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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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17 minutes ago, Mckram said:

After seeing that video I’ll be disappointed if Bennett isn’t gone in January at the latest. Same for Lawrence if he was in that state too.

How can you drink like that and then expect to train properly in the next few days? Only 2 months in to a season as well after probably a full summer drinking.

It’s not like Bennett’s even a first team player, you’d think he would be doing everything possible to better himself.

Clearly their lifestyles come before Derby. I’d literally give my left nut to be in their career position.

Playing for Derby or the life style? You didn’t state.  I personally would love to play for Derby but would I like the attention & the views of some fans. Unfortunately not I have feelings & I can read

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15 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

I agree with the fact that Huddlestone and possibly others may not have known what's going to happen later. However they are several days from a game and they are egging on a team mate who's getting/is wasted and then putting it on social media.  

Highly unprofessional!

Lost us the play off final didn’t it.

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This article in the link below has annoyed me because it seems that more sober players failed to look after a younger player.

And, also - perhaps I am showing my age - but why did someone film a colleague who was worse for wares - and then post it online!

Forget about taking the team out for meals - I think they need some more basic team-work training.


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2 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

But he is clearly part of the small group that stayed beyond 8.

No way would any of the club staff that were at the meal who left at 8 with others would allow Bennett to stay out in that kind of state?

Is he? I don't know. Even so gaving a few beers and drink driving are two separate things completely. Mason is 23 not 13.

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I am absolutely disgusted in that video of Bennett, if that truly is from last night.   Very fortunate that there has not been a death in this sad sorry story.  If convicted, they should not be allowed back to this club after seeing that.  Having said that, knowing the magistrates' sentencing guidelines 120-150 in breath is a starting point in custody.  35 is the legal limit so it is only 3-4 times over.  He appears paralytic and by his own admission in the video says he has had more than three (pints of Peroni).  

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3 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Is he? I don't know. Even so gaving a few beers and drink driving are two separate things completely. Mason is 23 not 13.

Im not blaming himfor allowing drink driving, but if he is in the over 8 club which he may well be then he should not be captain as all of those players stayed out beyond the clubs 8pm finish

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44 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The players are answerable to their employer only. Not sure why you would expect them to refund your season ticket, makes no sense to me.

Fair enough , send me a cheque for 10 k please ,I’m going to reroof your property ,part way in I’m going to go on the lash , be totaly unprofessional , injure my most senior roofer , risk being imprisoned whilst still on your dollar and or turn out a substandard effort/ job and don’t even consider I may feel any responsibility to refund the money you give me ,,,, why should I? 

Nice work if you can get it caaaa ching,, mind you not all of us want that kind of work on a question of decent morals,

i hear it said and agree with the opinion that the vey minimum we can expect from players is hard graft ,effort and professionalism but poor form is something that can happen,

these bamfords have taken the club and fans money and gone way beyond failing to provide the bare minimum expected in return ,

in the words of Steve Miller ,,go on take the money and run

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1 minute ago, DCFC1388 said:

Im not blaming himfor allowing drink driving, but if he is in the over 8 club which he may well be then he should not be captain as all of those players stayed out beyond the clubs 8pm finish

We don't know do we


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43 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

In the 2nd clip filming Mason sat drinking at the table you can hear Chris Martin talking as well. Not quite sure who it is that shouts, "go on then Bitto (?)," but I'm pretty sure it isn't Keogh, Lawrence or Huddlestone. So there's at least 5 other players seeing Bennett in a bad way and still the incident was allowed to happen. I'm sure more news will come out in the coming days on the other players involved and things will only get worse 

Martin paid the bill. Its go on Bizzle as that's his nickname. Feel sorry for Cocu as hes given them space to enjoy themselves and they have abused it. 

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Just now, DCFC1388 said:

Im not blaming himfor allowing drink driving, but if he is in the over 8 club which he may well be then he should not be captain as all of those players stayed out beyond the clubs 8pm finish

There wasn't training the following day and there wasn't a match for several days. I understand people are outraged about the drink driving, but are you really insisting that adults shouldn't be out drinking after 8pm?

