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Jerry Yates - signed on a season-long loan


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I doubt there will be an option to buy in the deal, if Swansea paid £2.5mil, they’d surely want a chunk of that back. I’m hoping there’s no recall clause in January though, if he does well for us they’ll just take him back again and it’s hard for us to come out of the loan deal as the winners.

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7 minutes ago, Kernow said:

I doubt there will be an option to buy in the deal, if Swansea paid £2.5mil, they’d surely want a chunk of that back. I’m hoping there’s no recall clause in January though, if he does well for us they’ll just take him back again and it’s hard for us to come out of the loan deal as the winners.

Never say never, but I'd be surprised if he was being considered for recall unless he'd scored 20 goals by January - considering he's not getting much of a look in with this manager - or Swansea change the manager. 

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13 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Suspect it won’t be until tomorrow given his medical was this afternoon

yeah apologies looking that way… was expecting an announcement tonight.

Either way, the medical passed, pictures been taken and he’s training with the rest of the squad tomorrow!!👍



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  • Kernow changed the title to Jerry Yates - signed on a season-long loan

I'm really pleased with this signing, honestly think it's crazy how people are understating his record. Not to mention the guy is seemingly always fit to play games - he's barely missed a game through injury in the last four years (touch wood). 

We are (likely) to be fighting for our lives next season, definitely gives me comfort that (albeit inconsistent) we have a striker in the squad that is at least capable of putting together high volume of goals in a short-amount of games at this level and therefore should win us some points. 

The terms of the loan agreement will definitely be interesting, doubtful but I wonder if there is any clauses to make it permanent or recalls. Although, my understanding, is that he really didn't settle in Wales and part of the reason of him coming back closer to home. 



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