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Paul Warne appointed as Head Coach


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16 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:



beggars belief that we’re being gas lit into thinking that this is all we could possibly hope for with our cobbled together squad of Cashin, Knight, Sibley, Bird, Hourihane, Wildsmith, McG, NML, Barkhuizen, Dobbin, Roberts… he’s not stuck with a team of non leaguers ffs.

The us vs them “debate” on here recently is like a microcosm of recent issues within broader UK society. Each side believing their argument to be correct and no other perspectives can be considered when the truth probably lies in the middle. So much of it is down to our own opinions and expectations. No one is being “gaslit” into anything, you’ve clearly formed your own opinion as an adult with knowledge and expectations, as have others and those contradicting opinions are being expressed. Gaslighting suggests a far more sinister manipulation of a person or persons rather than different opinions on a fan forum.

The squad we have is capable of challenging for the play offs, as it is doing, albeit in a faltering manner. 
It is a squad capable of playing better football than currently on show, as they managed to earlier in the season under both Rosenior and Warne. 
It is a squad limited in places, by age and inexperience but also by depth and imbalance. You and others are right to point out we have some excellent players for the league we’re in. Others are also right to point out the blend of players isn’t quite right. 

I guess once again I’m just trying to encourage a bit of calm and objectivity. There are things to observe, comment and criticise about Warne, and there are things to praise, and there is context to it all in terms of the bigger picture. 

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On 15/04/2023 at 17:17, IlsonDerby said:

I’m nothing but negative about Warne. Don’t think he’ll take us to success. I’d love to be wrong but can’t see it - on here and Twitter. 

I sing my heart out every home match and give the team my full support. 

This is the place to vent frustrations at the tripe we’re serving up so it’s crap to see people being berated for being negative when that performance deserves it. Yet again. 

Perhaps it’s worth considering that all on here are not so lucky to be able to go to games and sing they’re hearts out , you are and so am I but plenty on here aren’t , this is where they get their derby fix , stay part of the Derby family so constant non stop moaning for them is just like having to sit next to a pain in the backside negative moaners who boos the team and the manager game in game out , now I’m not saying be a happy clapper , never complain but come on at least try being a bit more balanced and considerate, up to you but it’s worth considering 🤷🏻‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

I guess once again I’m just trying to encourage a bit of calm and objectivity. There are things to observe, comment and criticise about Warne, and there are things to praise, and there is context to it all in terms of the bigger picture

That was why Warne was appointed and what some of us are now concerned about, the bigger picture. Fans couldn't be sure what he might be intending to do with the squad when he signed, or the players he'll look to recruit (but in commenting about potentially signing Roberts he said Roberts wants to be left CB or even LWB) but that's where we're heading it seems.

Edited by RoyMac5
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Just now, RoyMac5 said:

That was why Warne was appointed and what some of us are now concerned about. Fans couldn't be sure what he might be intending to do with the squad when he signed, or the players he'll look to recruit (but in commenting about potentially signing Roberts he said Roberts wants to be left CB or even LWB) so that's where we're heading it seems.

All valid concerns Roy, I’m not saying otherwise.

I don’t agree with the suggestion that people are being “gaslit” and was pointing out that a discussion of opposing opinions doesn’t equate to the malicious manipulation that gaslighting is associated with. 

It does seem apparent Warne is intent on playing a 3-5-2 system in the future from a number of comments and the recent use of tactics in games. Recruiting for and implementing that tactic could well prove to be a masterstroke or a disaster so I can’t judge it until it happens.
I do agree with the frustration of using it now when it seemingly doesn’t suit the players we have, or more specifically I subscribe to the view shared in other threads by other posters that if Warne is intent on using this tactic now he should at least be using the more rounded square pegs in those round holes, for example put Knight and Sibley as the wingbacks rather than NML and Barkhuizen. 

My own preference would be for him to go back to a 4 at the back system, again using Knight as the right back as he did well there earlier this season and isn’t having the required impact on games in midfield that I’d want to see. Get the likes of NML, Barkhuizen, Sibley, and Dobbin alongside McGoldrick at the sharp end of the pitch to do some damage. He probably won’t, but that would be my preferred approach these last few games. 

