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Tribunal Update

Shipley Ram

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Seems like the EFL have taken to the habit of deciding the penalty before the trial has even begun. 

The whole thing is a shambles and makes a mockery of system of natural justice 'innocent until PROVEN guilty'.  

God help the Football League with such incompetents in charge, 

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Just now, Rab a dab doo said:

Seems like the EFL have taken to the habit of deciding the penalty before the trial has even begun. 

The whole thing is a shambles and makes a mockery of system of natural justice 'innocent until PROVEN guilty'.  

God help the Football League with such incompetents in charge, 

As much as I agree to their incompetance, they're always going to have to say what they would like the punishment to be so the independant panel know what they're working with

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1 hour ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

If they've specifically requested Wednesday to be punished last season and us the coming season that in itself is an unacceptable application of rules by any standard.

Absolutely and it’s actually very serious and yes legal cases against the EFL could easily be lining up 

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1 hour ago, DCFC1388 said:

As much as I agree to their incompetance, they're always going to have to say what they would like the punishment to be so the independant panel know what they're working with

If that's true then it's ridiculous. It would be like the judge saying "it's a life sentence for you mister if you're found guilty" then sending the jury out to decide on their verdict.

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I'd love Derby and Sheffield Wednesday to push for a Premier League 2. The EFL just is not fit for purpose, they're applying punishments when they think it will screw the club involved most, rather than having any consistency to it.

The reason loads of Championship clubs are in financial troubles is because despite it being one of the most viewed leagues in Europe and one of the most entertaining ones, the EFL negotiated a terrible TV deal that pays pennies despite the fact that Sky almost always has a Championship game on and fans get screwed around by the fixtures being moved about to cater for the TV deal.

Maybe if the EFL focused on being competently run rather than on desperately trying to screw Championship clubs the league would be in a more healthy state. 


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1 hour ago, Wolfie20 said:

If that's true then it's ridiculous. It would be like the judge saying "it's a life sentence for you mister if you're found guilty" then sending the jury out to decide on their verdict.

EFL arent the judge in this case  they are the Prosecutors pushing for a punishment, the judge/jury is the Independant Panel

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There's some real irony in the EFL charging Sheffield Wednesday for putting their stadium sale in the wrong season's accounts and for acting in bad faith towards the EFL, for the commission to then criticise the EFL for bringing the charges in the wrong season in a targeted attempt to get Sheffield Wednesday relegated

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If it really is with the independent panel, I refuse to believe it would be those holding things up. The facts are there from both sides and it's a yes or no.

Going off the latest concerning Wedneaday, I can only imagine the case presented by the EFL is in such a mess and the panel are literally having to work with the EFL to make sense of what it is they are trying to achieve.

The reputation of the EFL is at stake here, they are clearly wanting to make an example, opposition fans are literally waiting for our inevitable points deduction so they can laugh, there will be absolute uproar if we get away with it 

The EFL have clearly thrown enough poo in our direction and they will now be trying to see what will stick.

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9 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

To put it bluntly, at this point whatever the outcome is they are absolutely taking the piss with the length of time this is taking. 

Agreed. If it takes 7 months for a decision to be made on these things that should be an indicator that any breaches are not obvious.

EFL clubs should be kicking up a fuss here but unfortunately these cases are purely about self preservation.

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10 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Everyone outside of the panel (yet to decide) and DCFC thinks we're guilty. But grammar in newspapers is generally very poor.

Grammar in certain newspapers and media sources is undoubtedly very poor. 

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