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Jeremy Clarkson suspended by BBC


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Reminds me of when someone attacks another for their taste in music. 

Who can really explain why they like a certain brand of music? You just do, it's innate within you, like most things. 

Same here, if you like Top Gear, good for you, who gives a f*ck really. I think it's ****, but so what, that's irrelevant. 

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Yes, or course if he DID punch someone, but as you say, no charges have been sort as of yet....and we know that the BBC are ALWAYS quick to sort out criminal charges when a member of staff is blatantly breaking the law......... err....

I would say that using the "n word" would be thought of by most people in the world as a pretty racist thing....and the stupid comment he made about "the slope" on the bridge was awful too....why does it matter that it made it off set...? so you are saying that it is ok to say things like that so long as no one gets to hear about it......?

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​We will one day all look like bigoted fools to those who follows us, for things that in our own age we will genuinely feel the next generation have wrong. Have you ever sat back and thought "the world was so much better back when..."? Because you know what, it wasn't, it was a much worse place than today. There are still people today that people "like" who are homophobes, I bet there are a good number on here who are uncomfortable with people who are transgender.

The simple point is that there is no reason to hate someone for what they believe, as long as they're not out there making a big deal of it. If he were out making anti-climate change documentaries based on "it's quite cool today", that would be an entirely different story. 

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​If you haven't seen an episode in "5/6 years" why are you bothering to comment about it? Right now there are threads in here about all sorts of things, and I'm not posting in them because I don't really have an opinion or something to add. Why post when you have nothing to add beyond your distaste for a show that you don't watch?

Again, I do find it funny when people trying to cite "intelligence" when talking about what they do and don't enjoy, particularly television. Almost universally the kind of people who go for such arguments do so as they aren't confident in their own intelligence and need to constantly reassure themselves by branding anything they don't like as being "for ******", while seeing anything they like as "for the more refined, intelligent people". 

One thing you'll note when dealing a proper argument though, is that instead of jumping to "anyone not like me is stupid", they tend to actually form and demonstrate that argument, and articulate exactly why they're making it. 

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​Love the R32's chased one round Snetterton in a throttle bodied 106 gti last year, wound me right up! I'm not too bad in the bends and can normally take the bigger boys going in and out but the lads in those things tend to take their time get it right then it just digs in and it's gone.

Wow what a car mate, built in the East Mids as well... a lot of car for the money, was hoping to get a half decent one a while ago but it was summer and I bought a gixxer and went on holiday instead. Looking for an S1 Exige now to K20 

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​the point is he shouldn't "accidently utter it" at all, he should know it is totally wrong to say in any circumstance ever... and the "slope on the bridge" comment..... well, you think that is ok to????

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Never realised there was so many self opinionated people on this site lol

Clarkson can be  a likeable knob as James May says.


But he's our knob and I like him just as I like KP sorry if it's a crime these days to like certain people who are not criminals. 


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Good debate on here , can see both sides, personally no longer watch Top Gear as it got boring watching the same thing over and over again, but find Clarkson entertaining enough.

One thing that hasn't been touched on, the producers name, maybe he didn't deserve a smack for being called Oisin, but his parent's do.

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Good debate on here , can see both sides, personally no longer watch Top Gear as it got boring watching the same thing over and over again, but find Clarkson entertaining enough.

One thing that hasn't been touched on, the producers name, maybe he didn't deserve a smack for being called Oisin, but his parent's do.

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