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The Politics Thread 2020


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4 minutes ago, Grumpy Git said:

Probably the wrong thread, but Weinstein has just been sent down for 23 years.?

His walking frame is going cheap on ebay if anyone interested?

No doubt VGC - Very light wear and tear, as only used when on camera.

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3 hours ago, Anon said:

The tweet was posted as an example of twitter being a toxic platform and why the poster dislikes modern politics.

Which is fair enough, but we all have to be conscious of the fact that Twitter is not just a platform for expressing your views. It's also a platform for amplifying those views. Be that via a retweet that says "I agree with this", or an angry "you are a toxic nasty head" reply.

Getting involved in any sort of negative amplification of controversial tweets makes the situation worse - not better. The sooner we all learn to stop doing it the better


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8 hours ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

Or that he seems to be very patriotic, judging by his support for the England national team.

The geezer is indeed a ******.

Patriotic hey...how embarrassing.

Bet he is one of them vile specimens that cheer when his nation do well at sporting events.


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12 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Anyway - the CV stuff has overshadowed what was a pretty monumental budget yesterday

I guess no one has posted about it because you're all too busy working out where the magic money tree is...

Can't win can they.. Another meh post.

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16 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Anyway - the CV stuff has overshadowed what was a pretty monumental budget yesterday

I guess no one has posted about it because you're all too busy working out where the magic money tree is...

I only had a quick glance, but nothing overly surprising stood out. What have I missed?

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18 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

Anyway - the CV stuff has overshadowed what was a pretty monumental budget yesterday

I guess no one has posted about it because you're all too busy working out where the magic money tree is...

Seemed like a decent budget. Imagine the pandemonium on here if Labour had done it.

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The market lack of reaction is interesting - really not worried, or deferred as currently we are overtaken by Coronavirus? I can't tell.

But some very well informed analysis by capital market wallahs in the City couldn't reconcile the spending pledges with the fiscal rises, with the OBR forecasts with the gilt issuance from the DMO.

These things should broadly add up, but currently (apparently) they don't.

All further analysis and critique is probably suspended for a while as there are larger forces driving markets and rates at the moment.

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1 hour ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

It's not that Europe is turning against Britain, but Britain is turning against Europe.

Fir instance, Tory MPs voted against a clause in the withdrawal agreement that would have required the government to negotiate continuing full membership of the Erasmus student exchange programme after the end of the 11-month Brexit transition period.

The development of vaccines, especially on such a short time scale, depends on some very clever people in universities and laboratories working very hard together and sharing their results and expertise in a spirit of international cooperation. It's far too big a job for anyone to do alone, even for a genius like Alexander Fleming.

By wilfully and spitefully cutting itself off from the European scientific community, the Tory government will ensure that Britons remain isolated, thick and, if the worst comes to the worst, dead.

May I refer you to an earlier post I did in the Politics thread.....

On 10/03/2020 at 08:10, Van Wolfie said:

First line of Wikipedia: The European Arrest Warrant (EAW) is an arrest warrant valid throughout all member states of the European Union (EU).

We're not in the EU any more, so we can't be in EU systems & organisations any more. That's obvious, isn't it?. It doesn't mean that we can't have a seperate agreement with the EU like other countries have. It'll just be called something else.

Same with Erasmus. We'll have other arrangements in place but can't be members in any EU-members-only clubs.

There is no way either side will want to end co-operation.

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On 10/03/2020 at 08:15, cstand said:

We should have been out by now.  It’s the anti democratic remainers who support an anti democratic EU Parliament  that are the problem and always will be because they want to give away our democratic rights and sovereignty no wonder so many people wanted to leave.

Would you like to furnish this with a few examples so that we can see it's not just a redtop fuelled tirade of uninformed bilge?

So far, the only one I can quote myself, trying to give you a bit of a start, is the tampon tax - so we'll end period poverty for some at the cost of a period of poverty for all.

But over to you now, come forth and educate us all....

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Seemed like a decent budget. Imagine the pandemonium on here if Labour had done it.

That's the point, if it does end up being implemented it will effectively make John McDonnell a guru of economics given it pretty much supports every view he's espoused on the topic (short of nationalisation - I'll give you that). 

My only concern is that while it sounds great we all know it'll come to nothing. CV will blow it all to pieces in weeks and they'll just sit there saying 'we so wanted to do this but just weren't able'. And the bare faced cheek of saying that for too long under investment had blighted our nation - did anyone bother to tell him who has been in government for the last decade?

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1 hour ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

I'm sure you're right, but it might help if Tory MPs didn't vote against it.

Just to be clear, they haven't actually voted AGAINST cooperating have they?

I'm no fan of Johnson or his cronies but I'm sure, in many ways, cooperation will continue but under a different name and possibly slightly different terms.

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26 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Just to be clear, they haven't actually voted AGAINST cooperating have they?

I'm no fan of Johnson or his cronies but I'm sure, in many ways, cooperation will continue but under a different name and possibly slightly different terms.

The government still hasn't ruled it out, but parliament did vote against committing the government to negotiate continuing full membership in the withdrawal agreement. It can still happen and Brexit isn't done and dusted yet, but it's not very encouraging.

I do have a bit of a bee in my bonnet, because I went on an exchange program in Germany for prospective teachers organized by the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, and it was one of the best things I have ever done, apart from not becoming a teacher after all!

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25 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

The government still hasn't ruled it out, but parliament did vote against committing the government to negotiate continuing full membership in the withdrawal agreement. It can still happen and Brexit isn't done and dusted yet, but it's not very encouraging.

I do have a bit of a bee in my bonnet, because I went on an exchange program in Germany for prospective teachers organized by the Pädagogischer Austauschdienst, and it was one of the best things I have ever done, apart from not becoming a teacher after all!

Ah, I wondered if you might have a bit of an axe to grind on this matter. That explains a lot.

There is a bit of a difference between "still not ruled out" and "voted against". It may happen, it may not but, as I say, I'm sure many agreements will continue but perhaps slightly differently. 

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