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Which player did you initially not rate but then grew to love?


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All the other threads today vital to us as a club but after enjoying the thread about which players made you love Derby initially, I wondered for a little football refuge this evening which players you didnt rate at all to start with but grew to really value? 
One of mine is really recent, having loved Chris Martin I was very unimpressed by the signing of our Colin (sorry) but then seeing him play instantly joined the fan club. Anyone change anyone else's mind drastically? I guess also the reverse - who were you excited we signed but then "meh"? And apologies if you really arent in a football mood!!

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4 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:


Yeah great shout. Saw him have his pants pulled down by Hayes and Hooper at Scunthorpe away and said he would never make a defender as long as I had a hole in my arse. 

Obviously the passion was always there but he developed so much as a player here that he genuinely held his own at the top end of this division. 

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Good thread.

It's quite hard to think beyond Buxton and Eustace. Maybe Warnock and Ledley. 'Love' is a bit strong but they won me over.

It's easier to think of players I was initially very excited about and then became thoroughly disenchanted with but I guess that goes against the positive remit.

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9 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

Good thread.

It's quite hard to think beyond Buxton and Eustace. Maybe Warnock and Ledley. 'Love' is a bit strong but they won me over.

It's easier to think of players I was initially very excited about and then became thoroughly disenchanted with but I guess that goes against the positive remit.

No reverse is fine also. I would start with our manager! 

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8 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

I was not happy when we swapped Lee Mills who got a lot of goals the previous year for Van Der Laan. Turned out he became possibly my favourite ever player. 

Yes again imagine to have had him in the team this year. 

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