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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

I know, god forbid someone wants them and their family to enjoy themselves who are probably vaccinated against the thing they need to be tested for and going to a place with probably less cases than most places in the world. 

I’m not stopping anyone going on holiday. My post was about who pays for the tests. 

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I’m not stopping anyone going on holiday. My post was about who pays for the tests. 

I know it was and why should they? Why should they even have a test? My assumption is they’re vaccinated (which should be the end to all this madness) and Lapland is hardly a Covid hotspot. Money for old rope, who’s says no ones making from all this……

Edited by TexasRam
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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:


Did you just work that out?

I'd not heard that before.

You should tell the internet.

I wonder if when we get to phi people will be saying it's an anagram of hip and that the BBC are really suggesting it's cool to contract it and that is the only reason phi was used and it has nothing to do with Greece or the Greek alphabet.

It could happen.

Anything could happen.


I don't spend my life on the internet. Or looking for anagrams, Neil Warnock.  


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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Maybe this is just me but I’d rather those who choose to go on holiday at the moment pay for their tests, than let the nhs pay for them.

If the Government are forcing people to take mandatory tests, for no logical reason, then it really should be them that pick up the tab.

Would you have the same outlook if the Government insisted that you had to pay £70 or £80 to go to the pub or to a football ground? Because I would hazard a guess that you've got as much chance of caching Covid in them settings as you have in Lapland.

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10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

If the Government are forcing people to take mandatory tests, for no logical reason, then it really should be them that pick up the tab.

Would you have the same outlook if the Government insisted that you had to pay £70 or £80 to go to the pub or to a football ground? Because I would hazard a guess that you've got as much chance of caching Covid in them settings as you have in Lapland.

Say the same about a lot of things

want the "privilege" of being able to leave the country? £75.50 for a passport please

oh, so you want to drive a car now? £34 for a driving license

what's that? You're ill - don't worry, free at the point of use NHS will help you! £9.35 per prescription 

All these things should not cost us money = we pay taxes for this stuff

I knew you were a socialist at heart @G STAR RAM ?

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12 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

If the Government are forcing people to take mandatory tests, for no logical reason, then it really should be them that pick up the tab.

Would you have the same outlook if the Government insisted that you had to pay £70 or £80 to go to the pub or to a football ground? Because I would hazard a guess that you've got as much chance of caching Covid in them settings as you have in Lapland.

If you can't see why we're being cautious in trying to identify and limit the influx of a new variant which may (but probably not) be more dangerous, then I can't help you.

The rule IMO has to be universal at the moment because not all countries genetically test the virus as much as we do, so we really don't know how widespread it is. Plus people will find ways to get around the rules and enter the UK via a third country.


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42 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If you can't see why we're being cautious

This is it isn't it?

The only fact we know about the omicron variant at the moment is that it has a high number of mutations on the spike protein that the vaccines target. That's it - virtually no data on whether this actually makes it more transmissable, more deadly or more likely to avoid the vaccine. 

But to see supposedly intelligent people put forward that lack of data as a reason to not be cautious is just baffling.

Almost like they haven't lived through the last 2 years.

If it turns out we were over-cautious then happy days, but to not be cautious and hope for the best? Really?


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29 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:


Almost like they haven't lived through the last 2 years.

If it turns out we were over-cautious then happy days, but to not be cautious and hope for the best? Really?


Have you considered it might be precisely because they have lived through the last two years 

Edited by Archied
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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

If you can't see why we're being cautious in trying to identify and limit the influx of a new variant which may (but probably not) be more dangerous, then I can't help you.

The rule IMO has to be universal at the moment because not all countries genetically test the virus as much as we do, so we really don't know how widespread it is. Plus people will find ways to get around the rules and enter the UK via a third country.

Its already in the country.

If its as contagious as we are being told its already too late.

If you think that everyone should be stopped from living their lives, unless they pay for the privilege then I can't help you.

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3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

The most concerning part for me is that he doesn't know the difference between the words 'shear' and 'sheer'


I'm always making stupid mistakes like that. Of when I meant off, they're when I meant their or there and here when I meant hear. I'd expect an editor to have picked that up, but I cannot say it worries me. You can barely read the Guardian for 20 minutes without seeing a typo.

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

If its as contagious as we are being told its already too late.

Who's telling you this?

I literally haven't heard one person say they know yet. Nor have I read it anywhere.

Maybe there are people out there making such claims, but I've not seen them in fact, just the opposite.

All I'm hearing is 'we don't know'.

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6 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

If you think that everyone should be stopped from living their lives, unless they pay for the privilege then I can't help you.

A tad over-dramatic. I'm fairly sure holidays aren't free. If people are willing to pay for the priviledge of a holiday in a pandemic.......

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:


sounds like good news, but I'm slightly puzzled by the statements around who it's aimed at.

Seems to be saying - those in the early stages of mild infection, but with risk factors that may lead to hospitalisation - and lists the obvious ones including being 55+

And it comes in the form of a 30 minute intravenous infusion

Are we really saying that everyone over 55 who gets a positive test  is going to get rushed down to the hospital and hooked up?


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