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2 hours ago, IlsonDerby said:



beggars belief that we’re being gas lit into thinking that this is all we could possibly hope for with our cobbled together squad of Cashin, Knight, Sibley, Bird, Hourihane, Wildsmith, McG, NML, Barkhuizen, Dobbin, Roberts… he’s not stuck with a team of non leaguers ffs.

In fairness, if you told me 10 games ago we'd pick up 1 less point than Sheff Weds from the next 30 available, I'd have snapped your hand off.

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I think some people are seeing stuff that’s not there , warne is not comming in and dismantling a possession based team / squad and replacing them with non footballers, we were / still are on our knees , we brought players in ( yes a few decent for the level but very old ) to actually be able to field a team first and foremost , get us through the season , not ones to build for the future that don’t fit Warner’s style , warne was brought in to get derby promoted from this division, something that is in my opinion made harder by the fact we are a big club , big crowds , big expectations and big pressure s for the type of players we can afford and or allowed to buy or even loan , whatever he builds will not be big money spent / wasted on players who another manager if one comes in will struggle to shift and be a millstone around the clubs neck so I’m ok to let him build , I may be wrong but quite a few of his Rotherham players have been snatched away from them when promoted 🤷🏻‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

All valid concerns Roy, I’m not saying otherwise.

I don’t agree with the suggestion that people are being “gaslit” and was pointing out that a discussion of opposing opinions doesn’t equate to the malicious manipulation that gaslighting is associated with. 

It does seem apparent Warne is intent on playing a 3-5-2 system in the future from a number of comments and the recent use of tactics in games. Recruiting for and implementing that tactic could well prove to be a masterstroke or a disaster so I can’t judge it until it happens.
I do agree with the frustration of using it now when it seemingly doesn’t suit the players we have, or more specifically I subscribe to the view shared in other threads by other posters that if Warne is intent on using this tactic now he should at least be using the more rounded square pegs in those round holes, for example put Knight and Sibley as the wingbacks rather than NML and Barkhuizen. 

My own preference would be for him to go back to a 4 at the back system, again using Knight as the right back as he did well there earlier this season and isn’t having the required impact on games in midfield that I’d want to see. Get the likes of NML, Barkhuizen, Sibley, and Dobbin alongside McGoldrick at the sharp end of the pitch to do some damage. He probably won’t, but that would be my preferred approach these last few games. 

But it is exactly what I said. My opinion is that his football is absolutely rank and it shouldn’t be this rank with the quality of player available. I’m told constantly that my expectations are too high based on the rag tag team we put together despite our wage budget being higher than most in the division. Honestly the amount of times we are told ‘should be lucky we still have a club’ - yeah we are lucky to have a club and I’ll never forget that Clowes saved us at the last moment but that shouldn’t prevent discourse on what this squad is capable of. 

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2 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

But it is exactly what I said. My opinion is that his football is absolutely rank and it shouldn’t be this rank with the quality of player available. I’m told constantly that my expectations are too high based on the rag tag team we put together despite our wage budget being higher than most in the division. Honestly the amount of times we are told ‘should be lucky we still have a club’ - yeah we are lucky to have a club and I’ll never forget that Clowes saved us at the last moment but that shouldn’t prevent discourse on what this squad is capable of. 

You said people are being gaslit, I don’t think they are. The dictionary definition of that terms is “To manipulate (a person) by psychological means into questioning his or her own sanity.”

People stating opinions that oppose your own doesn’t meet that definition as I see it. Would you feel gaslighting an appropriate term to use for your own anti-Warne stance? You feel he’s the wrong manager and express it as you are entitled to, it doesn’t match the views of others, that doesn’t mean you are gaslighting them. It’s the use of that term I felt was inappropriate. Some people genuinely feel the situation the club found itself in last year and the make up of the squad means Warne is doing an ok job, it’s evidenced by the poll thread about Warne.
Others feel he isn’t doing an ok job and have concerns. That’s evidenced by the poll also.
It doesn’t have to be such a divisive conversation that terms like gaslighting/happy clapper/wrist slasher etc get thrown around. 

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8 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

You said people are being gaslit, I don’t think they are. The dictionary definition of that terms is “To manipulate (a person) by psychological means into questioning his or her own sanity.”

