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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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31 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Multitude of ways to prove it. From calling other players as witnesses. Calling bar staff as witnesses. Other people in the pub as witnesses. Clothes Mason was wearing in the video vs. When he was arrested. Plus, if they wanted to go to that length digital fornesics from the phone. 

The witnesses would be stand-alone and not to back up the video. There’s nothing to prove that the drink wasnt non-alcoholic beer and they werent acting drunk. Clothing (appearance wise) cannot be used as evidence. Clothing is generally mass produced and can be worn more than once. 

I am not saying witnesses won’t help the prosecution case, just the video in isolation proves nothing. 

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10 minutes ago, admira said:

There's not a cat in hells chance that they will feature. Imagine how the crowd would react.

Imagine if Lawrence comes off the bench on Saturday, scores the winner then runs to the crowd with his fingers in his ears?

Honestly wouldn't put it past him.

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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

Are you saying Bennett isn't a hardworking lad who appreciates the opportunity? Nonsense, being that and also being a (beered-up) moron aren't mutually exclusive. The working class local boy in him would be part of the reason he thinks drinking lagers til you can't walk (or drive) is normal.


I guess you've not heard of the Bullingdon Club then. Drinking until ruined is not the sole province of 'working class lads' and being working class does not heighten your propensity for this kind of stupidity. Suggesting as much is a bit off in my book but perhaps you've just phrased it badly? 

The fact is, the only difference between past and present prime ministers and these lads in terms of drinking habits is the former were more likely to be quaffing bubbly than ale. All have shown undesirable behaviours though, irrespective of class and education.


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I think the club have handled it the best they can up to this point.

They had to make a statement as quickly as they could. They had to defend their employees in the first instance until a full investigation has taken place (both police and internal). 

Depending on the outcome, they may have no choice but to terminate their contracts. Depending on the outcome, they may never want to wear a Derby shirt again because their reception will always be the same even if they score a winner against forest. 

I don't ever remember something quite as bad from any other club across the globe where it involves so many players. This is probably as bad as it gets. 

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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

I guess you've not heard of the Bullingdon Club then. Drinking until ruined is not the sole province of 'working class lads' and being working class does not heighten your propensity for this kind of stupidity. Suggesting as much is a bit off in my book but perhaps you've just phrased it badly? 

The fact is, the only difference between past and present prime ministers and these lads in terms of drinking habits is the former were more likely to be quaffing bubbly than ale. All have shown undesirable behaviours though, irrespective of class and education.


Just posting this to back up your statement:


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10 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

The witnesses would be stand-alone and not to back up the video. There’s nothing to prove that the drink wasnt non-alcoholic beer and they werent acting drunk. Clothing (appearance wise) cannot be used as evidence. Clothing is generally mass produced and can be worn more than once. 

I am not saying witnesses won’t help the prosecution case, just the video in isolation proves nothing. 

Jesus Christ. On this logic nobody would ever be done for any crimes. ?

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33 minutes ago, Pastinaak said:

Ok I've missed the part where he's leaked it to the media. If that's true then that's not good.

He didn’t leak it to the media, but he sent it to a private group outside of the club. Clearly, he didn’t expect someone to betray his trust and go to the Mirror, but it’s not exactly unexpected. His main crime is being as thick as pig poo, and for not having the professionalism to stop his team mate and fellow ‘athlete’ from getting in such a state during the season.

That’s assuming he didn’t know they were going to drive.

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On 26/09/2019 at 08:50, Mostyn6 said:

there's a massive difference between being "over the limit" and being "drunk". Just cos the Police twitter account says both drivers were "drunk", it doesn't mean they were.

I despise drink driving, and refuse to drink even one pint when driving. The only time I've ever even had a pint was that last Blackburn away day in the PL debacle season, had the pint at about 1pm, didn't drive til about 6pm, and still felt guilty and never did it again. I doubt I would have been anywhere near the limit at that time (think the limit laws changed since then).

Not sure what I'd do personally with them. It feels like a intelligence/education thing to me. If the alcohol didn't cause the crash, then the poor driving did, or a combination of both.

However, I don't think they should be treated more harshly or leniently than Johnny Factory-Worker or Julie Hairdresser would if they'd done the same thing.

The fact that someone could've been hurt or killed is irrelevant cos they weren't, so you cannot be punished as if they were. In the same way beating someone around the head with a baseball bat isn't deemed attempted murder!

Have you seen the video of Bennett in the bog spewing up.there,s no point making excuses for them.He is up poo creek without a paddle .

