't give him any real scope to produce anything going forward and the one chance he does get he fluffs, before being subbed off, and slagged off.
    'Inconsistent wingers' thrive on seeing lots of the ball, facing goal and having four, five (or more!) opportunities to produce something per match. For Jozwiak those opportunities are rare as rocking horse poo and as such there's immense pressure on him every time he is presented with a promising situation. I think he's struggling to carry the weight of that and as opposed to doing what comes naturally he's overthinking everything.
    People are comparing him to past attackers who've played in good teams, been allowed to build up confidence and form in systems set up with an emphasis on getting them involved - I don't see how he's ever going to get that chance here, especially not with the moaners and groaners at the ground on his back.
  12. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to RoyMac5 in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    This is the worry, but with a few more signings and some more game time, then we might. Plus there's also the potential to play him more than one way. Let's hope the fans will wait. 
  13. Clap
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    If that's all you took from the post I don't know what to say. 
    If there's little to no prospect of a player's performances improving, due to a number of factors including the fans being on his back then persisting with them doesn't seem beneficial to anyone.
    Do you see any potential for a massive turnaround in fortunes for Jozwiak in our current setup? I don't.
  14. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Jozwiak- is it time to go?   
    There's no point in us keeping him if the majority of people's minds have already been made up, if everything he does well is written off as inconsequential and anything he does poorly highlighted and picked apart. Players targeted with threads like this might as well go, they rarely turn it around, especially without a change in management.
    The fans only expect one thing from a winger, but we don't play him in a way that produces that, so why bother playing him at all?
    Tactically we use him almost purely as support to the full backs, he receives the ball with his back to goal more times than any other winger I can remember. He's hardly ever actually able / allowed to play his own game. We've seem to have coached any directness out of him, he looks confused more than anything and when he gets a rare opportunity to actually 'do something'  it shows.
    Against Huddersfield our tactics first half / first hour were based on keeping us solid defensively, keeping shape, staying in the game before subbing on players like Sibley & Ebosele to be more direct and go for the win. Sure enough Jozwiak is selected to play for the first part of this, it doesn't give him any real scope to produce anything going forward and the one chance he does get he fluffs, before being subbed off, and slagged off.
    'Inconsistent wingers' thrive on seeing lots of the ball, facing goal and having four, five (or more!) opportunities to produce something per match. For Jozwiak those opportunities are rare as rocking horse poo and as such there's immense pressure on him every time he is presented with a promising situation. I think he's struggling to carry the weight of that and as opposed to doing what comes naturally he's overthinking everything.
    People are comparing him to past attackers who've played in good teams, been allowed to build up confidence and form in systems set up with an emphasis on getting them involved - I don't see how he's ever going to get that chance here, especially not with the moaners and groaners at the ground on his back.
  15. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to Raich Carter in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Another perspective and some mitigating factors (in no particular order):
    COVID19 Backed his managers Cancer treatment  Blaggers trying to takeover the club  Selling academy players not necessarily his choice (i.e. they can go if they want to via tribunal) Sam Rush I'm not saying he hasn't made mistakes but my take on it is he showed ambition but due to a number of factors, it clearly didn't work. I think it's harsh to be say everything he's done is wrong. It's not like he tried to rob the club as previous owners have. He took a shot... he missed. If we had Clough here playing durge-ball you'd all be moaning about the lack of ambition probably. 
  16. Clap
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Miggins in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    Unfortunately we do seem to have a very peculiar subset of supporters who will always look to do their own club down and simply join in with others slagging it off.
    Ooooh sub-optimal supporters, they can be the new half fans!
    I'm sure we're nothing special in that regard though, every club must have them.
    We can definitely be critical of how Mel Morris has handled the club, but not to the point of excluding basic decency and certainly not to the point of actually being supportive of people taking action against him and the club.
  17. Haha
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from davenportram in South Stand: Respect   
    I shut up when I had a tactical sleep in the Brunswick cubicle!
  18. Haha
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Tyler Durden in South Stand: Respect   
    Not surprised tbf, the most vocal are usually those on the internet and in real life settings probably wouldn't say boo to goose...
    ... bit like if I met you in pub tbh!
  19. Like
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    He doesn't fit in the way we play under Rooney and probably never will. It's not really a surprise he continues to be singled out for criticism from people who don't understand cause and effect on a football pitch.
  20. Clap
    May Contain Nuts got a reaction from Ramarena in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    He doesn't fit in the way we play under Rooney and probably never will. It's not really a surprise he continues to be singled out for criticism from people who don't understand cause and effect on a football pitch.
  21. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to Bris Vegas in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    Joz was fine until that one moment where he should have either shot or slipped in Forsyth overlapping down the left. He did neither, lost the ball, and then his confidence was zapped.
    For 60 minutes his ball retention was far better than anyone else we had in the final third.
    But he needs to add an attacking threat. If he doesn't, then he should perhaps consider a change of position to a deeper role, maybe either as a wingback or a deep, creative midfielder.
    He has the atributes to hold the ball fine and move away from defenders. He can't kick the ball with any real purpose though!
  22. Clap
    May Contain Nuts reacted to matty1986 in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    As is your "support"
  23. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to Kernow in Curtis Davies - Signed 1 year contract   
    He put his body and potentially the rest of whatever is left of his career on the line to come on for the last 10 minutes against Wednesday and help us hang on to survival.
    We haven't had many modern day heroes to shout about at Derby recently, but he'll always be remembered as one. I'm glad he's still here.
  24. Like
    May Contain Nuts reacted to Kinder in Beer Thread   
    We’re at a brilliant place in the Custard Factory in Digbeth called Chase and Counters. It’s a board game bar so we’re playing Scrabble and their beers on tap are top notch. I’m having two halves, both Deyas - a Steady Rolling Man and Magazine Cover. I’ve only got into Deya recently but all the beers I’ve tried have been excellent. First couple were strong DIPAs and TIPAs but these are much more sessionable but still v tasty.

  25. Cheers
    May Contain Nuts reacted to Eddie in Beer Thread   
    St Austell Brewery have added to their range of Belgian-inspired beers (Sayzon, Cardinal Sin and Bad Habit) with a collosal quadrupel called "Divine Intervention" which tips the hygrometer at a solid 13% abv. Not available online yet, apart from as part of a box set, but I picked a couple of dozen up from the brewery a couple of weeks ago. Very nice indeed.
    Also, one of the guys from Antwerp who used to work for Kurt at Belgiuminabox, Kimo Massart, has started his own company up called Belgianbeerbank. I put a delivery in through them last week and it came through in just 6 days, which was quite impressive. I picked up the following:
    2 La Trappe Tripel 2 Rochefort Tripel Extra 2 De Koninck Tripel d'Anvers 2 Gouden Carolus Tripel 2 Kasteel Tripel 2 Achel Trappist Blond 4 LeFort Tripel 2 Saison Dupont 2 La Trappe IsidOr 2 La Trappe Quad 2 St Bernardus Tripel Total price was €90.20 including all taxes and delivery, so basically about £3.10 a bottle.
    He also included a complimentary Tripel d'Anvers glass, which was as welcome as it was unexpected.
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