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I have nothing to say

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  1. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to The_Sheriff in Vs Middlesbrough (H) Match Thread   
    You mean the football that got us 92 pts?
  2. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to bimmerman in Is this our worst Championship team since 08?   
    We've played 1 game
  3. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to AmberRamber in Jacob Widell Zetterstrom - SIGNED, FINALLY - 3yr deal   
    So now the thread has turned to Warne has messed up the goalkeeping with a negligent attitude to the situation.
    Wildsmith was offered a deal in January which he turned down.
    Couple that with we had to change tack and get hold of a striker due to Collins getting injured which yet again Warne was slammed for but STILL achieved a promotion.
    Where and who could we have signed in January that would not only replace wildsmith long term but not upset the balance of a team targeting promotion.
    Iverson was embedded with Stoke
    Rodak would not come to a league one side whilst trying to get involved in the euros 
    Ryan was playing top flight Dutch football
    Zetterstrom would never have dropped down to league one when he was playing for a team challenging for a European place.
    So we get to this window and targets have been identified, bids accepted for a goalkeeper who is generating a lot of talking points as well as a not inconsiderable amount of excitement.
    We have signed some really good championship level operators who have got promotion experience and some premier league experience too.
    Dutch under 21 international 
    And possibly a Swedish international goalkeeper who has literally been playing European football the past few weeks.
    If we finish the season still in this league I'd be happy as we get more revenue and get to go to another summer window to improve .
    If we knew we'd be in existence when the administrators and the Efl bumbled through the process of helping keep the club alive we would have been soooooo happy.
    If we knew we would have gained an automatic promotion and signing the players we have as well as having million pound plus bids accepted for internationals we would have been ecstatic 
    We can't make the lad sign or his club hand him over due to fans getting their underwear chaffing 
    FFS give it a f..king rest fellas.
    Opinions are one thing but this bitching over perceived Warne failures when we don't get what want and start having hissy fits is tedious as hell.
    Imagine what we would be saying if it's Tranmere 5 Derby 1 and our new centre half played in that game.......let me think.....what happened after that..oh yeah.....Palace? Who the f..k are Palace 
  4. Cheers
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from Steve Buckley’s Dog in Shirt Framing   
    I've a number of signed shirts that I've framed myself - I've always used these ones from Amazon, very easy to do.
    Vivarti DIY Adult 3D Mounted Sports Shirt Display Frame for Football Shirt, Rugby Shirt, Band T-Shirt Shadow Box - 60 x 80cm - Black Frame, Black Mount, Black Backing Card https://amzn.eu/d/0bcVcZlv
  5. Like
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from abertawe_ram in Who should be captain?   
    NML first half, Bradley second half
  6. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Crewton in Mathew Ryan - signed by AS Roma   
    That's a bit dramatic too. Apart from Bolton at home when he pulled off that outstanding save, I can't recall Wildsmith being called upon to do anything dramatic.
    Vickers had 4 wins, a draw and a defeat in his 6 games in goal, two clean sheets and only 5 goals conceded, a marginally better ratio than Wildsmith with no stupid penalties conceded. A match-saving performance at Lincoln. I'm not sure quite what people have against Vickers, because to me his performances were steady enough. He may not be championship standard, but I don't think he'd be a disaster either.
  7. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to whiteroseram in Pre season   
    I'm not sure how many hits a video of multiple people behind computers, collating reports and data and texting agents will get as many hits, but they could try I suppose 
  8. Like
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from TigerTedd in Igor   
    Can't speak for India, but there's a great book about the development of Icelandic football called 'Against the Elements' by Matt McGinn. Highly recommend.
  9. Like
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from Adslegend in Spine Tingling Derby moments   
    The first game of the season under Clowes (Oxford) is an obvious one already mentioned, but I'll go with a slightly odder one...
    The friendly against Man U in the preseason we were all allowed back after COVID lockdowns. For a long time it had felt like sitting in a stadium again was something it was hard to imagine. 
  10. Clap
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from Rich84 in Best Chant of All Time   
    I found the "we'll fight to the end" chant rather emotional over the last few years. A little disappointed that it seems to have a dropped out of circulation.
  11. Like
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from Crewton in Best Chant of All Time   
    I found the "we'll fight to the end" chant rather emotional over the last few years. A little disappointed that it seems to have a dropped out of circulation.
  12. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Henrycav81 in Crewe Alexandra versus Derby County - Match Day Thread ( FA Cup 1st Round )   
    While I don’t think Paul Warne is the reincarnation of Brian Clough, the man that actually ruined our club put us into administration left us with no ground and a pile of debt then cleared off 
  13. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to On the Ram Page in Warne Out Out   
    I am ashamed by some of the comments on here about David Clowes, the man who saved our Club from oblivion. Thank goodness he is a Derby fan, because otherwise reading the comments on here, would make me want to walk away.