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31 minutes ago, Pastinaak said:

Ok I've missed the part where he's leaked it to the media. If that's true then that's not good.

I never said that he leaked it. He has put it on social media to his "friends" who have then leaked it to the media. It should not be going on social media, full stop. Would you post something online that could get one of your mates in trouble with work, regardless of what happens after? 


35 minutes ago, Pastinaak said:

Otherwise he's seen his 23 year old mate in a state, rolled his eyes and videoed him to teach him a bit of a light hearted lesson. Then, as far as I know, went home at 8pm.

This isn't the issue, it is the posting on social media. As I've said above, it should never go on social media. If he had sent it to Mason the next morning fine. If he put it on a group chat between the players, fine. Putting on snap chat where others can see, not fine. 


37 minutes ago, Pastinaak said:

The only criminals here are those who drove or knew the driving was happening

Find where I have said he is a criminal, or anyone else. 

What he has done is not exactly what you want your captain to be doing, doesn't exactly say that he has your back when the going gets rough does it? 

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13 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I’m disgusted and ashamed too. I’m not a drinker as I’ve suffered at the hands of a drunk. 

But I’ll go tomorrow. I’ll support Mel, who I feel desperately sorry for, and Cocu, and everyone else who will feel as disgusted as me about this. Those few players are not ‘the club’. 

Just by the way, if any of our fans create banter and chants out of this (‘we’ll drink when we want’ etc) we need to let them know it’s not even remotely funny. 

Thought this myself... Don't think it will be now think it will be forest.... 

Inevitably they will bring it back up and such is the forest game chants I would expect something ironic said to make light of it after things are less raw. Not a good thing (and I wouldn't or encourage it) but wouldn't even be in the top 3 bad taste chants for that game. 

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I've not yet caught up on the last 5 or 6 pages, but for now...

I don't have a problem with "lads" getting pissed/throwing up/filming it etc.  I don't even care if it's so-called professional athletes doing it... as long as they don't play for my team!
I'm a big fan of banter.  I love to lighten the load, and jest about the most serious of incidents.  It is not in my nature to be affected by negativity.  I don't get angry.  I don't get depressed.  I probably shrug my shoulders more than the rest of you put together.  Que Sera, Sera!  Ho Hum.  It is what it is.  I sleep like a baby!

...Until today, that is...

This morning, I'd like it going on record (Just in case Mel is reading!), that I'm currently embarrassed to openly admit I am a Rams fan... I'm pretty certain that's a first for me, in the 44 years I've been following the club!  
I'm ashamed of the individuals involved, and until matters are sorted, and we learn of certain outcomes, I'll hold fire on how I feel about the club as a whole, as I believe it's too early to fairly "judge" them, as yet.

Professional athletes at my club necking down pints until they vomit!
A so-called senior player finding the whole thing amusing/entertaining enough to film it and send it through the airwaves!
Such shenanigans being carried out in a public hostelry... not a private function... in full view of the general public, the local residents, and quite possibly club supporters.
Said so-called senior player then being named as the new captain (I'm fully hoping/expecting the club to change their mind on that, in light of these latest headlines).
At least two (confirmed) players driving away whilst over the legal limit (with at least one seemingly evidenced to be "well over", at some stage earlier in the evening!)
Only by sheer luck... not skill, not moral decency, not intelligence... but sheer luck... was there no-one killed!
The present captain, whether stupid enough or drunk enough, deciding it a good idea to accept a lift from a drunken driver, to the point where his subsequent injuries lay him up for a long period, if not for good! 

I'm not a happy Rams fan this morning.  A 6-0 win tomorrow will not make me a happy Rams fan by tomorrow evening.  Why, I don't even know what it will take to make me a happy Rams fan just now.  I'm embarrassed.  I'm ashamed.  If truth be told, I'm angry too!

I truly feel like booing for the whole 90mins tomorrow!  Of course I won't, but I certainly don't feel in the mood for pick-me-up cheering and encouragement.  I suspect I will sit in silence, with maybe a light applause (whilst remaining sitting), should we be treated to a goal and/or a victory on the pitch.  Such a response would merely be out of politeness (on my part), and nothing more.  I doubt I'll even be sporting a Ram logo of any sort either.  Maybe not a mourning suit of course, but unmarked civvies certainly!

Right now, as things stands, I'm treating this as a club problem.  The club as a whole has been brought into question.  The club as a whole is on the front pages, for the wrong reason.  The club as a whole should be currently holding their heads in shame... as I would, should I be seen sporting the Ram Logo this weekend!