People stating opinions that oppose your own doesn’t meet that definition as I see it. Would you feel gaslighting an appropriate term to use for your own anti-Warne stance? You feel he’s the wrong manager and express it as you are entitled to, it doesn’t match the views of others, that doesn’t mean you are gaslighting them. It’s the use of that term I felt was inappropriate. Some people genuinely feel the situation the club found itself in last year and the make up of the squad means Warne is doing an ok job, it’s evidenced by the poll thread about Warne.
Others feel he isn’t doing an ok job and have concerns. That’s evidenced by the poll also.
It doesn’t have to be such a divisive conversation that terms like gaslighting/happy clapper/wrist slasher etc get thrown around. 

See I do believe there’s psychological manipulation going on when people are constantly playing the ‘we almost didn’t have a club’ card. This has nothing to do with the argument over whether Warne should be doing better with the group of players at his disposal. It’s purely a guilt trip for daring to question which is manipulative. 

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There's nothing wrong with the 3-5-2 system, as long as you have the players to suit the system!

I agree that we should have played this season out with 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 as it best suits our current squad strengths, but people writing off 3-5-2 in general are pretty short sighted and seem unaware that Sheff Weds, Ipswich & Barnsley have played 3-5-2 for much of this season & Plymouth also play with 3 at the back (3-4-2-1).

3-5-2 works with the right players, the league table proves it.

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1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

See I do believe there’s psychological manipulation going on when people are constantly playing the ‘we almost didn’t have a club’ card. This has nothing to do with the argument over whether Warne should be doing better with the group of players at his disposal. It’s purely a guilt trip for daring to question which is manipulative. 

If that’s how you feel that’s how you feel and I’m sorry to hear that. 
My own view is on a forum in which we’re all voluntary contributors, all of whom have similar or opposing views and opinions, it’s not comparable to the abusive personal/familial/domestic/workplace situations in which gaslighting typically takes place. It’s also not as though we’re being dictated to by a single media narrative. 

Everyone posting on here is entitled to their opinion, and they may differ from our own; 

Some say we’re lucky to have a club, I think we are, given where we were last season. As such my expectations are perhaps different to others. That doesn’t make me or them right of wrong, we just think differently on the matter.

Some say Warne could/should be doing better according to their personal expectations, he could or should be, and some people are able to accept that and give it more time, others seem less inclined to do so. That’s an individual’s choice.

Some say they’d prefer a 4 at the back formation, others don’t mind 3 at the back. We have had wins, draws and losses with both systems, there’s an argument for both, one stronger than the other given the options in the squad.

Some people think Knight/Bird/Sibley are all capable of playing at the highest level, some don’t.

Some people believe one of our wingers is blessed with a large….personality, others don't.

We all believe if you don’t effin bounce you’re a red.

And on and on it goes. If you feel strongly that your opinion is more valid than others fair enough, if you feel people sharing opposing views is psychological manipulation then take a step back for the benefit of your well-being as nothing is worth losing your mental health over, not even Derby County Football Club.

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12 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

If that’s how you feel that’s how you feel and I’m sorry to hear that. 
My own view is on a forum in which we’re all voluntary contributors, all of whom have similar or opposing views and opinions, it’s not comparable to the abusive personal/familial/domestic/workplace situations in which gaslighting typically takes place. It’s also not as though we’re being dictated to by a single media narrative. 

Everyone posting on here is entitled to their opinion, and they may differ from our own; 

Some say we’re lucky to have a club, I think we are, given where we were last season. As such my expectations are perhaps different to others. That doesn’t make me or them right of wrong, we just think differently on the matter.

Some say Warne could/should be doing better according to their personal expectations, he could or should be, and some people are able to accept that and give it more time, others seem less inclined to do so. That’s an individual’s choice.

Some say they’d prefer a 4 at the back formation, others don’t mind 3 at the back. We have had wins, draws and losses with both systems, there’s an argument for both, one stronger than the other given the options in the squad.

Some people think Knight/Bird/Sibley are all capable of playing at the highest level, some don’t.

Some people believe one of our wingers is blessed with a large….personality, others don't.

We all believe if you don’t effin bounce you’re a red.