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1 minute ago, Anon said:

There wasn't training the following day and there wasn't a match for several days. I understand people are outraged about the drink driving, but are you really insisting that adults shouldn't be out drinking after 8pm?

If its against what the club asked for which looks likely based on the 8pm being mentioned in the club statement then yeh they shouldnt have stayed out, especially if Bennett was in that state before 8 & they certainly shouldnt be made captain

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On 25/09/2019 at 16:12, Nuwtfly said:

Perhaps I am just ignorant to the reality of how drink driving is dealt with in work places - have other footballers been sacked for this? 

I appreciate that being a footballer is not a 'normal' profession, and that they are indeed in the public eye, but whether or not they should, in matters of legality, be treated as anyone else should be, is surely a matter for debate

Bus drivers, HGV drivers, any professional drivers would be sacked. Depends on job though really and contract of employment to some extent. In our case it will likely depend on what value they have to DCFC.

If we sack them (indeed if we can under the contract, but a conviction may qualify as gross misconduct) then we lose a few million of our assets. Another club would then take them for free, to their benefit.

If one of my staff got done for drink driving they might get sacked (driving isn't the job) but being brutally honest it might come down to how much they are worth to the business.

Personally I don't think we will terminate their contracts.

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12 minutes ago, Norman said:

Huddlestone lives in a village near Grantham. I doubt he drank at all. Defo wouldn't be in one of those cars. 

His voice sounded sober in the video, unlike Lawrence. Still, completely wrong for him to be seemingly egging him on and posting it in a public place. Beyond stupid.

4 minutes ago, Archied said:

Fair enough , send me a cheque for 10 k please ,I’m going to reroof your property ,part way in I’m going to go on the lash , be totaly unprofessional , injure my most senior roofer , risk being imprisoned whilst still on your dollar and or turn out a substandard effort/ job and don’t even consider I may feel any responsibility to refund the money you give me ,,,, why should I? 

Nice work if you can get it caaaa ching,, mind you not all of us want that kind of work on a question of decent morals,

i hear it said and agree with the opinion that the vey minimum we can expect from players is hard graft ,effort and professionalism but poor form is something that can happen,

these bamfords have taken the club and fans money and gone way beyond failing to provide the bare minimum expected in return ,

in the words of Steve Miller ,,go on take the money and run

Even taking the drink driving aside, I think what has happened is completely wrong. But do you not think that this sort of thing happened on a much larger scale in years gone by? You were there during the 1970s and 1980s, right? I imagine it would have been a lot worse then, although they were paid a lot less obviously. This is the piss up I'm on about, not the drink driving (even though I imagine that happened even more too).

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In my honest opinion, I don’t care about them drinking. If someone posted a video of Mason being sick from drink then fine, we all do it. Providing he isn’t due in training tomorrow or has a game 48 hours away, feel free to relax. 

if you want to do this and drive? That’s a different story. Stay as late as you want, just stay safe and do NOT be an idiot. 

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4 minutes ago, Anon said:

There wasn't training the following day and there wasn't a match for several days. I understand people are outraged about the drink driving, but are you really insisting that adults shouldn't be out drinking after 8pm?


If they’d taken the laid on transport home and all these videos had come out then everyone would be saying “what great bantz”

In light of what happened later on, some people are insisting that some of the others who probably left earlier ought to have seen what was going to happen!

The two lads who drunk drove did wrong, who knows what state Keogh was in? For all we know he may not of been in a position to be aware of who was taking him home?

The two who drove are the villains of this episode.  

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42 minutes ago, RandomAccessMemory said:

I think people need to be careful, just because it appears certain other players may have been there in the videos does not mean those players were involved in what later happened, it's entirely possible they could have left in taxis before the others left.

Let's let the club find out what happened before tarring them all with the same brush, shall we?


Guilty by association isn't fair. There's usually one hellbend you can't legislate for on every night out. 

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