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Which Derby player made you feel old?


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We’ve all been there, watching Derby, players a years older than yourself, thinking one day that’s going to be me....then one day, those players become younger and younger, a year or two older, I watched Michael Owen tearing the Argentina defence a new one just 2 years older than myself.

Questioning why you wasn’t given this talent, looking on with envy as they graced the Baseball Ground or Pride Park pitch, practicing your penalty kicks at 6am whilst nobody was looking with an inivisble ball and bag full of newspapers swinging by your side, knowing you won’t ever catch a scouts eye. Any dreams you once had of playing for Derby just evaporate.

Then those players become even more younger and younger, those that were a year or two older at the World Cup have retired and now overweight balding pundits on TV who annoy you with their ramblings.

You wake up one day and those players are 20 years younger than you, a topic discussing Louis Sibley being the next Mason Mount after destroying Arsenal, I swear I can take a better penalty than him but he’s 20 years younger than myself, TWENTY! How did this even happen??

I feel old. The love for Derby remains the same, it’s just now I’m older, uglier and supposedly more intelligent although I would argue otherwise. 

I don’t practice penalties quite as often as I need to manage my injuries, I pulled a hammy kicking Bryson’s penalty in against Forest in the Deforestation.

Which Derby players made you wake up one morning and realise you wouldn’t make it, and which players made you look in the mirror, think about moisturising and plucking your nose hair?

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50 minutes ago, Smyth_18 said:

It's only now i've started to realise it to be honest.

Under Rowett most players were old enough to be my Dad.

When Jayden Bogle was born i was nearly 9.  

When you’re closing in on the same age as the manager that’s when you have dreams of becoming a manager. 

The Jamie Vardy of the managerial world, but from video game management to real life at 40.

Lampard is 4 years older than me, in that time I could do my badges and drop Mel an email when Frank joins Chelsea.

What I would say to you all is this, I realise you are all outraged at my appointment, I have zero experience and now I walk in off the internet managing a club competing in the Champions League.

Lampard had no experience when he arrived, yes he played a few games but not all managers have had successful playing careers. 

Give me time, let me prove myself, in my first season in charge on the iPad Marriott scored 57 goals, I know what makes him tick, we’re about to embark on a special journey.


If my application fails and I’m left just running this mad house still, I will be officially old and become the new Eddie. 


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On the 28th of December this year, I will turn 31.

Tom Huddlestone will turn 32.

And people on here say he is getting too old and too slow to press in this formation

I do not feel old. Or slow. He is only a year older than me.

I also do not feel like a pervert on a Saturday night. Because in my head, i'm about 24. But that's probably not what the 20 year old females are thinking.

Also, Carl was right about the Birthday thing. But I still don't get it.

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Mason Mount - 2 months younger than me. Feels weird having lads my age playing for Derby and even getting in the England squad.

And not a Derby player but Mbappe is a month younger than me which feels surreal given what he's already achieved.

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Building on the Lampard point, even being a youngish lad (22) I still watched Frank in his prime. Still remember his goal that wasn't a goal against Germany and its weird to now see his come full circle into management, he's not even that young of a manager compared to some these days. 

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2 hours ago, superzak said:

Colin Todd being 70 years old....i can remember vividly getting off the Ramaway at St pancras and the cry of "Toddo" echoing round the station...

Had very similar thoughts just the other day, when I saw what number his upcoming birthday is!  Bloody scary, in all honesty!

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Too far back to remember which one in particular. Frightening to think that I had been married, divorced and married again before Mason Mount was even a twinkle in his dad's eye.

I remember when my teeth were white and my hair was brown, now it's the other way round, what's left of them.

Still, at least I got to witness the Clough, Mackay, Cox and Jim Smith eras and growing old is a lot better than the alternative.

Chin up, David.

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