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Jeremy Clarkson suspended by BBC


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​I wouldn't worry, there are hundreds of super hungry capable producers and wanna be presenters that could step up at the beeb - equally there is just as many ass kissing talent-less people there. Either way, it was the right decision, you can't go around abusing people and punching them in the face no matter by how much you out-rank them. 

Anyways, it is not the end of the world. For me I would like to see a more down to earth organic but yet funky Top Gear that is more in touch with the average joe and what he can afford. Like some other poster said, show me something I can build in my garage and take it on a road trip - not some car I could never afford in this life time.

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something not quite right about this, and in general something not quite right about the BBC.

They are acting as if physical violence is unacceptable and there's never a time to use your fists, but we all know there are occasions when a fist is needed.

So in the eyes of the BBC, when is it acceptable? when is it not? either way it is hypocrisy. Not just from the BBC but from any viewer who was in uproar demanding Clarkson be sacked.

I've been trying to find the clip, but I cannot find it, but I wonder how many million Only Fools and Horses viewers laughed or clapped when (every Christmas) they show the episode where Cassandra has a miscarriage, and then Del punches the drunk loud bloke in the hospital reception. Smacks of hypocrisy if you allow the pun, make-believe or otherwise.

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​First of all, one is a TV show and the other is real life. People will allow themselves to enjoy violence on the screen because they realise that the people are actors and no one is getting hurt. Also, Del boy has mitigating circumstances in that a close family member has just had a miscarriage. Clarkson's mitigating circumstance is that he isn't getting exactly what he wants for din dins.

I can't quite believe that you are trying to argue that it is hypocritical to televise a violent show and punish employees for committing physical violence in the real world.

Yeah, there's something very wrong at the BBC when an employee can't launch into a tirade of verbal abuse and then assault a co-worker and not get reprimanded for it.

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Rossy was kicked to touch by the BBC and everyone said that no one could replace him as the king of the chatshow on the BBC, shortly afterwards Graham Norton came along.  Stars are asking to be on that show.

I like Clarkson in his Top Gear incarnation, however punching a fellow employee should be treated as an act of gross miss conduct as should the 30 min triade of vile laungage that preceeded the punch.  If h had just ran his mouth off then maybe an apology could have cooled it down in the morning.

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​let me point out that you do not know the details of what happened and why Clarkson did what he did, you don't even know how many times he punched, kicked or headbutted him. You know half a story and are now getting all uppity about it.

It is hypocritical because it's purveying violence as acceptable.

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​They are a strange microcosm of British school like. The bully, the little squirt who craves stature as the bully's sidekick and the victimised clever kid. 

James May makes some interesting programmes; Richard Hammond makes dreck and I won't miss Clarkson at all.

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Because the BBC show programmes that include violence, it cannot with a clear conscience sack someone who attacked a colleague whilst representing the organisation?

There is nothing hypocritical about it. The viewer makes their own decision about the acceptability or not of violence in a TV programme. The perception of its portrayal is purely a personal one.

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I don't know who is the bigger drama queen, clarkson for having a tantrum over a cheese sandwich or the producer guy for going to A & E with a split lip. Now I know where my licence money and taxes go , did the hotel run out of plasters as well as steaks?

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​let me point out that you do not know the details of what happened and why Clarkson did what he did, you don't even know how many times he punched, kicked or headbutted him. You know half a story and are now getting all uppity about it.

It is hypocritical because it's purveying violence as acceptable.

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Anyone wondering where their bosses stand on their Clarkson sacking should punch one of their colleagues - and it's also a good way of finding which of your co-workers you're allowed to hit. So you're killing two birds with one stone. Or punching two birds with one stone, rather.

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Whoever takes over will be for one season, viewing figures will be hugely down and the BBC will scrap it, when you look at the shows quite a bit of money is pumped in for these adventures and car builds. 

Clarkson was the main man in the trio that made Top Gear, he was behind the whole concept of the show, love him or loathe him his humour and the chemistry between the 3 is what made Top Gear so popular. You can't replace him, you just can't.

All these names being mentioned, Chris Evens, Suzi Perry, Vikki Butler HenderZzzzzz are all so bland, you're basically recreating 5th Gear, jesus, that was a great car show if you suffered from insomnia.

Was he right to get sacked? of course he was but Top Gear has died now, BBC should let it retire and not try to flog the brand.

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Whoever takes over will be for one season, viewing figures will be hugely down and the BBC will scrap it, when you look at the shows quite a bit of money is pumped in for these adventures and car builds. 

Clarkson was the main man in the trio that made Top Gear, he was behind the whole concept of the show, love him or loathe him his humour and the chemistry between the 3 is what made Top Gear so popular. You can't replace him, you just can't.

All these names being mentioned, Chris Evens, Suzi Perry, Vikki Butler HenderZzzzzz are all so bland, you're basically recreating 5th Gear, jesus, that was a great car show if you suffered from insomnia.

Was he right to get sacked? of course he was but Top Gear has died now, BBC should let it retire and not try to flog the brand.

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Whoever takes over will be for one season, viewing figures will be hugely down and the BBC will scrap it, when you look at the shows quite a bit of money is pumped in for these adventures and car builds. 

Clarkson was the main man in the trio that made Top Gear, he was behind the whole concept of the show, love him or loathe him his humour and the chemistry between the 3 is what made Top Gear so popular. You can't replace him, you just can't.

All these names being mentioned, Chris Evens, Suzi Perry, Vikki Butler HenderZzzzzz are all so bland, you're basically recreating 5th Gear, jesus, that was a great car show if you suffered from insomnia.

Was he right to get sacked? of course he was but Top Gear has died now, BBC should let it retire and not try to flog the brand.

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