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Things you wonder about our Forum Members


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I wonder how long this thread will last.

l will start us off. @europia seems to post most days, but always around 22.00 British hours. I wonder why that is? Is he/she English and it’s the last thing they do before going to bed. Or might they live on the other side of the world, and are posting as they eat breakfast. Or does he/she lead a life of routine, where each hour of each day is allotted to a particular task.

Anybody else think odd things about posters on here I wonder?

Edited by i-Ram
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Here’s another one. @mice_elf I have often seen logged on, and he/she has been a member since 2011. In that time they have posted 80 times. That means on average they post once every three months. What I wonder drives Mice_Elf to make comment? Have I missed a recent post and do I now need to wait another 3 months for them to post again?

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7 hours ago, i-Ram said:

I wonder how long this thread will last.

l will start us off. @europia seems to post most days, but always around 22.00 British hours. I wonder why that is? Is he/she English and it’s the last thing they do before going to bed. Or might they live on the other side of the world, and are posting as they eat breakfast. Or does he/she lead a life of routine, where each hour of each day is allotted to a particular task.

Anybody else think odd things about posters on here I wonder?

I wonder about you sometimes, no, make that often.

See how that works?

Best to keep yourself to yourself eh.

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Just now, ramit said:

I wonder about you sometimes, no, make that often.

See how that works?

Best to keep yourself to yourself eh.

What do you wonder though? What I’m wearing or whether I am good in bed? I often think it must get pretty lonely living in a freezing Scandinavian outcrop with just fish to eat and to talk to.

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7 hours ago, i-Ram said:

What do you wonder though? What I’m wearing or whether I am good in bed? I often think it must get pretty lonely living in a freezing Scandinavian outcrop with just fish to eat and to talk to.

Are you any good in bed?  I did not wonder about that, but since you mentioned it,  actually I read the signs.

You enjoy scrutinizing others, but not so much when it' s turned on you, eh.

I am in Iceland, not Scandinavia and cod help me and just for halibut, I am doing alright, don't ya know.

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2 minutes ago, ramit said:

Are you any good in bed?  I did not wonder about that, but since you mentioned it,  actually I read the signs.

You enjoy scrutinizing others, but not so much when it' s turned on you, eh.

I am in Iceland, not Scandinavia and cod help me and just for halibut, I am doing alright, don't ya know.

I’m quite happy to be scrutinised my fellow Ram. Not sure why you wanted to be so passive aggressive with your initial reply.

I wonder how @DarkFruitsRam7is doing in Canada, and this note is just to reassure him I am off to sleep now and he does not need to worry about me posting for the next 9 hours.

Goodnight Ramit. I had thought Iceland closed at 4 o’clock on a Sunday. It does here in Littlehampton.


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7 hours ago, i-Ram said:

I’m quite happy to be scrutinised my fellow Ram. Not sure why you wanted to be so passive aggressive with your initial reply.

I wonder how @DarkFruitsRam7is doing in Canada, and this note is just to reassure him I am off to sleep now and he does not need to worry about me posting for the next 9 hours.

Goodnight Ramit. I had thought Iceland closed at 4 o’clock on a Sunday. It does here in Littlehampton.


I've had a few and it sorta came out, you know, from one passive aggressive to another.

Goodnight I-Ram, fellow Ram, FWITW I was double checking your style.

You passed kinda.

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I do wonder in general how some people’s lives operate when I see them give up on Derby after one defeat, snap at those who have different opinions and then blame ‘having a few’.

Part of me still sees Dark Fruits as a student, I miss Trampie and his wisdom as if he were real and yes, sometimes, I do see

i-Ram as George Clooney, sipping Nespresso in his riser recliner chair as he post his wry observations 😊

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1 hour ago, ramit said:

I was rude to you for no good reason @i-Ram I apologize.

Hey no worries Ramit; I fully understand I can be a bit punchy at times myself, but that wasn't the intention of this thread. I notice that when I was deep in the Land of Nod that @Cisse chipped in with "While I live here in Scandinavia surrounded by wolves and hugging trees I wonder why folks here are so easily drawn to slash out against each other. After all we are all on the same side on this forum". 

Now, I'm not sure if that comment is aimed at me, the thread, or the forum generally? If its at me, I'll take it on the chin gracefully, but the intention of the thread was:

a) to introduce some fun, and different content - and boy this forum needs some humour (good or bad) injected into it. 

b) I wanted to pull in different posters, and draw out more regular content from 'lurkers' rather than getting the same old stuff from the same old posters.

So if anyone wants to engage in my bit of whimsy; lovely. Lets have a NICE thread finding out a few unusual things about our Forum membership. 

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The only thing I wonder about forum members. Is when attending Ram's games, how many members I've unknowingly interacted with over the years.

I see the usual posters popping up all over the site. While I may glean a small insite of them, I've never wondered what these, and other forum members do when not on here.

When I respond to a post, I'm reacting to it's content and will mostly not consider who posted it.

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19 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

The only thing I wonder about forum members. Is when attending Ram's games, how many members I've unknowingly interacted with over the years.

I see the usual posters popping up all over the site. While I may glean a small insite of them, I've never wondered what these, and other forum members do when not on here.

When I respond to a post, I'm reacting to it's content and will mostly not consider who posted it.

Interesting viewpoint. Probably lots who see it that way. I am more into the friendship element of it. I have met some great people off this forum, and whist I might see them very rarely, there are a number on here I would consider 'mates' and would want to help them out if I could. I always try and meet up with posters if I can when I attend games; have a quick catch-up over a pint. I guess that's what makes me wonder what other posters are like or doing because I am less interested in 'Total Derby County' content.  In that respect, I am less worried whether Ozoh has a hammy or ACL, or whatever, than how someone like @Ellafella is given he seems to dropped out of posting over the last few months. I hope all is well Ella.

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2 hours ago, i-Ram said:

p.s. @CisseYou won't find me posting slashing content on here. I leave that to @Dayand @Boyciewho find great amusement in such things.

My post wasn't aimed at you at all. I've read your posts over the years with great amusement and I have learned that almost all of your posts are done with (good)🙄 humor. I meant the forum as a whole. People tend to be triggered very easily whenever someone has a different opinion of things. 

I wish there was more people like you that are willing to see the funny side of things.

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