And on and on it goes. If you feel strongly that your opinion is more valid than others fair enough, if you feel people sharing opposing views is psychological manipulation then take a step back for the benefit of your well-being as nothing is worth losing your mental health over, not even Derby County Football Club.

A very erudite and reasoned response.  Mind you, that's coming from someone who shares your view and is patient enough to give him the time to assemble a team that gets us out of this tinpot league with its sub-standard officiating and very limited national media coverage (imho).  I want us out asap, but I think that requires a bit of patience with Warne (i.e. next season) in order to reap the rewards.  

The constant change in hot-seat resident doesn't tend to end well and Warne has achieved what we crave successfully before, so I for one want him to have a fair crack at getting us up.  Once he's done that, I may well have a very different view on the way ahead.

I see his tactical limitations and if he can't show a more flexible approach in the Championship, we may need to take a different path in order to stay on course with David Clowes' plan.  Don't want to get ahead of myself though.  This season was an 'experience'.; one I wouldn't want us to repeat, but given all that happened in the immediate lead-up to it, we've done fairly well.  I've written our hopes of top 6 offs for this campaign and frankly, at the beginning of the season, didn't think we'd be near it anyway.  Doesn't stop the butterflies before each game though.  Keep the faith! 🐏

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19 minutes ago, RedSox said:

The constant change in hot-seat resident doesn't tend to end well and Warne has achieved what we crave successfully before, so I for one want him to have a fair crack at getting us up.  Once he's done that, I may well have a very different view on the way ahead.

If you are after reasoned and erudite could you provide me with the stats that show long-staying managers do better than short-term managers? It's a difficult argument to follow because I'd think that most clubs don't do very well in terms of winning things?

My opinion is that the right manager will succeed when working with the right squad. Nothing to do with longevity.

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Warne stated we look knackered, yet continues to leave Davies, Sibley, Dobbin, Bird and White on the bench rather than allow resting some individuals?

Throughout January he stated he's happy with what we had; even felt the need to allow Thompson to go out on loan, Cybulaki another who surely would be something different upfront rather than no centre forward option out on another loan.


Why isn't Robinson around the squad? Brown? Where the heck is Stearman?!


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5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

If you are after reasoned and erudite could you provide me with the stats that show long-staying managers do better than short-term managers? It's a difficult argument to follow because I'd think that most clubs don't do very well in terms of winning things?

My opinion is that the right manager will succeed when working with the right squad. Nothing to do with longevity.

That's a fair question, Roy - and one I can't provide statistical evidence to address.  And you may be right about the right manager will succeed but the keywords in your comment are "with the right squad".  Have we got the right squad?  I don't claim to know the answer, but my gut-feel is no.  Not just in terms of the "it's not his squad" argument, but more in terms of their attributes for this league.  There are plenty on here who can provide chapter and verse on age range, depth, etc. but the bottom line is we seem to be flagging and I question whether anyone could get this group of old and young heads to get out of this league any quicker.  A rhetorical question,  as we'll never know.  Our track record - at least in my lifetime of 63 years - of hiring and firing is, imho, not good.   Don't get me wrong, I get seriously frustrated with our apparent capitulations in second halves, but that doesn't mean I believe we have the wrong guy in the hot-seat - at least not yet. 

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2 hours ago, Carnero said:

There's nothing wrong with the 3-5-2 system, as long as you have the players to suit the system!

No arguments with the overall point, but the issue for me is that the wingbacks in a 352, and to a lesser extent the wider centre halves, are *really* specialised positions.  You have to have very specific types of players for those positions to make the entire system work.  You can't just chuck a winger at wingback because they can't defend well enough, and it ends up cramping their attacking (as we can see with NML etc), and you can't just chuck a normal fullback there because they aren't good enough going forwards (again, we're seen this with Roberts).  Likewise with the wider centre halves, you can't just chuck a big physical centre half there (like Cashin or Davies) because they have to mobile enough to deal with quick wingers when they come out wide to support the wingback, they basically need to be hybrid fullback/centre-halves (which is why Roberts, Forsyth, Rooney etc have been effective there for us).

