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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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1 hour ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

I've not once felt ill and never been around anybody that has had it. 

I get bad hay fever but I'm proud to say that I knew it wasn't Covid and didnt book a test.

Is that OK? 

Not really! The lateral flow test is for when you don’t have symptoms a PCR test is what you should have if you feel ill. This is exactly how it spreads when people don’t understand what these things are for.

Edited by Gritstone Ram
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37 minutes ago, Archied said:

Boris says apology is good end of matter ,,,,,,Genuine question, are we at an all time low in terms of our politicians and government?

I really believe we are but maybe I’m just over egging it ??‍♂️

Pretty sure we are yes. The important question is whether this is rock bottom and things will get better, or if we are on a downward trajectory with lots more all time lows to come?

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Best one yet (got a little rick from me ?)


That is so good I think it was planned in advance. Maybe by Number 10 to try and deflect attention from Johnson, although BJ made them mention his infidelity as he thinks it's a good thing.

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1 minute ago, ariotofmyown said:

That is so good I think it was planned in advance. Maybe by Number 10 to try and deflect attention from Johnson, although BJ made them mention his infidelity as he thinks it's a good thing.

BJ definitely high fived him, I’d put my house on it 

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Pretty sure we are yes. The important question is whether this is rock bottom and things will get better, or if we are on a downward trajectory with lots more all time lows to come?

Honestly I don’t think it is rock bottom ,I’m genuinely shocked at what the British public prepared to accept with a shrug of the shoulders , 

this is the man and wider the government that have been and are telling us that if we don’t social distance , wear masks and follow the rules WE  ARE KILLING PEOPLE ,, just let that REALLY sink in whilst doing the exact opposite , I thought the government ministers standing straight faced defending the indefensible lies of Cummings on his actions would be hard to top but no ??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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2 hours ago, Archied said:

Boris says apology is good end of matter ,,,,,,Genuine question, are we at an all time low in terms of our politicians and government?

I really believe we are but maybe I’m just over egging it ??‍♂️

Blair is tough to beat because of the whole lying to take the nation into an illegal war jape, however Boris is so utterly spineless I could easily see him gleefully charging off to battle at the behest of DC warhawks.

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16 minutes ago, Archied said:

Honestly I don’t think it is rock bottom ,I’m genuinely shocked at what the British public prepared to accept with a shrug of the shoulders , 

this is the man and wider the government that have been and are telling us that if we don’t social distance , wear masks and follow the rules WE  ARE KILLING PEOPLE ,, just let that REALLY sink in whilst doing the exact opposite , I thought the government ministers standing straight faced defending the indefensible lies of Cummings on his actions would be hard to top but no ??‍♂️

It's not even a shrug of the shoulders. From many it's unabashed delight at the curtailing of liberties.

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32 minutes ago, Archied said:

For some time I have watched these politicians , experts and government,  aghast thinking do they really think we are stupid ,, gods sake ,  maybe we are ??‍♂️

Noam Chomsky sums it up well.....


"It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars".

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3 hours ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Not really! The lateral flow test is for when you don’t have symptoms a PCR test is what you should have if you feel ill. This is exactly how it spreads when people don’t understand what these things are for.

I understand it perfectly well, I just don’t believe the majority of it. And I back myself up when I see the whole shitshow the government serves up. 

If you think you need to follow the sheep, you carry on fella. 

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16 minutes ago, Anon said:

It's not even a shrug of the shoulders. From many it's unabashed delight at the curtailing of liberties.

I’m actually becoming more understanding of that , the concerted effort , work , money , advertising and bombardment from media of everything negative and censorship of anything positive ( except vaccine ,selected ones anyway) to put people in  a state of severe fear has been massive  and surprise surprise people have been and still are in great fear for their lives and the lives of their loved ones so actually it’s understandable, fear is an emotion and emotion trumps thinking every time ,

even my wife and I who I believe have a fairly balanced view of this virus found that when she had covid and was ill the number 1 worst thing about it was the fear you were going to die ,,, where’s the emphasis of how many people DONT die from having covid? 
only time will get us out of this and I think it will be a long time as the fear has been so great and the damage to our young so serious ??‍♂️

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12 minutes ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

I understand it perfectly well, I just don’t believe the majority of it. And I back myself up when I see the whole shitshow the government serves up. 

If you think you need to follow the sheep, you carry on fella. 

