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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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I'm a pacifist and abhor violence, but there really are some people who deserve a swift punch in the face.

Feel free to add any people you too think a clenched fist to  the nose is probably too good for them.

  • People who drive with a dog sat on their lap. 
  • People (okay Americans) who say I’m moving to Colorado because it’s legal to smoke weed. How about just smoking it at home and closing  the door and windows. I suspect you will get away with it.
  • People who mange to insert pivot, optics and double down all in one sentence when talking about politics.
  • People (okay Americans) who ask me if I've ever met the Queen. 
  • People who say 'did you break the Internet?' or call the Internet the Interwebs
  • People (okay Americans) who only buy lottery tickets when the rollover is larger than the GDP of half the countries on earth. Is $50m not enough to waste your time on then?
  • People who kick off any defense of Trump with, 'Yeh but what about Clinton and her emails?' It's time to let it go, you won over a year ago, he's still an assclown.
  • People (okay Americans) who cannot get their head round the fact that Northern Ireland is part of Britain and that Rory McIllroy isn't Irish, he's British.
  • People who don't pick up after their dogs at the park. You're the ones who should be on leads.
  • People (okay Americans) who want to build a wall to keep out immigrants even though they themselves are immigrants.
  • People who say 'we only use 10% of our brain' You may do, but the rest of us use 100%. Try taking some out of you doubt me.
  • People (okay Americans) who say ‘guns don’t kill people, people do’
  • People who claim to be Law of Attraction experts and say quantum mechanic can explain how it works. No it can't, stop listening to Deepak Chopra and grow up.
  • People (okay Americans) who tell me they know a fish and chip shop that's as good as any in the UK. No you don't, stop sending me to these  places that serve me with chips skinnier than Karen Carpenters left arm.
  • People who are Eric and Donald Trump. 
  • People (okay Americans) who claim to be Irish or Italian when they were born here, their parents were born here and their grandparents too. You're American, I know it sucks, but deal with it.
  • People who get offended by comedians. They're joking! Anthony Jeselnik doesn't really kill babies and Doug Stanhope doesn't rape other men. If you don't like it, move on and save your righteous indignation for poverty and corruption.
  • People (okay Americans) who strip the supermarkets shelve bare in blind panic when there's a slight breeze heading our way from off the coast of West Africa.
  • People who say, ‘the fact of the matter is’ just as they are about to deliver an opinion or belief.
  • People (okay Americans) who spend a minute desensitizing the handle of their supermarket trolley before they dare touch it and who then wonder why they have so many allergies. 
  • People who say ‘I’m high on life’. Really? Well take some drugs and then get  back to me to tell me how high you really were before.
  • People (okay Americans) who believe the earth was created 20,000 years ago because the Bible says so.
  • People (okay me) who are intolerant of people who say dumbass things.
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Sith Happens
6 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm a pacifist and abhor violence, but there really are some people who deserve a swift punch in the face.

Feel free to add any people you too think a clenched fist to  the nose is probably too good for them.

  • People (okay Americans) who cannot get their head round the fact that Northern Ireland is part of Britain and that Rory McIllroy isn't Irish, he's British.

Erm...no it isnt, and no he isnt.

Edited by Sith Happens
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Sith Happens
8 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Yes he is. He's from Northern Ireland. Therefore he's Northern Irish and/or British, but he's not Irish.

Nope, Northern Ireland is not part of Britain.

Its part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Northern Ireland.

People born in Northern Ireland will often consider them selves to be Irish, Northern Irish or British (usually protestants)

Considering he chose to play for the Republic of Ireland at the Olympics (before he pulled out) rather than the incorrectly titled Team GB suggests he might consider himself Irish.

Edited by Sith Happens
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10 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I'm disappointed. I was hoping for a list of specific people, not generalisations.  Although you did mention Donald Trump so I'll give you a like ?

Michael Gove. Specific enough for you?

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14 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Nope, Northern Ireland is not part of Britain.

Its part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain AND Northern Ireland.

People born in Northern Ireland will often consider them selves to be Irish, Northern Irish or British (usually protestants)

Considering he chose to play for the Republic of Ireland at the Olympics (before he pulled out) rather than the incorrectly titled Team GB suggests he might consider himself Irish.

Yep you're right the UK. But equally even though he may think of himself as Irish he still holds a UK passport.

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