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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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2 minutes ago, Duracell said:

That’s kind of the point though, isn’t it? It’s about pride in your job. Ronaldinho and Deco were arguably more talented than the vast majority of players in that Guadiola side, but their lack of commitment ultimately held them back. 

The difference between second and first tier players is often application rather than talent.

Sure, and that mindset and fierce application of it clearly paid off for Guardiola. I was just saying that even at a top club like Barcelona that attitude was present in the squad at one point.

You never know, maybe "former Barcelona defensive midfielder manages club, removes hard partying older players, replaces them with generational talents from academy" might be repeated again...

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21 minutes ago, Shipley Ram said:

I really hope, although I expect not, Bennett spent from that video to driving sobering up on coffee.

It looks to me like it was still daylight when that video was shot. As it gets dark before 7 in Derby that would probably make it around 6 at the latest. Still not nearly enough time to sober up, but we don't have any real facts other than that they were over the limit. No excuses, and they definitely deserve all the punishment they receive, but we don't know anything officially other than that. The rumours certainly paint a much worse picture though.

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20 minutes ago, Duracell said:

That the players at our club have so much contempt for their profession, that they consider the behaviour in the video acceptable, is a huge worry.


That sums this incident up.

Not just for their profession, but for the people of Derby, the fans, the manager, the club as an entity, and especially contempt for the owner.

He's the one who's enabled their large pay packets, built them a training facility well above the grade of football they play, and given them every opportunity and little excuse to not perform to their best week in, week out.

He's listened to the players, created a leadership team amongst them to relay any issues they have, trusted them to behave like adults and been open to and acted on their concerns when necessary.

Yet this is how they repay him, taking the opportunity of a simple midweek game of bowling and a team meal to go on a piss up into the late hours, knowing they can sleep it off with no training the day after, as if excessive alcohol consumption has no effect on an athlete's body beyond the next days hangover.


After reading the initial reports, I didn't think I could find anything more contemptible than the two drivers actions, but the fact our experienced Captain aided and abetted the whole clusterfuck has added a whole new level of sadness to my feelings.

Keogh's record should see him recognised as one of the club's best servants in years to come, but this incident will lessen our fondness, and all for the sake of a few pints less or a taxi home.




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3 hours ago, cannable said:

Think people are getting confused on one of the facts. 

The players didn’t refuse club cars and chose to drive home. They refused the club cars to stay out. 

The club cars weren’t an option at the time of which they decided to drink drive.

While this is true, you have to wonder why they drove to the do, unless they always intended to drive home?

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15 minutes ago, GrimsbyRam said:

On a serious note if there are insurances polices to cover injuries (I know this was something we never used to have in place), I wonder if any circumstances could invalidate the claim

I used to sell insurance and there were two occupations that were almost unquotable - professional sports people and professional entertainers.

The main reason was that there was a high probability that this driver would have another professional in the car as a passenger so if there was an accident and that person got badly injured, there could be a ridiculously high liability claim against the driver.

On another point, some insurers would invalidate a claim if the driver was over the limit.

So Keogh may have to sue Lawrence directly for his injuries

NB. boring insurance lesson over 

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I do think this whole sorry incident is also greatly going to push us down the pecking order when it comes to loaning highly quality youngsters as well.  What club would want to send there most promising players here now ? What right minded parent would choose to send a child to our academy if they have a similar option elsewhere. ?

In the bigger scheme of my life there are much bigger things to concern myself with, however it has proper pissed me off.  If I was working at that pub and some **** *** offered me a handful of cash to clear up a load of sick blocking the urinals I'd have shoved it up his arse . What truly spoilt and disdainful behaviour.

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Just now, curb said:

we’re they all pissed up last Friday night as well?

That’s the only way I can explain that performance on Saturday. 

2 days ago I'd have said you're crazy. Now I wouldn't be surprised 

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Just now, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

I do think this whole sorry incident is also greatly going to push us down the pecking order when it comes to loaning highly quality youngsters as well.

Given who we got in on loan this summer, can we get any lower in the pecking order?

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One thing that's been bugging me is that did nobody who wasn't drunk out of their nut try to stop them driving? I mean surely whoever had been serving them should have made some attempt to take their car keys or get them to take a taxi? It's still 100% Lawrence and Bennetts fault but I would have thought somebody would have tried to stop them driving to start with, or at least have called the police if they thought they would drive.

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40 minutes ago, RamNut said:

I can't believe that after all this, we make the bloke who filmed it and put it online, our new team captain.

the club is totally incompetent.

I know this has already been pointed out, but you've got no way of knowing whether or not that was the last bit TH was involved in.

He might have filmed that and then gone straight home and not been involved in any of the car-related antics that followed.

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2 hours ago, Paul71 said:

In defence of Huddlestone he may not have known of the later catastrophe when he posted this. Just because he filmed it does not mean he was involved.

If he was then sack him.

Odd that he was made captain today. Maybe this wasn’t known at the time 

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3 minutes ago, NewtonRamDE55 said:

One thing that's been bugging me is that did nobody who wasn't drunk out of their nut try to stop them driving? I mean surely whoever had been serving them should have made some attempt to take their car keys or get them to take a taxi? It's still 100% Lawrence and Bennetts fault but I would have thought somebody would have tried to stop them driving to start with, or at least have called the police if they thought they would drive.

Not their problem 

If they've been serving drunk people the license holder will get in trouble and potentially have alcohol license revoked. But little Jimmy on 9 quid an hour having to deal with pissed up footballers in a pub in reality isn't gonna try and take their keys away or refuse service from a bunch of 20-30 year old blokes, nor are they gonna ring the police. They'll just be thinking thank duck they've gone

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