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Kayden Jackson - signed on a 2 year deal

Jimbo Ram

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23 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Genuinely mate, how many times have you seen him play? Have you just took one look at his stats and thought bargain bucket?

We have no idea what he will bring to this team at all. Other than what Ipswich fans have said, who watch him week in week out.

I remember being excited when we spent £6 million on Bradley Johnson and I wasn't even remotely excited when we signed Ebou Adams.

But look at how both of them worked out.

I just never understand why players are judged before they have kicked a ball for us. 

Warne has said he likes players who can play different positions and evidently he can. Lets see who else we bring in.

Jerry Yates the same - If he had just bagged 15 goals for Blackpool and got relegated, we went up and signed him, the vast majority would be happy with it. But cos of the spell at Swansea, where it hasnt worked out (still their top scorer mind) then some of our fans have turned their nose up.

We are not shopping with millions to spend anymore, those days are gone and very nearly ended us. 

There is still 2 months of the window to go, lets see who we get in and what we spend and watching them play before making our judgements.

Best post I've read in ages!👏 Will come back on Monday as I'd like to feel your positivity throughout this weekend ,or at least yntil the England game starts on Sunday!

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18 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

Yes. I think Leopards don't change their spots, certainly not by the age of 30. Track record and stats don't count so much for young players, but for somebody on a free at 30 years of age the stats are telling. He has played the vast majority of his career below championship level and that's bargain bucket for a Championship club. He sounds like a poor man's Craig Fagan to me, another wide player with a terrific work rate. But as you say, we will see 

Ok, you’ve made your point. I bet you are one of those who thought Gerry Daly was a 🐏 legend 😉

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I wouldn’t be against signing him, but like most, a three-year-deal for a 30 year old is something I thought we left behind in the previous regime.

Like Warne said before, the plan is to get to the PL, it might take 3 years, it might take 10. If our squad involves of 33 year old Kayden Jackson, then I doubt 3 years to get to the PL is a realistic target.

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Other than the length of the deal, I do think this is more of a positive move than a negative one.

He featured in around two-thirds of Ipswich’s games, who obviously got promoted to the PL. The season before he featured in nearly all of Ipswich’s games when they got automatic promotion from L1. In both seasons he scored 3 goals, yet was still chosen so often.

It looks like he has a Jamie Ward kind of influence on the side. In 2013/14, he didn’t contribute massively on paper, but on the pitch he was key to our (almost) successful. That kind of player could be invaluable again.

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4 minutes ago, Kernow said:

Other than the length of the deal, I do think this is more of a positive move than a negative one.

He featured in around two-thirds of Ipswich’s games, who obviously got promoted to the PL. The season before he featured in nearly all of Ipswich’s games when they got automatic promotion from L1. In both seasons he scored 3 goals, yet was still chosen so often.

It looks like he has a Jamie Ward kind of influence on the side. In 2013/14, he didn’t contribute massively on paper, but on the pitch he was key to our (almost) successful. That kind of player could be invaluable again.

I agree. Just the deal which seems odd, but guess we will see if it’s 2+1 or something. 

Saw this from an Ipswich fan which sounds good. 


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20 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

That the same Craig Fagan that was in our team that got promoted?

We got promoted despite Craig Fagan, not because of him. Wee Billy's mate who joined in January when we were dead certs for promotion, only to almost throw it away. Every time he was named on the team sheet we were effectively playing with 10 men. And it was actually with 9 as we also had Darren Currie! 

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2 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

We got promoted despite Craig Fagan, not because of him. Wee Billy's mate who joined in January when we were dead certs for promotion, only to almost throw it away. Every time he was named on the team sheet we were effectively playing with 10 men. And it was actually with 9 as we also had Darren Currie! 

So are you not a fan of Fagan, Jackson, or both 🤔

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20 minutes ago, Kernow said:

I wouldn’t be against signing him, but like most, a three-year-deal for a 30 year old is something I thought we left behind in the previous regime.

Like Warne said before, the plan is to get to the PL, it might take 3 years, it might take 10. If our squad involves of 33 year old Kayden Jackson, then I doubt 3 years to get to the PL is a realistic target.

