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  1. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to ariotofmyown in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Why the F doesn't Mel just pay HMRC. He's got loads of money and created this mess. He should just pay for his mistakes and stop us going under. Maybe he will in the end and he's just waiting to see if anyone else will pay it for him.
  2. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Long Keogh piece in the Guardian   
    Read the stuff he says - and then think of ALL the things that aren't mentioned. "Then came the ill-fated decision. Keogh had missed his lift home..." ? Jack-a-bloody-nory.
    No mention of taxis, seatbelts, him being captain - the player he doesn't name (a v young player!), etc etc
  3. Angry
    RAM1966 reacted to GboroRam in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Discrete, or discreet? 
    Sorry, personal bugbear. Ignore me. 
  4. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Gaspode in Derby County Administration (with the slight possibility of Liquidation still there)   
    Not even slightly worrying - they have an obligation to any potential creditors to find the very best deal for the club. If they limit their search to the few parties that have already been in touch, they'd be wide open to a charge of dereliction of duty.....
  5. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Podcast with insolvency Practitioner   
    Now you are arguing a different point. I didn't say 202 wouldnt go into administration if MM did anything contrary to the interests of the club (well MSD really). I wasnt arguing either that some enforceable events may have taken place either, BUT (as I understand it) MSD HAVE NOT APPOINTED AN ADMINISTRATOR OR LIQUIDATOR ON THE COMPANY OWNING THE STADIUM.
    So the guy on the podcast is correct in saying, and you are wrong, that Morris still has some control of the stadium.
    MSD do not need to do anything as yet enforcing their third party security over the stadium. They have the football club's administrator who will let them know in due course if the loan they made to the club can be repaid from realisable club assets (or repayment by any new owner of the club). After that point if there is a shortfall they will revert to the personal guarantee that Morris provide and/or appoint an administrator to seek repayment from the sale of the stadium.
  6. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to BathRam72 in Podcast with insolvency Practitioner   
    Didn't Mel have to pass this test when he took over? ?
  7. Like
    RAM1966 got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Podcast with insolvency Practitioner   
    I think the fans need to be patient, we should expect to be paying off debt for the next 4-5 years at least - Thanks Mel!!!
    I would like to see an owner come in clear all the debt and then have a sustainable approach to getting into the EPL. 
    That could be either:
    Run within the clubs means and no losses. A sugar Daddy - Who will run within FFP Limits and physical funding with hard cash not debts placed in the club.  It does however have to be within the rules so we do not get another massive points deduction.   I think most of us thought Mel was physically placing hard cash into the club not maxing out the credit card.  If he is true to his word of not requesting that these soft loans are repaid then Mel will gain a 'little' credibility back with the fans.  I really can't see how between him and Pearce though they still allowed the club to get into such an awful state! 
  8. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to Foreveram in Double-Edged Sword   
    Makes me laugh when the young uns sing about Shaftesbury street, like they’d know where it is 
  9. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Double-Edged Sword   
    They don’t even seem to be that drunk. Think it’s more a case of not understanding where the line is.
  10. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to jono in Podcast with insolvency Practitioner   
    Yes … I suppose it’s like learning from your mistakes, which Mel didn’t. As you say, The sort of thing that can launch a punt is when you do get a crop (as we are now ) and are healthy enough (as we haven’t been for 3 years ) not to sell under pressure for funds
  11. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to i-Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I think just you (and your Dad) buddy. Seriously, nobody else really cares too much about him.
  12. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Woodypecker in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    We have to remember that the EFL's conduct in the DCFC disciplinary case has stoked media frenzies and emboldened gobby hypocrites like the Boro and Wycombe chiefs to dip their bread, to make a lot of spurious noise to allege misfortune caused by the 'guilty' party, their aim being to further damage a competitor. 
    * Dragging out the proceedings for over a year and a half, allowing a fellow club (Boro) to engage in actions against DCFC whilst the disciplinary case was in progress (thereby extending the torture for a year, though the actions were thrown out)
    * Drip-feeding negative updates to the media without consultation with Derby (positing 'alternative' Derby/Wycombe fixture lists for a Championship <> League One swap if a 2020/21 points deduction was applied)
    * Stating their 'regret' that their appeal resulted only in a £100,000 fine for DCFC's amortisation technicalities
    * Not reprimanding the Wycombe cowboy for publicly accusing DCFC of systematic cheating
    Now we're in administration, minus 12 points with the prospect of further penalties, most even-minded people would surmise that Derby had copped their just desserts and a reset had been enforced.
  13. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Jimbo Ram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    So we prevented them getting in the play offs? They still had work to do to get in the prem…total nonsense, just ignore the numptie….
