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Derby v Cheltenham (A) Match Thread


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14 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Lol. This is their level? That you Paul?

The back four and keeper are easily Championship standard. The midfield too. We're a bit iffy up front in the striker department. But this squad has the ability to play well in the Championship, but most of them won't be there with Warne that is true.


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Not long got back and i wont look at comments till ive put mine. Blackpool was a blip in Warneball. Ive not much more to say. My heart sank when i saw the team. No play thru midfield...it was gonna be all wing play and cross. We were awful against a side that wouldnt finish top half in League 2!! Warne is lucky to still be in a job as you wouldnt need all the fingers on one hand to count the good performances in the last 6 to 7 months!!

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25 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

Sorry, but did you read the match thread for Carlisle away?

People didn’t care that we won. They were ripping the performance to shreds.

If people thought we played poorly v Blackpool, no doubt there would have been a willingness to say so.

People were happy because we created chances and scored three goals and that could have been more.

Expecting this group of players to deliver that game after game after game is overestimating their ability.

The attack are going to have days where they miss chances. The defence are going to have days where they switch off and concede sloppy goals.

This is their level. We have to take the rough with the smooth.

Agree with you as per mate

I think the truth is that while not scapegoating james collins.. hes a pretty smack bang average centre forward .. even. At this level especially as we have him at the tail end of his career . Am pretty confident that when better is attainable he’ll be out and we’ll look better for it


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1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

In simple terms we have access to resources (not just financial) that are the stuff of dreams for a lot of clubs in this division. Those resources are not being used properly.

Do we really what are they then 

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Well Paul Warne's post-match interview opened a few eyes, and cause a few more to roll heavenwards, no doubt! The first surprise was that a Radio Derby interviewer aske some awkward questions - I didn't think that was allowed! Well done, that man! Also, that Paul Warne was worried that Cheltenham had "overloaded" the midfield, so he chose to avoid it - memories of Monty Python's "Run Away! Run Away" spring to mind. This is against the bottom team, in League 1 who have virtually no performance to speak of all season. They are supposed to be worried about us, not the other way round. So we decide to favour long balls into the channels, and loads of crosses into the box, against a team full of big, tall men. We did show some promise in the first 45, but chiefly when we played the ball on the deck. But overall it was a team packed with gorillas who played the football.

The second half started much, much better, largely because of young Mr Bird, who clearly doesn't listen to team talks, because he had no idea at all that were supposed to be by-passing the midfield! And suddenly the team was buzzing because the ball was being played where God designed football to be played. It's all there in Hezekiah chapter 4 verses 2 - 10, and chapter 6 verse 7. And so it went for about 10 minutes or so, until the Cheltenham boss decided to make 3 substitutions, further flooding, or "overloading" the midfield, and snuffing out Bird's influence. Were you watching, Paul Warne - they saw what had happened, and made some changes to counter what we had done. OR is it too much to ask for Warne to change it up again during the same match, let alone ju8st the once in the season so far? We actually did nothing much, until the substitutions later on. But they changed nothing, because we got Washington coming on to o what was already not working, and we got Hourihane, who played like Hourihane tends to.

The real issue, as I mentioned earlier, and in other threads, is that were are playing the Number 10 role with someone who isn't a Number 10, so we are weak in the key area of trying to unlock the defence, either with a great through ball, as Max Bird showed, or someone who can run at the defence and force them into an error, or break right through them and have a go at goal. Nuff said on that. As for Collin's chance in the dying moment - he had more room to the keeper's left, as he was expecting the camera shot into the top corner. Collins should have "Bladdered it" (how about that for a Graham Richards-ism?!) low to the keeper's right. Oh well. 

We also heard from Warne that we didn't do enough in the first half, an admission he has made before now. Curiously I was of the opinion that the players were played to perform for the full 90 minute plus, not the 30, 40 or 45 they tend to dish up when the mood takes them. Unless they are disillusioned because they know what they are capable of, but are restricted by the pattern (I use that term loosely) that is being imposed on them.

I know some people were expecting a cricket score, and in many ways it should have been, but in reality a 1 - 0 or 2 - 0 would have been sufficient, because this lot were beatable. All it needed was for us to play to our strengths, with a proper number 10, and keep the ball on the deck. Oh well. Onwards and same old, same old.

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Just got back in, first of all we created enough chances to win, Collins should have buried his chance at the end. 