I feel like I need to see the right people rightly punished.  (In time of course... I fully appreciate these things take time!)
I feel I need to see the club respond in an appropriate manner, in appropriate time.
Certain people officially named and shamed, be that by the courts, or the club.  Certain people showing true remorse, and genuine regret.
I feel I need to see a vast improvement on the pitch... performances, results, endeavour, league position.

I feel serious this morning... and I don't like me one bit!

I fear it may be quite some time before I can once again feel proud to associate myself with DCFC.



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Two things I'd like to talk about.

1. People saying things like "second thoughts about supporting the club/feeling sick/embarrassed etc". I understand saying that, in the heat of the moment- but remember- at the moment this is 3 (maybe a few more) players doing something unbelievably stupid. 3 players. 3 players are NOT bigger than the club. Even if it's 5 players, 7 players etc. The club is bigger than any number of individuals. "Oh, but the club have backed them to do rehabilitation". Yes - of course they have. There is a limit to what they can say whilst criminal proceedings are underway, but they have already come out and said they will follow an internal disciplinary process. That may involve dismissal (but they can't say that outright), or it may be a suspension etc. - especially whilst the feeling is raw, I wouldn't expect anything concrete to come out. Take Lawrence, for example. None of us know how he's been feeling lately. He's had a tough year, but that doesn't condone what he did. But if he comes out, requests a month or two off, to attend therapy, to get his mind back in the right place, apologises, etc... it would be foolish for the club to say "nope, we've decided, within 18 hours, that you'll never play again for us". Especially as they are currently trying to piece together the evening themselves - they probably know more than us, but they don't know everything yet (at least I highly doubt it). They need to give themselves room for maneuver.


2. The stick that Huddlestone is getting. Let's separate a few things. What do we know for certain, at this point?

1- That a video was taken, in which Tom can be heard, and Bennett can be seen in a very bad state.

2- that he sent the video, on *SNAPCHAT* of all things to at least one other person, who has given it to the Mirror (for anyone unaware, the way snapchat works is that you send a picture/video to someone, and when they open it, and view it, it deletes it.)

We don't know

    a) if this was definitely from Tuesday night

    b) what time the video was taken

    c) whose phone was used - was this Mason's phone and Hudds was doing it to teach him a lesson - we don't know?

    d) the reason the video was taken - was it to embarrass him on the Thursday morning at training as a bit of a laugh? - I know I've taken photos/videos of drunk friends to remind them of how foolish they were

    e) How late Huddlestone stayed out

    f) that Huddlestone had any idea that they were going to be stupid later on

    g) That Tom was actually the person who sent the video - again, we don't know whose phone that was

    h) When he sent the video - he may have taken it and sent it to a couple of mutual friends at 7pm - one of said "friends" doesn't see the message until the following morning, and has already heard about the crash - opens it and stores the video with a screen capture program (NB- This is the ONLY way that the Mirror could have got a hold of the video unless Tom sent it to them directly)

    i) Another thing- he could have taken the video, and sent it to Mason ONLY. Mason doesn't look at his phone for obvious reasons - next day, his girlfriend/wife/sibling/concerned friend/opportunistic companion etc finds the video and decides to teach him a lesson.


More information will come out, and initial reactions will calm. Punishments will be given, and taken, and eventually we will all move on.


Derby County will endure.

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27 minutes ago, Spanish said:

OK if you haven't got the backbone to be a Derby supporter it is probably best if you go elsewhere if that's your choice.  Personally, it has made me feel that a siege mentality is required.  Leave if you must but don't moan about it.

There’s no way I could ever support another club no matter what, no way. If we’d were playing Sunday league I’d be there with another 15,000 proper fans who are born Derby. 

Blame who ya want but the club is much bigger than the players and the owners. 

This is an awful situation but to stop supporting us over it is bizarre. I’m not saying Derby is a special club, that our history is amazing, etc but it’s my club, my home. You can’t just walk away because it got a bit tough - I certainly couldn’t anyway. 


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Almost lost for words this morning after the latest Huddlestone bomshell.

Quite apart from the brainless morons drink driving, we've got the club captain involved & out for the season and now the next most senior member of the playing staff taking a "hilarious" video and being stupid enough to allow it to become public. At this moment I don't want to see him on the pitch tomorrow - never mind as bloody captain.

I could justifiably be accused of being a happy clapper in the past but am absolutely fuming this morning.

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Just now, Van Wolfie said:

At this moment I don't want to see him on the pitch tomorrow - never mind as bloody captain.


if cocu has that idiot leading us out, then he's lost me.

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