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Gotta love Extinction Rebellion

Bob The Badger

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Likewise - which is the bigger crime?

Throwing some soup at a pane of glass in an art gallery, or the fact that the government is planning to renege on climate action promises on fossil fuels and want to grant 40 new licenses to open new oil fields? Which one will have an impact on your life and your kid's lives?

Ooh she's got blue hair, ooh I bet she uses plastics, ooh bloody students, get a job etc




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5 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Helpfully they’ll go and stop traffic in China this week 


If they do then they should be let off with it. 

It's about time we stopped trying to prevent small crimes. I hate it. Tiny bit of vandalism or anti social behaviour and you get arrested. Nanny state. 

Soon you won't even be able to mug someone in the name of Greta Thunberg without the police sticking their nose it. 

They should be arresting the government. And you should be sticking up for me, you planet killer!!

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Likewise - which is the bigger crime?

Throwing some soup at a pane of glass in an art gallery, or the fact that the government is planning to renege on climate action promises on fossil fuels and want to grant 40 new licenses to open new oil fields? Which one will have an impact on your life and your kid's lives?

Ooh she's got blue hair, ooh I bet she uses plastics, ooh bloody students, get a job etc




I think both protests are pretty dumb ideas. Alienating the public isn't an effective way of winning them over to your argument. "Oh, but we got your attention" they say - yes, but not in a good way. The chances of them getting more supporters from these actions, particularly among those who don't look like them, are slim imo. 

Inconvenience the government, not the general public, and the general public are more likely to take notice of your message.

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Helpfully they’ll go and stop traffic in China this week 


I'm sure it has been pointed out that its not that China is churning out thousands of tons of cheap crap for nothing - they do it to provide cheap consumer goods that we buy. If we stopped buying it, there'd be no market for producing it in the first place. We're equally culpable. 

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1 minute ago, GboroRam said:

I'm sure it has been pointed out that its not that China is churning out thousands of tons of cheap crap for nothing - they do it to provide cheap consumer goods that we buy. If we stopped buying it, there'd be no market for producing it in the first place. We're equally culpable. 

To be frank I am fully behind improving our carbon footprint and100% agree with you. However if we stop slitting our own throats with unachievable green policy in the Uk make local manufacturing more competitive and reduce consumer prices for home made products then maybe just maybe we might reduce the damage done elsewhere. Unfortunately the stop oil protesters and alike want stricter green policy in the UK, which will have an adverse effect on the cost of living and also producing in the UK forcing people buy more cheap stuff from abroad with a much bigger carbon footprint. It’s about balance, and the folks protesting are not offering that imo anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

Likewise - which is the bigger crime?

Throwing some soup at a pane of glass in an art gallery, or the fact that the government is planning to renege on climate action promises on fossil fuels and want to grant 40 new licenses to open new oil fields? Which one will have an impact on your life and your kid's lives?

Ooh she's got blue hair, ooh I bet she uses plastics, ooh bloody students, get a job etc




That is relevant though.  More so the product within if your going to this extreme.  Do the products you use contain microbeads or palm oil.  Are you using CFC based kitchen appliances.  Are you using clothing clogging up rivers with crap 2000 miles away.  Are you buying cheap clothing and disposing of it which stuffs landfill by being shipped off to Africa as saleable goods which no one buys. Are you wearing leather based products. etc etc.  

To say none of this is relevant is a nonsense if your defacing stuff and inconveniencing people.  Bit like saying a tackle to the ankle, leg, knee is never a red card unless you also punch them in the face.

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I don't think pouring out milk in Sainsbury effects anyone but shoppers and Staff cleaning it up. And those people are more likely to dismiss them as disruptive anti social vandals than lend an ear. 

As @Crewtonsaid. They'll say they're raising awareness. But they're going to alienate people with their rage against the machine vandalism. If people don't care now do they really think pouring milk out is going to inspire some kind of awakening? 

Well, I guess they do. But personally I think they make it easy for media to paint them as "woke" privileged students and unemployed internet warriors who watched Joker a few too many times. 

Same as during BLM. Saying if you're not anti racist then you're racist is just going to make people defensive. You can call them what you like but you've forced them into a defensive stance. As many like Terry Crews and Steven Bartlett pointed out to receive much abuse. 

You can't divide people up into ignorant and woke. Many folk just need to become aware of something and see what they're doing to decide to change. 

These morons blocking motorways raise division not awareness 

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11 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:



Well that’ll save the planet, cheers. I am sure the Earth is looking at the C02 output and thinking cor blimey I can’t breath properly, but it’s ok because it’s not amount of crap being chucked out it’s the amount per head. 

Edited by TexasRam
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2 hours ago, Crewton said:

I think both protests are pretty dumb ideas. Alienating the public isn't an effective way of winning them over to your argument. "Oh, but we got your attention" they say - yes, but not in a good way. The chances of them getting more supporters from these actions, particularly among those who don't look like them, are slim imo. 

Inconvenience the government, not the general public, and the general public are more likely to take notice of your message.

They have no interest in "winning people over to their argument". They just want draw attention to the fact that humanity is sleepwalking into extinction.

Who should need to be "won over" to that argument anyway? Assuming that no one actually wants to actively see the end of the human race

If they don't engage in these outrageous tactics then human nature is to pretend that it will all be ok.

Climate change, mass extinction, ecological collapse, economic collapse, pandemics, floods, fires - nothing to see here. I'm too busy being angry about a student with blue hair who has forced me to think about it





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Who's attention are they trying to draw then? 

The Government aren't going to change their actions because 25 people blocked the M6. 

Throwing paint at a painting isn't going to make anyone change their lives or mend their ways. It will just vandals arrested. 

So they're not even trying to draw attention to a situation. They're not trying to get everyone to switch on to what's happening in the world and then apply pressure to Government on a larger scale or through voting or through whatever means. They're thinking that they alone are going to force the Government to rethink? 

That seems a really awful strategy. Blue hair or not. Without a powerful tool as social media and they choose to go head to head with the Government and Corporations and not care about public opinion or perception. 

I guess "well we're talking about it so it worked" will be the argument. But that's all we'll do is argue about the rights and wrongs of vandalising stuff. What we going to do? Nothing. 

What will happen is they'll be painted as nuisance vandals and troublemakers and one time they block the M6 people will get hurt. 

Just because someone has good cause it doesn't give them reason to do whatever they feel like in the comfort that they're right. 

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Why do these people not match on Westminster? Or set up shop outside No.10? Genuinely curious

If they're not bothered about breaking the law and want to force change through controversy and a touch of chaos then why not go more direct? 

The coverage of that might even gain more support? Is there a reason why that's not an option?

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The mistake you continue to mistake is that you're looking at it from the perspective of today. 

You would have hated the suffragettes - they were doing far worse to draw attention to their cause, and there were large active ant-suffrage movements that opposed them


But history has shown that they were right, and now they are taught in schools as a brilliant and inspiring example of how to force social change

Assuming that we do change course and the planet isn't a desolate wasteland in 100 years, these campaigners will be talked about in the same way.

The angry old fat blokes on football forums - not so much







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2 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

The mistake you continue to mistake is that you're looking at it from the perspective of today. 

You would have hated the suffragettes - they were doing far worse to draw attention to their cause, and there were large active ant-suffrage movements that opposed them


But history has shown that they were right, and now they are taught in schools as a brilliant and inspiring example of how to force social change

Assuming that we do change course and the planet isn't a desolate wasteland in 100 years, these campaigners will be talked about in the same way.

The angry old fat blokes on football forums - not so much







Wait, I would have hated the suffragettes because I would have disapproved of bombing and arson? 

Interesting take. 

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