I stayed behind to support my team, and some of u should hold your heads in shame shouting abuse, not called for, then a women a few rows in front of me told a few to stop disrespecting Derby some youth turned round told her where to go, she started to go towards him telling him why bother to come, I tell you what the mouthy youth s*** himself lol, but seriously why fall out, we should all get behind our team, and not have a go at each other all the time. 

I have missed out on a Strewsbury ticket, if all of u moaners hate it that much PLEASE can I have your ticket for Strewsbury away. 

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10 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

Well Paul Warne's post-match interview opened a few eyes, and cause a few more to roll heavenwards, no doubt! The first surprise was that a Radio Derby interviewer aske some awkward questions - I didn't think that was allowed! Well done, that man! Also, that Paul Warne was worried that Cheltenham had "overloaded" the midfield, so he chose to avoid it - memories of Monty Python's "Run Away! Run Away" spring to mind. This is against the bottom team, in League 1 who have virtually no performance to speak of all season. They are supposed to be worried about us, not the other way round. So we decide to favour long balls into the channels, and loads of crosses into the box, against a team full of big, tall men. We did show some promise in the first 45, but chiefly when we played the ball on the deck. But overall it was a team packed with gorillas who played the football.

The second half started much, much better, largely because of young Mr Bird, who clearly doesn't listen to team talks, because he had no idea at all that were supposed to be by-passing the midfield! And suddenly the team was buzzing because the ball was being played where God designed football to be played. It's all there in Hezekiah chapter 4 verses 2 - 10, and chapter 6 verse 7. And so it went for about 10 minutes or so, until the Cheltenham boss decided to make 3 substitutions, further flooding, or "overloading" the midfield, and snuffing out Bird's influence. Were you watching, Paul Warne - they saw what had happened, and made some changes to counter what we had done. OR is it too much to ask for Warne to change it up again during the same match, let alone ju8st the once in the season so far? We actually did nothing much, until the substitutions later on. But they changed nothing, because we got Washington coming on to o what was already not working, and we got Hourihane, who played like Hourihane tends to.

The real issue, as I mentioned earlier, and in other threads, is that were are playing the Number 10 role with someone who isn't a Number 10, so we are weak in the key area of trying to unlock the defence, either with a great through ball, as Max Bird showed, or someone who can run at the defence and force them into an error, or break right through them and have a go at goal. Nuff said on that. As for Collin's chance in the dying moment - he had more room to the keeper's left, as he was expecting the camera shot into the top corner. Collins should have "Bladdered it" (how about that for a Graham Richards-ism?!) low to the keeper's right. Oh well. 

We also heard from Warne that we didn't do enough in the first half, an admission he has made before now. Curiously I was of the opinion that the players were played to perform for the full 90 minute plus, not the 30, 40 or 45 they tend to dish up when the mood takes them. Unless they are disillusioned because they know what they are capable of, but are restricted by the pattern (I use that term loosely) that is being imposed on them.

I know some people were expecting a cricket score, and in many ways it should have been, but in reality a 1 - 0 or 2 - 0 would have been sufficient, because this lot were beatable. All it needed was for us to play to our strengths, with a proper number 10, and keep the ball on the deck. Oh well. Onwards and same old, same old.

If I get chance I'm going to watch the match back. You're the second poster that has alluded to us playing aimless long balls but I just don't remember them.

Id be amazed to see a team hitting aimless balls into the channels have possession of 62%.

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7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

If I get chance I'm going to watch the match back. You're the second poster that has alluded to us playing aimless long balls but I just don't remember them.

Id be amazed to see a team hitting aimless balls into the channels have possession of 62%.

First half was full of them. They died down second half.

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4 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

We must have had about 80% possession in the second half then

Watch the match back, we played plenty of long balls that ended up nowhere. That has nothing to do with possession stats. We had more of the ball than them both halves. Us having the ball for the majority of the game doesn't change the fact we hit plenty of long balls. It was Warnes gameplan as he said on radio derby. Long balls and crosses from the wings.


Edited by oodledoodle
edited to add long ball stats.
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3 minutes ago, oodledoodle said:

Watch the match back, we played plenty of long balls that ended up nowhere. That has nothing to do with possession stats. We had more of the ball than them both halves. Us having the ball for the majority of the game doesn't change the fact we hit plenty of long balls. It was Warnes gameplan as he said on radio derby. Long balls and crosses from the wings.


Well the point was that these balls were just aimless punts.

If they were I assume most of them went to the opposition and therefore would give them possession.

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