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Clement gone.


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6 minutes ago, Alpha said:

Mel Morris could murder a few innocent children and some people would find a way to praise him for it.

Look where we were 18 months ago. The team, the buzz, the innocence. 2 managers and £25m later... we're everything you hated about football. 

C'mon, we're horrible. If this was another club you'd think so. 

But because it's a local bloke and he's chucked some money at your team... you've been bought


Amen. We're rotten. Ashamed to be a supporter. So far away from that feeling 12 months ago.

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11 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

The majority wanted him gone & he's gone, whats the problem? Now he's gone everyones changed their mind

he comes across a nice honest genuine bloke & i think for that reason we all wanted him to suceed but something wasnt right couldnt keep him in based on him being a nice bloke 

on the face of it he could have been given longer but none of us are on the inside knowing the ins and outs 

Did they? Prove it.

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Well if the team turn up and win Saturday that will give us an indication of the player / manager relationship . I was not happy with the style of football played under PC and I don't think it covers anyone in glory the way it's ended, but at least we now stand a chance of the play off's because we would not have made them under PC.

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Its difficult to know what to think about this.

On the one hand, sacking a new manager - who, let's not forget, was heralded as the bright new thing of English management - after a great start to the season, followed by a run of just seven games without a win, sounds outrageous. And right now I'm very surprised and disappointed. 

On the other hand, PC wouldn't have been sacked were there not something more to this. I have no idea. We've heard rumours that he lost the dressing room and didn't have the backing of senior players. I have literally no idea. If the other option was Wassall until the end of the season, we might as well have kept PC and then let him go then if we didn't go up. Perhaps there's another candidate already in mind?  

I just looked on the Guardian, and the headline in this: "Clement sacked after run of seven league games without a win". That just sounds and looks really silly, and embarrassing for us. And many of the comments BTL are mocking us. I really don't know what to make of all this. 

I think that, more than anything, I'm just confused right now. 

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Arrest last season's decline, go on two long unbeaten runs while being lumbered with a ridiculous sized squad on ridiculous money and having the owner making dressing room appearances whenever he feels like it, only to be sacked the first time we hit a tricky patch.

And in his first ever job as well.

Mental that anyone can defend Morris for this. 

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9 minutes ago, Half fan said:

Irrespective of what now happens on the pitch, Mel has failed.

Failed to appoint the right coach.

Failed to create an environment in which the coach could succeed.

Failed to work inside 12 months with two coaches deemed amongst the best in Europe.

Failed to stick to what he said.

Failed to keep his nose out of matters which are not his specialism.

Failed to realise he is on a bigger learning curve than PC.

He should resign.

Chin up PC - you're best out of this environment. It's not good for the important things in life - honesty, decency, integrity, loyalty.

Wonder if Sam will be next. Presumably, as he can no longer even write a letter to season-ticket holders.

A few very valid points

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Has to have been some kind of falling out. I remember Mel's words at the Fans Forum, I paraphrase "how can a manager plan for the long term if he thinks he is going to be sacked after a run of defeats". I think PC deserved the season to give it his best shot. Pretty disappointed.



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12 minutes ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

For the record my no.1 choice would be Gary Rowett. If MM wants to keep a sytle of play then Pearson is not the right choice. If he wants us up this season Pearson is the right choice. Dilemma.

I believe that there is an agreement in place where clubs will not approach a manager in post with a club in the same division during the season. I believe that Mel is an admirer of Gary Rowett. Wassall until the end of the season?

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