The sad bit is we are all at each other’s throats ( myself included) , what are figures for covid related deaths deaths U.K. 125 k , population 60 mill? 
worldwide deaths around 2 mill , world population how many billion? 
now only a fool would dismiss any death as not valued but that’s one hell of a lot of people not dying from it or even getting seriously unwell , surely that’s a massive positive and should have been worthy of emphasis in the interest of balance ? Now if this was Ebola with 40 % death rate ?  That’s scary poo 

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A fear worse than the fear of dieing ?? ,  the fear of killing the ones we love

thats what’s been tapped into here and what a fantastically clever campaign has been waged , yes there are many many who have been petrified t for themselves but the actual numbers and what most people are experiencing around them would have had this fear wearing off a while ago with most people thinking they are prepared to balance the very very small risk they may die from covid or be seriously ill,

it needs more , talking to my wife and looking back on when she had it yes she was scared for herself but that was massively outweighed by the huge fear she may give it to me and or our kids and we die, on the back of the fear campaign that’s been waged,

ive looked at and listened to people like Eddie through this and thought how selfish at times , he wants people to destroy their lives to save HIM, now thinking about it I’m willing to bet he’s more scared of catching it and giving it to his wife and his wife terrified of catching it and killing him??‍♂️
from day one right through to now the people at the coal face with all the data , facts and figures who make these policies and have worked so hard to instil these fears in us DONT have or feel this fear, from boris shaking hands in hospitals ,through Ferguson the modelling man meting his lover, Cummings zipping about like zebodi, Hancock groping and playing tongue tennis in the work place , Indian planes landing, G 4 summits, football vip s and sponsors flying in ??‍♂️
this is not about stupid ,,, nobody is that stupid especially a whole raft of people at the top who have had decent educations , for god sake the lowliest building site labourers can work out in seconds that is stupid ,

125 k deaths in 60 to 70 mill ? How much lower would that figure be had old people with covid not been discharged into care homes where they would not get the medical treatment they needed and spread it among the most vulnerable?
yes people will be along shortly to tell me I’m a tin foil hat wearer and you know what ? That’s ok 

if you really need to carry on following all these rules just in case then carry on but for gods sake stop living in fear , the chances of you killing your loved ones and or dieing yourself are tiny,

we are in the third wave of a virus that is deadly and hugely potent which has become more potent with the Kent mutation , then even more potent with the Indian mutation, (how much more potent can it be) and yet myself and my family still do not personally know a single person who’s has died from or been hospitalised from covid and I’m 60 so my friend group is the vulnerable age group, we know many who have tested positive and had no symptoms or mild illness ??‍♂️,

anecdotal yes but true non the less and certainly does not fit with the covid picture we are having painted day in day out

Edited by Archied
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26 minutes ago, Archied said:

A fear worse than the fear of dieing ?? ,  the fear of killing the ones we love

thats what’s been tapped into here and what a fantastically clever campaign has been waged , yes there are many many who have been petrified t for themselves but the actual numbers and what most people are experiencing around them would have had this fear wearing off a while ago with most people thinking they are prepared to balance the very very small risk they may die from covid or be seriously ill,

it needs more , talking to my wife and looking back on when she had it yes she was scared for herself but that was massively outweighed by the huge fear she may give it to me and or our kids and we die, on the back of the fear campaign that’s been waged,

ive looked at and listened to people like Eddie through this and thought how selfish at times , he wants people to destroy their lives to save HIM, now thinking about it I’m willing to bet he’s more scared of catching it and giving it to his wife and his wife terrified of catching it and killing him??‍♂️
from day one right through to now the people at the coal face with all the data , facts and figures who make these policies and have worked so hard to instil these fears in us DONT have or feel this fear, from boris shaking hands in hospitals ,through Ferguson the modelling man meting his lover, Cummings zipping about like zebodi, Hancock groping and playing tongue tennis in the work place , Indian planes landing, G 4 summits, football vip s and sponsors flying in ??‍♂️
this is not about stupid ,,, nobody is that stupid especially a whole raft of people at the top who have had decent educations , for god sake the lowliest building site labourers can work out in seconds that is stupid ,

125 k deaths in 60 to 70 mill ? How much lower would that figure be had old people with covid not been discharged into care homes where they would not get the medical treatment they needed and spread it among the most vulnerable?
yes people will be along shortly to tell me I’m a tin foil hat wearer and you know what ? That’s ok 

if you really need to carry on following all these rules just in case then carry on but for gods sake stop living in fear , the chances of you killing your loved ones and or dieing yourself are tiny,

we are in the third wave of a virus that is deadly and hugely potent which has become more potent with the Kent mutation , then even more potent with the Indian mutation, (how much more potent can it be) and yet myself and my family still do not personally know a single person who’s has died from or been hospitalised from covid and I’m 60 so my friend group is the vulnerable age group, we know many who have tested positive and had no symptoms or mild illness ??‍♂️,

anecdotal yes but true non the less and certainly does not fit with the covid picture we are having painted day in day out

I agree with some points not so with others, that's all good. If there is one event that my parents and older relatives spoke about more than anything else it was the war, and they live in unoccupied part of France, so not as affected as some, it affected them.  One day this shize fest will pass,. Similar to you, life is more behind me than in front of me, my main concern is the effect on kids, teenagers and young adults. What should have been happy, care free time, playing, socialising, a bit of learning may be, enjoying the best years of life has been messed up on a grand scale. i hope it does not affect them for the rest of their life.

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