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  1. Like
    TuffLuff reacted to uttoxram75 in Pride Park Stadium   
    At last, I have some ITK information.
    A mate of mine (none Derby fan) who is a Structural Design Engineer was at a meeting recently to discuss plans to turn PP green!
    They are looking at solar panelling the roof and fitting wind turbine generators to future proof the stadium from energy costs.
    Thats it! Thats all I know, its early days but the club is planning to do this and is looking for companies to provide detailed plans and costings to carry out the work.
    David Clowes Black, White and Green army....
    Seriously, the fact that Mr Clowes is looking at this is yet another pointer to his love for the club and wanting us to prosper in the future imo.
  2. Cheers
    TuffLuff reacted to Tamworthram in Watchable telly   
    If you enjoy Gomorrah (as I did), I recommend you also watch Subarra, Blood on Rome. I don’t think it quite reaches the heights of Gomorrah but still an excellent series IMO.
  3. Like
    TuffLuff reacted to NottsRam in Watchable telly   
    Gomorrah, for me, the finest series I've ever watched.  Just started again from the beginning.
  4. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from NottsRam in Watchable telly   
    Adding my +1 for Early Doors, started my rewatch on Saturday night and I think it’s better than I remember, the characters are a lot more nuanced aside Phil and Nige.
    Finally started Gomorrah last night after putting it off for years and I’m absolutely hooked after two episodes.
    Also, Winterwatch starts tonight and that’s worth the license fee alone. 
  5. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from alram in Premier League | 22/23 Season   
    I agree in that if it happened to derby then I would be in uproar, but I’m talking as a neutral and someone who was a defensive player. City have three players who could have done something but none of them committed and wanted the officials to sort it out for them. In a world that’s now dominated by VAR I’m not sure you can play that way, and to be honest I think I’d rather my defenders would deal with a situation and sort everything else afterwards.
  6. Clap
    TuffLuff reacted to TigerTedd in Premier League | 22/23 Season   
    But they shouldn’t react differently. Play to the whistle and Fernandez is still there to knock it in. No one has whistled, so there’s still a threat to take care of.
    They’ve often moaned about linesmen being told to not raise their flag when someone is in an offside position now, when there is a risk of someone potentially getting injured while defending an attack that is just going to get pulled back.
    this is maybe why they do that. If the linesman had flagged, everyone would’ve stopped. No flag, everyone should’ve carried on, and in the end, Rashford didn’t get in anyone’s way, so it’s a perfectly good goal by Fernandez. So linesman is right not to flag and let play develop. 
  7. Clap
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Broken iPad, advice needed   
    Small update, but ended up getting it fixed from a mate and it’s as good as new. Just for future ref that these things are fixable.
    Two fingers up to the sh***hawks in the apple shop at Meadowhall!
  8. Clap
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Derbyram1983 in Ones That Got Away   
    Yakubu was a pretty obvious one although how much of it was our actual fault will lead to some debate, but it’s oribsvly the worse
  9. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Wistaston Ram in Derbyshire/Staffordshire/Dorset and surrounding areas including France/Africa wildlife   
    Anybody twitching at the minute? Have a soft NY resolution to attract more wildlife/birds to our small Sheffield garden, mainly because we are over run with magpies and pigeons most of the time. Taking it all rather slowly and seeing what works but been out and got some feeders to compliment a rowan tree. We’ve had stuff coming to the feeders and fat balls but have not been at home to see what exactly, anyway yesterday I had a look out and saw a mistle thrush out there enjoying the berries on the rowan. It’s a little thing but I have to stress we’ve barely seen anything like that around us aside some swifts in summer, along with the result yesterday it made my day. 
    Anyway advice on what to add would be appreciated. I’m going to get a small bird bath for now and we are looking to add some hawthorn to get more berries/shrubbery then have a look at it all again in spring when it’s a bit warmer.
    Also I picked up a bird house that I need to attach to the side of our house at some point.
  10. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from sheeponacid in Derbyshire/Staffordshire/Dorset and surrounding areas including France/Africa wildlife   
    Anybody twitching at the minute? Have a soft NY resolution to attract more wildlife/birds to our small Sheffield garden, mainly because we are over run with magpies and pigeons most of the time. Taking it all rather slowly and seeing what works but been out and got some feeders to compliment a rowan tree. We’ve had stuff coming to the feeders and fat balls but have not been at home to see what exactly, anyway yesterday I had a look out and saw a mistle thrush out there enjoying the berries on the rowan. It’s a little thing but I have to stress we’ve barely seen anything like that around us aside some swifts in summer, along with the result yesterday it made my day. 
    Anyway advice on what to add would be appreciated. I’m going to get a small bird bath for now and we are looking to add some hawthorn to get more berries/shrubbery then have a look at it all again in spring when it’s a bit warmer.
