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  1. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Miggins in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  2. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to ram59 in Chants   
    Spending my whole life surrounded by 'Bluenoses', I can tell you that Blues fans have spent their whole lives 'suffering'. Generally speaking, I find them to be self depreciating, constantly living in the shadow of their neighbours, who constantly harp on about a european cup win over 40 years ago.
  3. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from richinspain in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  4. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Foreveram in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  5. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Crewton in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  6. Clap
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from 48 hours in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  7. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Miggins in Holiday Plans 2022   
    A wee jaunt over to Ilson Friday morning, pick up 91 year old Father-in-Law... and his bloody mobility scooter... and off to bloody well Mable-sur-La-Thorpe for 3 nights in a bloody well static caravan on one of them there bloody well holiday parks!  
    Hey... I know... Sounds horrendous at first light yeah? 
    But the fact of the matter is the old man spent 90% of December-April in either hospital or care home.  We almost gave up on him surviving at one point, and he almost lost a big bag of marbles at another, but he got through it... not sure how... and he's been home since May, with a few little niggles, the odd fall, and a one off flat out refusal to accept the wonderful paramedics' invitation to take him back in to get him checked over yet again, despite his breathing being very iffy at the time!
    We cancelled a similar jaunt in May as he simply wasn't up to it.
    But the past 3 weeks or so have seen him as near to being "back to his normal self" as he's ever likely to get, so now is as good a time as any.  Hey, he'll never be the fit and sprightly 85 year old of days gone by, but he's certainly perkier than he has been since before Christmas, so why not make hay while the sun shines.  Grab the opportunity with both hands.  There's no time like the present.  etc, etc...
    This may... or may not, I hasten to add... be his last chance to see the sea, and smell that wonderfu... well, you get the picture!
    If that proves to be the case, then I for one will be proud to have played my part in it.  He's a good guy.  He deserves it. 
    So, wish us luck... I'm going in...
  8. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Chants   
    Some of the best chants are "banter".  Original, witty, off-the-cuff, and usually in direct response to something the oppo fans have just sang.  Often good enough to even make them laugh/smile too!
    Problem is, some fans don't know where the banter stops, and offense starts.  There will always be a line, and some will always cross it. 
    I guess all we can do is carry on cringing, refuse to join in, and keep them to a minimum... or start a more positive song/chant in direct competition, and hope more join you than them!
    Even Blackpool fans had a sly dig (though NOT offensive, I hasten to add), with their "Jump around if you're staying up" whilst clearly goading/laughing AT us.  That could have easily resulted in tit-for-tat, but on this occasion, our response was perfect in everyway, so much so that the Blackpool fans smiled, joined in the banter, laughed WITH us, jumped around with us, and the party atmosphere was soon in full flow!  Now we're best mates!  
  9. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    I think that is what's called "Coming out of the woodwork...
  10. Like
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Rammy03 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    I think that is what's called "Coming out of the woodwork...
  11. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Overvalued and Underpaid? or Undervalued totally?   
    Muckerette has just nominated me!
    I think it was a hint of some sort! ?
  12. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Are you newly married? After a few years of marriage, your wife will be asking you when does the footy start?
    A season ticket is a passport to marriage bliss, says the marriage councellor
  13. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to Stagtime in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    I have my tickets, ready to go.
  14. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Wiil you be disappointed if we finish outside the top 2???   
    *hoot! ?
  15. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Chester40 in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  16. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  17. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  18. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Ghost of Clough in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  19. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from jono in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  20. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from StaffsRam in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    Best of luck to him. 
    will he be starting or on the bench?  ??
  21. COYR
    Mucker1884 reacted to StaffsRam in Matchday Thread v Hertha Berlin (H) 16th July 16:00   
    The youngest’s first game today. He’s been buzzing around the house like the roadrunner since 0530! ?
  22. Cheers
    Mucker1884 reacted to Tamworthram in Away Memberships   
    Rangers are playing at Blackpool today. Not sure I’d want to be in town this weekend. Probably good natured but a little more rowdy than when we visited.
  23. Haha
    Mucker1884 reacted to i-Ram in Wiil you be disappointed if we finish outside the top 2???   
    For all the faff above, let’s face it some 50% of this forum are going to be disappointed if we are not in the top 2 by the end of August. Settling in time, Time to gel. My arse.
  24. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from Premier ram in Away Memberships   
    So no priority for the Blackpool Massive then?  Is my 1 away game worth nothing to these people? Meh!
  25. Haha
    Mucker1884 got a reaction from angieram in Away Memberships   
    So no priority for the Blackpool Massive then?  Is my 1 away game worth nothing to these people? Meh!
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