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Gary Lineker


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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Where do you think it started with that regime?

An Austrian telegraph runner in the trenches during WW1, Or if you want to be picky one hot night in August 1888 when Alois said to Klara that's a lovely furry pussy you have...may I stroke it. 

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5 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Yea but who cares what Gary has said? Really? 

He comes across as a decent guy, great presenter and a very likeable individual. 

It’s just another case of harassment. 

I don't know Lineker, but that's my impression too.

I don't remember reading anything bad about Lineker from people who have met the guy in a social setting. But hey, I don't know him.

I 100% get people not liking his presenting style and I also get people not liking him for his political views, but this is now a full-on character attack by many people.

There are far too many people pretending it's not their prior antipathy toward the guy that is driving their responses now.

The BBC should act accordingly and appropriately within the terms of his contract and everybody else should just get on with their lives.

Except for me that is. I'm sticking around because somebody has to stick around to tell people they shouldn't be sticking around.

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I've been on Twitter for 15 years and only once felt the need to block somebody.

There's no need because I never see people in my feed who I don't like more than very occasionally. And when they do pop up if I don't interact with them, or with commenters in their thread, Twitter doesn't keep showing me their stuff.

Spooky how that works.

People blocking celebs are usually trying to make a grand (empty) gesture. Nobody cares.

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27 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

Yea but who cares what Gary has said? Really? 

He comes across as a decent guy, great presenter and a very likeable individual. 

It’s just another case of harassment. 

Would be interesting to see what his ex wives thought about that assertion 

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10 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

What counts as misuse of social media? 

Defending immigrants seems mild. Suggesting we sink the boats is more the kind of post that I would consider deserving sanction. 

Defending immigrants?

I thought the Tweet causing the controversy was one where he was comparing our Government to the Nazis?


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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it'----George Santayana From his work; Life of Reason, Reason in Common Sense 1905. It should be noted that William Shirer included the quote as an epigraph in his literary work The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich in 1959. The book was extremely popular when it was published and as such could have lended a hand in the popularity of the quote.

And it has often been remarked on how reasonable many of Hitlers speeches seemed at that time. That doesn’t mean it is remotely acceptable to liken reasonable comments made by todays politicians to reasonable comments made by Hitler. 

I don’t know what the answer is to the issue of illegal immigration. Starmer’s comment is we should focus on the illegal gangs. Also a reasonable sounding comment. Except when you realise that dealing with illegal gangs wasn’t exactly  Starmer’s strength when that was his day job. it’s easier said than done.. don’t you think the Government has tried that too? 


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3 hours ago, therealhantsram said:

The only thing you can infer from this is that someone put pressure on BBC managers to change their position. 

Question is who and why.

I expect that will come out in the next 24hrs.


He won’t face any disciplinary action. He has terminated his own contract. 

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7 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

And it has often been remarked on how reasonable many of Hitlers speeches seemed at that time. That doesn’t mean it is remotely acceptable to liken reasonable comments made by todays politicians to reasonable comments made by Hitler

Why not, that is the very point. They just happened to say similar things, what a coincidence?!

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Anyone in a position to enforce this stance against Lineker has Tory connections. The BBC as we think of it is dead and gone.

Kind of goes a long way to proving the point of his tweet.

I hope this spreads and triggers something bigger. The government aren't interested in truth or accountability. It's about time they had a reminder of the fragility of their position.

Edited by JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta
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28 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I don't know Lineker, but that's my impression too.

I don't remember reading anything bad about Lineker from people who have met the guy in a social setting. 

I think the number of colleagues supporting him backs up that view. The wouldn't rushing to support him if he was your typical arrogant star.

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3 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

It's interesting that almost all of his colleagues have come out in support.

<gasp> I wonder if he's well-liked by people who actually know him?

Probably because the BBC is packed with champagne socialists and box tickers who are probably afraid of being ostracised for stepping into his shoes?

He certainly didn't seem well liked by his ex wife, who accused him of unreasonable behaviour and causing her stress and anxiety, and I'd imagine having being married to him for 20 years she would know him as well as anyone?

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3 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

I think the number of colleagues supporting him backs up that view. The wouldn't rushing to support him if he was your typical arrogant star.

Most celebrities will side with what will keep them in a future job they know how the cancel culture works in this country. 

This is why no one stood up for Matt Le Tisser, Charlie Nicholas and Phil Thompson.




Edited by cstand
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17 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Why not, that is the very point. They just happened to say similar things, what a coincidence?!

And it’s a coincidence that the person pointing this out is someone who was already on a warning for past bias? 

a comment that tolerance can only be taken too far is not a sign of intolerance. Not being tolerant of criminality by the people traffickers and illegal immigrants …and people who risk their own lives and those of others .. that isn’t a bad thing to be intolerant of those things . 

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