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Weird food and drink


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22 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:
  • Wensleydale, or cheddar, cheese with Christmas Cake
  • Salad cream in mashed potato

Try'em both and you'll never go back, I promise.

Nothing wrong with cheese and a rich fruit cake, it's a great combination.

But salad cream with anything is a big no.  Ever since being sick after I was forced to eat this vile stuff at school, means just the smell of it, is enough to turn my stomach.

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1 hour ago, sage said:

Do you eat or drink weird combinations or in an odd way?

To start us off I prefer lasagne and custard (even on hot puddings) cold. If I have leftover pizza the following day, I prefer that cold too. 

I read that initially as you  liking cold custard on lasagne. Please tell me I got that wrong and you really meant you prefer both eaten cold but separately. 

I find the flavour of a lot of food is enhanced when cold than when piping hot. 

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3 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

I read that initially as you  liking cold custard on lasagne. Please tell me I got that wrong and you really meant you prefer both eaten cold but separately. 

I find the flavour of a lot of food is enhanced when cold than when piping hot. 

Both eaten separately and yes flavour is enhanced cold. Whereas as the taste of beer is lost when it is too cold. When i say cold lasagne, maybe lukewarm 

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It's been a while, but crunchy peanut butter, strawberry jam, and Walkers Cheese and Onion sandwich was a firm favourite years ago.  I would kill for one even now!

Crisps in soup was another.
Agree with day old cold pizza.  Not fridge cold mind, so more towards room temp.


When I was a kid, used to love Lime curd (as opposed to the common or garden lemon variety) and recently tried to find it on a shelf, to no avail. 
In September, in a Dorset Farm Shop, and quite by chance, I finally found an array of different flavoured curds... including the lime... but I opted to spend my pocket money on the Coffee Curd instead (Who knew there even was such a thing!).  It was absolutely divine! (On wholemeal toast... no butter!)


God, I'm hungry!  


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27 minutes ago, David said:

Milk and tea bag in before the hot water.

Cheese and gravy on battered cod with mushy peas.

Amazon cardboard boxes instead of turkey.

Not weird but not socially accepted which is actually weird.

Did you develop these habits after you left Derby?

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Salad cream on anything definitely qualifies as weird. Probably only eaten by people who think meat paste is an acceptable sandwich filling. Acceptable in the 50's, maybe.

Eating things cold that should be eaten hot should be made a criminal offence. Heat is the unofficial 6th flavour, like George Martin was to the Beatles. It can't be a pizza unless you burn your lip on melted cheese.




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19 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Salad cream on anything definitely qualifies as weird. Probably only eaten by people who think meat paste is an acceptable sandwich filling. Acceptable in the 50's, maybe.

Eating things cold that should be eaten hot should be made a criminal offence. Heat is the unofficial 6th flavour, like George Martin was to the Beatles. It can't be a pizza unless you burn your lip on melted cheese.




I like potted beef. Not those awful sandwich pastes in a bottle, but proper potted beef. 

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