    Some of you need to take a good hard look at yourselves in the mirror.
    Perhaps, some of you might now realise Clowes is not going to sing to your tune and get rid of Warne, so why don’t you just keep quiet for a few months, (whilst sharpening your knives in the background for you next attack) and let the rest of us have a bit of piece and quiet whilst we support and try and get our season on track!
    Yes I know it’s sanctimonious, but it’s what I feel.
  14. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Warne Out Out   
    So, just to clarify, the man who saved this 139 year institution at the heart of a city and surrounding areas from extinction with his money, re-hired colleagues who’s livelihoods had been taken away, worked to rebuild the reputation of the club off the pitch by doing things like donating “sponsorship” to a national charity, is looking to run the club as sustainably as possible to secure its long term future, invested in the upkeep of the stadium after years of neglect (after buying that back too), worked collaboratively with the EFL to rebuild relationships long soured, continued to invest in the academy, realigned the football side to include the women’s team, and probably a few more things I can’t recall that others might ….has failed to match your personal opinion and expectations that Warne isn’t the right man for us right now and therefore should be sacked, so you’re disappointed in him? 
  15. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Eatonram in Warne Out Out   
    Some (so called) supporters are verging on hysterical in their attempts to get Warne sacked. Will we never learn? How many times must we go down this road of appointing, losing patience, sacking a whole team of coaching staff at great expense to start the cycle off all again. If you can’t support the Club just 14 months after near extinction, even if in gratitude to David Clowes then frankly I think you should stay away (put politely) 
  16. Like
    I have nothing to say reacted to Mostyn6 in 1st July 2022 - The day Derby County last made me cry   
    July last year, it was announced that David Clowes had bought Derby County. Saving the club from disappearing into the ever-growing abyss of crushed football clubs.
    I cried that day. I didn't think it was bothering me that much. As an adult in his mid-40s, I found myself resenting the amount of money I've "squandered" following Derby County around the country. I can probably count all the enjoyable moments as an adult on my fingers and toes, but there are plenty of bleak and miserable memories, from watching Jim Smith's magic-touch fade, Colin Todd's reputation dwindle, John Gregory's over-confidence implode, Phil Brown trying to reinvent the wheel, Paul Jewell signing everyone he could, to Nigel Clough being too negative to try and win. That's before Uncle Mel came along with his mad rollercoaster.
    A few years ago I decided to squander my money on playing Golf badly instead of football, beer, gambling and a curry every Saturday, that made me think I was detached from it all, that I'd cut the ties that only a few years earlier had me desperately scrambling for away tickets for 0-0 draws at places like Preston on a Boxing Day!
    I'd consider myself an armchair radio/TV fan nowadays, and my stress level and general health has been much better. 
    I no longer live in Derby/Derbyshire, which has left me further detached from the club and fellow Rams fans. But from this forum over the last few days, I'm feeling some real rage towards Warne, and maybe even Clowes. It's worse that any time on this forum. Even Pearson had more support! 
    Am I the only one who, whilst disenchanted with performances, and perhaps football in general, doesn't really feel Warne needs sacking?
    Or am I still just glad we have a club to talk about?
    I think some of the people so enraged by Warne could do with taking a step back and a deep breath.
    AS for Clowes, he jumped into Shark-infested waters to drag us back onto the muddy bank, shame on anyone critical of a man who had no ambition to own DCFC, only duty.
    Disgruntled fans could do with finding a way to contribute to the growth of the club, not the demise.
  17. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Stive Pesley in Warne Out - Crowdfund   
    Some football fans are just mental aren't they?
    Here's your daily reminder that the last time we had a manager who was "good enough" for us to actually win something was 16 years ago, and since then we have had 17 more managers who were not "good enough" for us to win something
    So if you genuinely want to throw your own hard-earned money at this situation in order to roll the dice one more time, then you need to give your head a wobble
  18. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Mostyn6 in Warne Out - Crowdfund   
    fans who treat managers like this bring deserved bad luck onto the club and the fans who don't deserve it.
    Behave with class. 
    It's one thing asking for better from the club, but to behave like entitled and unrealistic whingers is another.
  19. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Carnero in Dear Richie Barker   
    The question was literally framed as "It's important not to get carried away with outside noise isn't it?" so Barker had every right to answer the question using the very same phrase.
    Some people will just choose to take offence to anything if it fits with their preconceived narrative.
  20. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to YorkshireRam in Dear Richie Barker   
    Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill!
  21. Clap
    I have nothing to say got a reaction from MarsdenRam in Live football thread.   