    Also I picked up a bird house that I need to attach to the side of our house at some point.
  11. Clap
    TuffLuff reacted to Srg in Spare Harry   
    Didn’t it involve sex trafficking and/or abuse of a position of power, because that is. 
  12. Like
    TuffLuff reacted to sage in Watchable telly   
    The special was the first one I'd seen, so I'm enjoying watching the programme develop. Just seeing Simon and Sarfunkel approach is the best bit of xmas telly.
  13. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from therealhantsram in Watchable telly   
    Yes I think I’ll be bringing the series again soon. The special wasn’t quite perfection, especially because it had to show all the characters at the most extreme end of their personalities but I absolutely loved spending a bit of time in that world again. 
    Best bit of Christmas telly for me
  14. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Ramarena in Mark Thomas   
    Just to add to this, if I right in thinking Warne hinted that there was some bits to iron out but nothing that they couldn’t sort. It’s fair to say that it makes no sense for Oxford to let him go this month, so we’d need to offer a handsome payout, but also can’t see the point in him working for Oxford past this month either if he won’t be in the role past his contract. 
    My guess is something will be sorted for the end of the month. 
  15. Like
    TuffLuff reacted to Crewton in The Sibley Enigma   
    So now praising Sibley for his recent performances at LB must, in the eyes of some fans, involve rubbishing Roberts' performances? And the run of strong defensive performances are entirely due to Warne preferring Sibley at LB? Not also in large part due the fact that we've had Fozzy performing out of his skin and Smith settled into RB in place of Knight? 
    For me, Roberts hasn't done much wrong and, certainly until the last few games, I've had plenty of concerns over Sibley's performances (check the ratings if you care to). Now he's been working with the coaches and has had a good run there he's making the position his own, but the criticism Roberts is getting is baffling to me. 
  16. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Ramarena in Graeme Shinnie   
    It’s quite funny to me that we’ve spent half a season debating whether Bird and Hourihane are a midfield pair then once we are linked with a different type of midfielder, one who was more than dependable to us in a higher league, then people feel the need to think we are above a player like that?
    To me it fully depends what Warne wants to do with Smith, who has quietly been one of our better players so far, and Sibley because if he wants to move them further up the pitch then full backs would need to be a priority (and Shinnie can play LB which is useful but not really a permanent fix I guess). If we are keeping them as fullbacks and if Thompson gets a loan then I think we certainly have room for Shinnie and would be pretty happy to see him back to be honest.
  17. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Graeme Shinnie   
    It’s quite funny to me that we’ve spent half a season debating whether Bird and Hourihane are a midfield pair then once we are linked with a different type of midfielder, one who was more than dependable to us in a higher league, then people feel the need to think we are above a player like that?
    To me it fully depends what Warne wants to do with Smith, who has quietly been one of our better players so far, and Sibley because if he wants to move them further up the pitch then full backs would need to be a priority (and Shinnie can play LB which is useful but not really a permanent fix I guess). If we are keeping them as fullbacks and if Thompson gets a loan then I think we certainly have room for Shinnie and would be pretty happy to see him back to be honest.
  18. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Watchable telly   
    Yes I think I’ll be bringing the series again soon. The special wasn’t quite perfection, especially because it had to show all the characters at the most extreme end of their personalities but I absolutely loved spending a bit of time in that world again. 
    Best bit of Christmas telly for me
  19. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in Graeme Shinnie   
    It’s quite funny to me that we’ve spent half a season debating whether Bird and Hourihane are a midfield pair then once we are linked with a different type of midfielder, one who was more than dependable to us in a higher league, then people feel the need to think we are above a player like that?
    To me it fully depends what Warne wants to do with Smith, who has quietly been one of our better players so far, and Sibley because if he wants to move them further up the pitch then full backs would need to be a priority (and Shinnie can play LB which is useful but not really a permanent fix I guess). If we are keeping them as fullbacks and if Thompson gets a loan then I think we certainly have room for Shinnie and would be pretty happy to see him back to be honest.
  20. Clap
    TuffLuff reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Graeme Shinnie   
    Strikes me as the kind of player Warne would like and will be more suited to a L1 Paul Warne team than a championship team trying to play technical football.
    But he's not getting younger, and isn't a wing-back.
  21. Like
    TuffLuff reacted to Day in Pele   
  22. Haha
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Crewton in World Cup Qatar   
    Is someone a bit bitter still because they said something online and got a little visit?
  23. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Zag zig in Colin Kazim Richards   
    King Colin doing King Colin things 
  24. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Mucker1884 in Fikayo Tomori   
    He’s a good egg

  25. Like
    TuffLuff got a reaction from Andicis in Fikayo Tomori   
    He’s a good egg

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