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v Reading (A) Match Thread


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So, our (Dutch maestro) manager takes Martin off and leaves Waghorn on ..

Have I got that right ? 

HOW can any professional football manager not see the difference in quality and usefulness to the team of these two players ? 

That proves once and for all his level of delusion and sheer ineptitude ! 

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4 minutes ago, goldstar said:

To all those saying keep cocu and let him get his players in, how many leagues do you want us to drop down before he completes the 11? And even then he could still be poo. Get him gone. 

Who do you propose to replace him? We actually played well today. You think Cocu set the team up for Malone to be sent off after 5mins? For Forysth to play a poor pass for the 2nd? For Holmes to play a poor pass for the 3rd? 

Give the guy a break, he has had off field antics to deal with plus crucial injuries all season, all on the back on the shortest preseason he could hope for.

Fans calling for his head need to give their head a wobble

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1 minute ago, Millenniumram said:

Well, that was predictable. Get the clown gone. 3-0 to bloody reading ffs. It’s just not acceptable. 

Yes, I can’t wait someone to buy out Mel.....

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Just now, DJFern94 said:

Do you honestly think Klopp could get these players up the league? 

Am i a clairvoyant? No, but this cant continue because of 'he might do better soon'. We need a positive manager who gives us exciting football and a shed load of new players. 

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Just now, SaintRam said:

Probably not the best game to throw that ultimatum out; because he's a positive guy and we've actually played pretty well ? 

I seriously doubt THIS is the performance where he loses his temper. Unless specifically about Malone.

To be fair you can go back and check all my posts ,I've never been convinced with him and I've always said I hope I'm wrong .I know he's had a bad hand dealt to him ,poor preseason ,no chance to replace players etc but he should get more out of the players at his disposal .

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Marriott surely shoved in the back; ref gives nothing. FT 3-0

Ref was bank. Derby were alright in attack. Hit the woodwork multiple times; but created more than one golden opportunity that should have been scored. Had a stonewall penalty denied. Too many defensive mistakes yet again though.

We win that game if Malone either doesn't play; or doesn't shove that attacker. 


Young players all looked good though. Knight was our best player by some distance despite missing a great chance in the first half. Something to feel positive about. They're the future, not the old duckers who keep ducking everything up for us, and they're putting 100% in week in week out.


Enjoy your weekend folks!

#CocuIn ? 

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Funny to come away from a 3-0 defeat having actually enjoyed the game. Red card unfortunately the killer but that’s the best we’ve played on our travels since Huddersfield.

However, 6 away games without scoring is baffling, we could have had 6 today! 

Knight was our standout player whilst Holmes & Bielek were impressive. 

Forsyth, yet again, was appalling. A total liability and has to be out the side moving forward. I understand that replacements for him are limited at the moment.


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