    Bolton 8 - 1 Manchester United Academy
    Honestly, what is the actual point of allowing the academy teams into the EFL trophy?
  22. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Comrade 86 in Derby County vs Exeter City (H) Match Thread   
    Shame to see so-called fans labelling our own player as 'dogshit' and other choice terms. By all means call him out on the game, but is the abuse really necessary? He's a Derby player after all. Some on here might like to consider how they'd feel if they were being assessed in such charming terms for their efforts at their place of work. Whatever you think of his ability, he's still a Rams player and entitled to a modicum of respect from us fans as such. He's also 5 from 13 in the league this season, which is far from the horror story some of the drama queens on here portray. Hard to imagine, other spitting on the badge or flat out throwing it in, what would actually warrant terms like 'dogshit', but missing an easy square pass certainly isn't one of them. And this after we've won the game too!
    Likewise Exeter - without fail, every time we win, we get a chorus of "well (insert club name) were by far the worst team we've faced all millennium" type comments. So f****** tedious. Last night, Oxford were beaten by a team languishing in the bottom 3 and Portsmouth could not muster a goal in 95 minutes against the mighty Cambridge, which more sensible heads might think tells you all you need to know about this league. The fact is, we're a league 1 team (as was evidenced by our failure to secure promotion last season) and right now we're playing like one, as often as not. The very same people who sagely pontificated on how hard it would be to get out of this league, are some the chippiest ***** on here now we're struggling. Get in the bin!
    As for the game, the result was never in doubt. I thought we looked comfortable, pretty much throughout and were more than good value for the 2-0. They tried to play football, which was a pleasant surprise, but we were very good without the ball last night, harrying and pressing well and you could see their last vestiges of hope evaporate with the second goal. On the rare occasions they enjoyed a little possession, we kept our shape brilliantly and never really gave them too much hope. I think we look as good as any team I've seen in the league defensively speaking and we have a decent quality midfield if we can somehow keep Max healthy of mind and body and in good form. Still short of that explosive goal threat, though if we play like we did last night, we've enough to trouble most sides.
    As for the result, it could and maybe should have been 4-0 and without the interventions of the myopic linesman, it might well have been. Surely that is worthy of more than begrudging praise, if any. Let's be honest here, there's no such thing as a 'routine win' for a side with our current home record! With 'routine' help from the officials, more often than not we conspire to turns 3 points into 1, or none at all, so let's not pretend otherwise, eh! 
    Moving forwards, I hope that this is not another false dawn and that the attacking line-up is deployed against all but the best teams in the league, where a more circumspect approach is perhaps understandable. While I think we're a long way off Championship quality right now, we do have a strongish squad for L1 and we really need to be ensconcing ourselves firmly in the top 6 sooner, rather than later. Meet that milestone and we can then set about trying to reel in Oxford and / or Pompey which is a far from impossible feat if we can just add some consistency to our game.
  23. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Tyler Durden in Anyone else had enough?   
    I got fed up weeks ago
    At the end of last night's game the Derby fans were chanting Paul Warnes Black and White Army. 
    Coming onto the forum immediately afterwards you'd have thought Warne was the devil incarnate the way the same suspects discussed the performance.
    There's a definite disconnect and what's so annoying is the constant stream of negativity from those same posters whom revel in picking out the criticisms of the team and manager even when we win as though it's a personal hobby and giving no credence to any positives. That's a skill in itself. 
  24. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Ian Buxton's Bat in Supporters’ Board   
    I think there is an element of Peoples Front of Judea vs Judean Peoples Front type squabbling here which is a disappointing when we're being offered fan voices at a reasonable level within the club structure (Life of Brian for younger members).
    I did ask a question re governance when the initial announcement was made regarding the 6 person board.
    My query was related to the fact that there were 3 seats available to existing supporters groups and my understanding is that they have been voted into those positions in those respective groups (please correct me if I'm wrong). However the 3 independent members have to apply and go through an interview process.
    I asked if the proposed members from existing supporters groups would have to go through an interview process so that there was not a mixed bag of appointees and elected members - and I was assured that all 6 members would have to demonstrate the necessary skills and experience to carry out the role.
    I actually found this reassuring in that we will have a board of competent people and not Screaming Lord Sutch / Boaty McBoatface style 'democracy'.
    But......if we have a supporters board entirely made up elected people I'd be much happier than no supporters board.
    FWIW I don't have any links with any supporters groups - I'm merely an attend the games fan - but I have been impressed with the Chair of Rams trust when she's been on Radio Derby and one of the podcasts recently.
  25. Clap
    I have nothing to say reacted to Srg in Owner Statement please   
    There was literally a fans forum last month. Bore off.
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