I understand the concern at a 3 year deal but let’s be honest 30 isn’t the same as it was 10 years ago. Look at CKR etc. 

we also don’t know the make up of the deal either - Did he want 20k a week for 2 years? Have we offered £11k-13k a week for 3 years and he’s taken security over pay? As others have said he’s just been part of an automatic promotion winning squad - I doubt he’d be short of suiters at this level. 

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So my Ipswich supporting mate has text me. Says he can’t hit a cows backside with a banjo but McKenna was a big fan of him due to his power and pace and ability to stretch defences. A very important and useful member of Ipswich’s squad.

Looked raw and poor when I first saw him in that god awful Ipswich side that got relegated by miles in the championship but when I last saw him play against us was a real handful and much improved. As a main striker signing no, as one of a number of different attacking options either from the start or the bench I’d say yes.

Him, with Yates Osborn and Iversen I would class as very good business so far. Can’t believe those questioning the Yates signing (if it happens) 

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Very much a Warne player. Ipswich fans loved his attitude on and off the pitch calling it exemplary. Good honest professional. However he was a scapegoat for a section of the fans and termed as limited. 

Deserves a fair chance if indeed he signs for us. 

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1 hour ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

Genuinely mate, how many times have you seen him play? Have you just took one look at his stats and thought bargain bucket?

We have no idea what he will bring to this team at all. Other than what Ipswich fans have said, who watch him week in week out.

I remember being excited when we spent £6 million on Bradley Johnson and I wasn't even remotely excited when we signed Ebou Adams.

But look at how both of them worked out.

I just never understand why players are judged before they have kicked a ball for us. 

Warne has said he likes players who can play different positions and evidently he can. Lets see who else we bring in.

Jerry Yates the same - If he had just bagged 15 goals for Blackpool and got relegated, we went up and signed him, the vast majority would be happy with it. But cos of the spell at Swansea, where it hasnt worked out (still their top scorer mind) then some of our fans have turned their nose up.

We are not shopping with millions to spend anymore, those days are gone and very nearly ended us. 

There is still 2 months of the window to go, lets see who we get in and what we spend and watching them play before making our judgements.

We're not shopping with much but some rather sticky old sweet and a tuppence found in an old coat by the looks of it.  The blokes put in a lot of money in purchasing so won't spend millions.  It would be a shame however, to flush last years promotion by building a team that will be relegated but be competitive in League 1.  That's what we're doing at the minute, bar Osborn who should still be championship midtable standard.  The squad put together in League 1 in 2022 was actually better than what we're bringing in now.

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2 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

We're not shopping with much but some rather sticky old sweet and a tuppence found in an old coat by the looks of it.  The blokes put in a lot of money in purchasing so won't spend millions.  It would be a shame however, to flush last years promotion by building a team that will be relegated but be competitive in League 1.  That's what we're doing at the minute, bar Osborn who should still be championship midtable standard.  The squad put together in League 1 in 2022 was actually better than what we're bringing in now.

I would imagine a few more will come in, too early to judge really.

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My first thoughts are I’m really happy with this signing.

Cost us nothing, pace, strength and stamina. Also let’s not forget he’s been in a highly successful team for the past few seasons so he is a winner.

Also can’t understand those thinking 30 is old. Maybe 20 years ago in football it was, but with nutrition, technology and recovery advances now it’s about a players prime…it’s got nothing to do with me being in my early 30’s and still clinging on to my youth! 

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16 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

We're not shopping with much but some rather sticky old sweet and a tuppence found in an old coat by the looks of it.  The blokes put in a lot of money in purchasing so won't spend millions.  It would be a shame however, to flush last years promotion by building a team that will be relegated but be competitive in League 1.  That's what we're doing at the minute, bar Osborn who should still be championship midtable standard.  The squad put together in League 1 in 2022 was actually better than what we're bringing in now.

So far, we've signed Osborn.

Shall we see who else we sign, who leaves, how they line up, how we play and what results look like for a dozen games before we resign ourselves to relegation?

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51 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

We got promoted despite Craig Fagan, not because of him. Wee Billy's mate who joined in January when we were dead certs for promotion, only to almost throw it away. Every time he was named on the team sheet we were effectively playing with 10 men. And it was actually with 9 as we also had Darren Currie! 

Craig Fagan was atrocious. Amongst the worst players I've ever seen play for us.

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