  14. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to B4ev6is in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Well thing the longer he thinks he can push us around he will but I hate this man for what he has done to our club.
  15. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to hintonsboots in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    He’s never recovered from us copying his stadium design. Can he really be serious about this ?? The EFL need to apply sanctions to Middlesbrough FC if he doesn’t desist immediately. Perhaps stopping them playing such boring football would be a starting point.
    What is to stop us taking identical legal action against Aston Villa for breaching FFP and denying us a place in the Premier League ?
  16. Cheers
    RAM1966 got a reaction from kevinhectoring in Simon Jordan   
    CEO and CFOs are generally very close and from my experience, if the CEO has made it clear he is going to do what the hell he likes, the CFO has 2 choices, have some balls and walk or sit back take the money and hope that the miracle happens........ 
  17. Haha
    RAM1966 reacted to RoyMac5 in Mel Morris fan club   
    I've got the doctors mobile phone, I'll give him a ring and ask him? ?
  18. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Ramslad1992 in So what would you do with £111 million ?   
    All jokes aside id probably keep £5 mil for myself and my family to live comfortably and my kids to live comfortably, the rest I’d give away.
    money isn’t everything, i’m not rich but I’m very lucky that I have a roof over my head, food on the table and 3 amazing children that think I’m the best thing in the world. 
    there’s people in this world that needs that £106 mil a lot more than I do ?
    Would still be nice though wouldn’t it? ?
  19. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Rev in So what would you do with £111 million ?   
    I'd buy every spare ticket in the stadium until admin is over, and distribute them to school kids and the unemployed.
  20. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to kevinhectoring in Simon Jordan   
    Interesting. I have always assumed Pearce is Mel’s stooge and that they probably speak several times a day. 
  21. Clap
    RAM1966 reacted to Ambitious in Simon Jordan   
    Simon Jordan is bang on the money 90% of the time. 
    I don't think he likes Rooney or trusts him with the job, because I believe going by his comments that he sees Derby as a club who shouldn't be a starting point for first-time managers. He had similar reservations regarding Lampard, I believe. 
    I think what has happened here, certainly going on a few comments on TalkSPORT today, is that (like our fight with the EFL) only half-truths are being spoken, considered and taken in the completely wrong direction. The Championship is an afterthought of a lot of these stations and it shows in their level of research. 
    Mel Morris has clearly closed the tap off and put us into administration when he didn't have to. He could've paid the debts himself and got the club back to a good starting point. However, as he admitted in his interview with Radio Derby, once he decided he would not benefit from any of the finances he put in, he decided against using his own money. He put debts on the club. It's as simple as that.
    Rooney was given the opportunity to start his career here, obviously not in these circumstances, so he has every right to feel coerced into a position that he didn't sign up to. The lack of communication has been painful for us, never mind the manager of the club. I just think he's not completely factored everything in. 
    People still look at Mel for putting money in the club, the £200m comment is utter drivel (and we know it) as nearly half of that accounts to the stadium that he has in his possession. He's still coming away with this as some unlucky person who gave his last ££ to the club in order to achieve success. He didn't. He gambled and when he decided to want out then he decided to pile debts on the club. I guess he said he doesn't want any of the money owed to him back, although I'm not entire sure that is 100% the case. I guess we will see. 
  22. Angry
    RAM1966 reacted to NottsRam in Simon Jordan   
    Did anyone hear Jordans outburst on TalkShite this morning?  He absolutely laid into Rooney for criticizing Mel Morris for not answering his calls and for his lack of sincerity in the meeting with staff and players.  Jordan seems to think the manager has no right to be kept informed of the situation and even suggested Rooney should be grateful to Morris for giving him the job.  It left me fuming.   
  23. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to DanS1992 in Mel Morris fan club   
    Great post, I couldn't agree more.
  24. Like
    RAM1966 reacted to Big Trav in Mel Morris fan club   
    Any fan of Mel is not a fan of Derby in my eyes
  25. Clap
    RAM1966 got a reaction from atherstoneram in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Think again Mel last weeks settled the loan against the stadium, check with companies house!  That is the only DCFC related company that wasn't placed into Administration.   I think this could be one of the following reasons:
    1.  He wants to have a say with the administrators who takes over at the club and he's holding the ground back to ensure he can do!  
    2.  He wants to sell it for as much as possible to re-coupe some of his losses.
    3.  He wants to lease it back to DCFC so he can get his money back over a longer period of time.
    Essentially however you look at it, it appears that Mel will still be calling the shots to a certain degree as he has a circa £80M asset that really should belong to the club.
    I really hope he's not a complete ?end over this as he could end up putting the club out of business...........
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