To make a 352 really work you have to go all-in on it and get specific players for those roles, and then you're locked into it.  You can't just switch to a back 4 because your wingbacks aren't good enough defensively to play fullback, or good enough going forwards to play as a winger.  Not to mention that the more specialised a player you're looking for, the smaller market you're shopping in, so it's harder to get those players in the first place.  To me, we're much better off with a back 4, and then you're reasonably free to move the rest of the team around (442/4231/433/whatever) depending on what you've got.  Pretty much ever player knows how to play in those systems, so it's much easier to get in the types of players you want.  Plus AFAIK the academy are playing something along those lines too, so there's a much cleaner path to the first team.

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31 minutes ago, RedSox said:

That's a fair question, Roy - and one I can't provide statistical evidence to address.  And you may be right about the right manager will succeed but the keywords in your comment are "with the right squad".  Have we got the right squad?  I don't claim to know the answer, but my gut-feel is no.  Not just in terms of the "it's not his squad" argument, but more in terms of their attributes for this league.  There are plenty on here who can provide chapter and verse on age range, depth, etc. but the bottom line is we seem to be flagging and I question whether anyone could get this group of old and young heads to get out of this league any quicker.  A rhetorical question,  as we'll never know.  Our track record - at least in my lifetime of 63 years - of hiring and firing is, imho, not good.   Don't get me wrong, I get seriously frustrated with our apparent capitulations in second halves, but that doesn't mean I believe we have the wrong guy in the hot-seat - at least not yet. 

I think that the quality within the squad would suggest it easily could be the right squad - we've got a sound keeper/defence, a good midfield with the potential to score goals and of course we have different gravy Didzy! 😄

Hiring and firing managers mostly happens for a reason, but I've seen little to suggest we've sacked the wrong manager(s) except definitely Mac1 (oh and of course Brian). How long was Ranieri at Leicester? So then as to the right squad, this is where my worries about Warne have really exploded. I'm getting the same heeby-geeby's I got with Pearson. I'm worried about the squad he might assemble and the effects trickling down through the Club.

Everyone sees things differently of course, and many were happy to see Pearson appointed, we needed to get rid of our soft underbelly apparently? 😄 Well we got rid of something. I thought Warne would be a more progressive manager for me it doesn't seem he is, he's a bit a Curate's egg well a dinosaur egg that is. 😄


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8 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

No arguments with the overall point, but the issue for me is that the wingbacks in a 352, and to a lesser extent the wider centre halves, are *really* specialised positions.  You have to have very specific types of players for those positions to make the entire system work.  You can't just chuck a winger at wingback because they can't defend well enough, and it ends up cramping their attacking (as we can see with NML etc), and you can't just chuck a normal fullback there because they aren't good enough going forwards (again, we're seen this with Roberts).  Likewise with the wider centre halves, you can't just chuck a big physical centre half there (like Cashin or Davies) because they have to mobile enough to deal with quick wingers when they come out wide to support the wingback, they basically need to be hybrid fullback/centre-halves (which is why Roberts, Forsyth, Rooney etc have been effective there for us).

To make a 352 really work you have to go all-in on it and get specific players for those roles, and then you're locked into it.  You can't just switch to a back 4 because your wingbacks aren't good enough defensively to play fullback, or good enough going forwards to play as a winger.  Not to mention that the more specialised a player you're looking for, the smaller market you're shopping in, so it's harder to get those players in the first place.  To me, we're much better off with a back 4, and then you're reasonably free to move the rest of the team around (442/4231/433/whatever) depending on what you've got.  Pretty much ever player knows how to play in those systems, so it's much easier to get in the types of players you want.  Plus AFAIK the academy are playing something along those lines too, so there's a much cleaner path to the first team.

I want to like this a million times. 👏

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6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

I think that the quality within the squad would suggest it easily could be the right squad - we've got a sound keeper/defence, a good midfield with the potential to score goals and of course we have different gravy Didzy! 😄

This might be my biggest opposing view to a number of posters. I absolutely see and understand the concerns with how Warne is utilising the squad (or not as it comes to certain players/rotations/substitutions) and also with how poor performances have been of late. 

But I just really can’t get on board with the idea that whatever formation/coaching were implemented by any manager, that it would get us much further up the league table than where we are with the current squad, other than perhaps one of those top top level ones such as a Pep/Klopp/Mourinho/Ancelotti if I stepped into fantasy for a minute. 

