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If anyone struggling cost of living


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I suppose every little helps, but why are those of pension age always the target? 

With the triple lock state pension, plus a larger proportion of current pensioners benefitting from a final salary scheme than future generations will, is this age group the best target? 

Maybe the unemployed under 50's need help more, for instance.

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12 minutes ago, Rev said:

I suppose every little helps, but why are those of pension age always the target? 

With the triple lock state pension, plus a larger proportion of current pensioners benefitting from a final salary scheme than future generations will, is this age group the best target? 

Maybe the unemployed under 50's need help more, for instance.

I’m 62 and most of my contemporaries   had final salary pensions whipped away along with companies taking “pension holidays “ when funds were supposedly full but never replaced them when the funds became depleted. 
I don’t begrudge anyone getting help. 
This Govt wants the young , old and poor to blame each other as a deflection to their incompetence and and cronyism. 
We should stick together and support each other where we can. 

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1 hour ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

I’m 62 and most of my contemporaries   had final salary pensions whipped away along with companies taking “pension holidays “ when funds were supposedly full but never replaced them when the funds became depleted. 
I don’t begrudge anyone getting help. 
This Govt wants the young , old and poor to blame each other as a deflection to their incompetence and and cronyism. 
We should stick together and support each other where we can. 

They do the same with public sector v private sector or with people going on strike. They are trying to divide and conquer, but people should be supporting each other and sticking together rather than bickering amongst ourselves.

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Just now, uttoxram75 said:

Our little Asda in Utch doesn't have a cafe so I'd have to drive to Spondon or Stafford costing £5 in petrol.


Unless things have changed recently, there hasn't been an Asda cafe at Spondon for a good few years. (Gotta be well over a decade, if my lousy memory doesn't let me down here?)  There is a McD's in there, however.  No idea whether there's a cafe at Sinfin Asda?  

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Just now, Mucker1884 said:

Unless things have changed recently, there hasn't been an Asda cafe at Spondon for a good few years. (Gotta be well over a decade, if my lousy memory doesn't let me down here?)  There is a McD's in there, however.  No idea whether there's a cafe at Sinfin Asda?  

Quite right Mucker, Sinfin has a cafe but not Spondon.

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