I don’t think we have the right balance or blend of players in the squad. We do have a solid goalkeeping department. We have a capable enough defensive unit which is lacking specialised right backs and, I feel,  players in the right age profile, there’s also a lack of physicality and athleticism at times. Whether we play 4 or 3 at the back there are opportunities to improve that area with time and recruitment. We do have talented central midfielders, all of whom are similar in size, build, style of play and I think we would benefit from a different presence in the middle of the park to complement one or two of Bird/Knight/Sibley/Hourihane. I don’t feel the combination of those players alone allows us to mix it up against different styles of opponent. A player we own out on loan is the sort I mean, Bielik sitting in midfield with Knight to do the box to box role and a Hourihane/Bird/Sibley as the playmaker would be a much better balance for a 3 man midfield.

Forward options are good, NML and McGoldrick on their day are unplayable. Barkhuizen is a solid option at this level and championship. Dobbin offers raw pace and dribbling ability but lacks composure at times. Collins is Collins, an honest enough pro with determination in abundance but limited in other ways. 

I think we have a good squad, capable of pushing for the play off positions but lacking the blend of player type/positions/age and depth to really push on and dominate the league. Which is how it’s played out. Performances definitely could have been better, but the make up of the squad has been the hindrance all season. Under Rosenior we missed a couple of winnable games which if McGoldrick was available we would probably have won. Under Warne we went on a great run, then the wheels came off. At times the squad has worked really well, at others the limitations have been a big problem. 

I do think Warne could have been using the players he does have better to rest and rotate, he does have limited or stubborn tactical views it seems, but I don’t think we’d be much higher up the league than where we are due to the squad’s strengths and limitations. All too aware that’s my opinion and others don’t necessarily share it. 

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15 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

This might be my biggest opposing view to a number of posters. I absolutely see and understand the concerns with how Warne is utilising the squad (or not as it comes to certain players/rotations/substitutions) and also with how poor performances have been of late. 

But I just really can’t get on board with the idea that whatever formation/coaching were implemented by any manager, that it would get us much further up the league table than where we are with the current squad, other than perhaps one of those top top level ones such as a Pep/Klopp/Mourinho/Ancelotti if I stepped into fantasy for a minute. 

I don’t think we have the right balance or blend of players in the squad. We do have a solid goalkeeping department. We have a capable enough defensive unit which is lacking specialised right backs and, I feel,  players in the right age profile, there’s also a lack of physicality and athleticism at times. Whether we play 4 or 3 at the back there are opportunities to improve that area with time and recruitment. We do have talented central midfielders, all of whom are similar in size, build, style of play and I think we would benefit from a different presence in the middle of the park to complement one or two of Bird/Knight/Sibley/Hourihane. I don’t feel the combination of those players alone allows us to mix it up against different styles of opponent. A player we own out on loan is the sort I mean, Bielik sitting in midfield with Knight to do the box to box role and a Hourihane/Bird/Sibley as the playmaker would be a much better balance for a 3 man midfield.

Forward options are good, NML and McGoldrick on their day are unplayable. Barkhuizen is a solid option at this level and championship. Dobbin offers raw pace and dribbling ability but lacks composure at times. Collins is Collins, an honest enough pro with determination in abundance but limited in other ways. 

I think we have a good squad, capable of pushing for the play off positions but lacking the blend of player type/positions/age and depth to really push on and dominate the league. Which is how it’s played out. Performances definitely could have been better, but the make up of the squad has been the hindrance all season. Under Rosenior we missed a couple of winnable games which if McGoldrick was available we would probably have won. Under Warne we went on a great run, then the wheels came off. At times the squad has worked really well, at others the limitations have been a big problem. 

I do think Warne could have been using the players he does have better to rest and rotate, he does have limited or stubborn tactical views it seems, but I don’t think we’d be much higher up the league than where we are due to the squad’s strengths and limitations. All too aware that’s my opinion and others don’t necessarily share it. 

Hear, hear. It's a game of opinions, that's for sure.  And if you don't like mine, I have others! 😃

Edited by RedSox
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