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    Kathcairns reacted to GrimsbyRam in Wayne Rooney   
    If this is true (not doubting at all), shows how bothered 'mel' was about the club!  Rooney has dealt with everything this season with class and we need to stick by him things are going better than expected at the moment on the pitch but even if not, we need to remember things like this.
  2. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to SuperDerbySuperRams in Wayne Rooney   
    Rooney has been paying for all away travel and accommodation out of his own pocket. He is a credit to our club. 
  3. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to BaaLocks in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    All the damage was done in the two weeks we signed about £20m of players on long contracts that we then sold for next to nothing. Everything after that has been accounting aimed at avoiding the impact of those decisions. If Blackman had gone on to be a twenty goal a season striker nobody here would have a bad word to say. I'd argue the club could be forgiven for getting one signing wrong but the fact that all five, or six, didn't work or shows either extreme bad luck or some pretty appalling scouting and governance.
  4. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to jono in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    honestly I have reached the point that the punishment doesn’t matter .. we will be wherever we land, right or wrong. The thing that’s toughest is not knowing. I also get the feeling we will end up with penalties that go on for 3 seasons. I see no integrity, rationale or proportion in any of that. 
    You broke the rules .. take your punishment. Correct. 
    But if the rules are so badly drawn that punishment is disproportionate and dribbled out for years it is as disgraceful as it is unsporting. 
    what is going to be interesting over the coming months is how many other clubs face sanctions and deductions. There is no way on earth that every other champ club is squeaky clean. Then what does a league table look like. It’s a farce. 
  5. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to deano180 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    Theres one point Mel made about us and how we can influence this position which hasn't been mentioned here, the fans.
    We need to continue with the great support from yesterday, fully back the team win or lose, turn up in our numbers and make loads of noise, make the club feel welcoming, we need to continue this so potential owners see the potential in us.
  6. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Miggins in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
    I was sad to hear this, @Yani P. Mel was talking about income from televised matches. For Championship sides to only be getting 1/20th of the money given to the lowest prem teams per match is disproportional and really sucks.
  7. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Mel Morris interview on Radio Derby 1pm   
  8. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to BramcoteRam84 in Wayne Rooney   
    Rooney is in a no lose situation now. Everyone knows this is an impossible job, if we go down then no one will hold it against him, if we go down fighting it will be to his credit, if we stay up it will be seen as one of the great managerial achievements in recent years. The problems here are giving him an amazing grounding for his managerial career. I think his stock will rise whatever happens and he will get a better job offer.
    He seems fully invested in and committed to our cause though, I hope we keep him for as long as possible. If we do get a new buyer, we need to back Rooney for the long term, hopefully he will manage in league 1 if we have stable and ambitious new owners.
  9. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to S8TY in Wayne Rooney   
    In a time like this we need stability somewhere and Wayne Rooney is showing that in abundance
    Talking about our future whether points deducted or in a lower division he is talking like he wants to be here and is going to be here.....I've criticised Rooney previously but one thing is sure.....he really is showing what a good leader he is and is conducting himself brilliantly.
    In the post match interview he seemed genuinely choked talking about the club and that means a lot to me......
    Lets please ( including myself ) cut this man a bit of slack when its needed and it will be as he's doing a great job and Rio pointed out how he was so good on the training ground last week when observed our training.
    He deserves our full support especially in the next few weeks/months....lets let him know as fans we appreciate his hard work and  he's still learning to be a manager.......my opinion of him has gone up massively.....he talks like he's here for the long haul and under the current circumstances just shows his character when we need someone to steady the ship  in a time of need Rooney is saying he's going nowhere...massive credit to him......I'm glad he's here and our manager
  10. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Yani P in Wayne Rooney   
    I think the fact he was a winner as a player will mean he has natural drive and ambition..his humble background likely has kept him grounded where it matters..he has been a superb front man for our club in recent times..not getting involved in the clown show above him but just trying to do his job and look after his team..we all know there will be plenty of low points in the future (pun intended) but if we can keep this guy and his team here I really believe they have the potential to do great things.. will need a bit of luck along the way and the EFL finally off our backs.
  11. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RodleyRam in I take it back...   
    The bile spewed at Rooney from some corners was disgusting. I didn't desperately want a high profile player-manager to begin with. However, he's clearly doing his best and responding well under a lot of pressure. The way he has talked about pride and determination aren't made up, he clearly has the support of the players and genuinely cares about doing the best by the club. I wouldn't have blamed him for jumping ship but credit to him for sticking with it and fighting! 
    The whole club needs our support, particularly on the field. 
  12. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Proud ram   
    I feel nothing but pride today, from the moment I hit the A52 bridge to after the final whistle.
    I think the most frustrating thing about this whole debacle is that Mel may have finally found a manager that with a bit of backing could have been a success.
    Get Bielik back and CKR and we either stay up, or if points deduction is so severe, we go down fighting!
  13. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Ruud Aralliss in I take it back...   
    Yeah, been warming to Rooney recently.  He might be forced to leave now, who knows?  I would like to think he will stay and fight even if it meant working for peanuts, but would understand if he didn’t.  On the other hand he could become a Derby Legend if he did stay and fight.  Even bringing us back up from league 1 would cement a legendary status here. 
  14. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Jimbo Ram in I take it back...   
    I liked the way he showed concern about the non playing staff. Seemed genuine….
  15. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to IslandExile in I take it back...   
    I take it back what I said about Rooney.
    I've said his presence undermined Cocu - actually another mistake by Mel.
    I've said his performance last season was really poor and that we avoided relegation despite his tactics.
    But, forget all of that.
    This season, tactically it's been much better and I've been looking forward to seeing the team and performances develop.
    But more than any of that, far more, the way he has dealt with the problems at the club has been immense. First the post season, under the embargo. And, now this, he has handled everything with decorum, dignity and the highest degree of professionalism.
    Rooney, you have my full respect and gratitude. Thank you ?
  16. Clap
    Kathcairns reacted to Ram-Alf in I take it back...   
    For someone to plough millions into the club, I had some sympathy for MM, But failing to tell his Manager that the club is going tits up is a dereliction of his duty...a cowards way out.
    That sympathy I had has now gone, Shame on you MM.
  17. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in I take it back...   
    Ive never been a big fan of Rooney and have been critical of him throughout his time at Derby,in both roles, but today he impressed me with his humility and consideration for the hundreds of staff who are facing redundancy at the club.
    In addition he continued to express his loyalty to the club and seemed to mean it.
    I'm slowly warming to him through these difficult times.
  18. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to EtoileSportiveDeDerby in Wayne Rooney   
    I like his honesty and what he's trying to achieve on the pitch with, lets face it, a very poor hand.
    he seems to care, he's got enough wedge in the bank to just say duck it, somedy else sorts out this shower. 
    Fair play to him
  19. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Zag zig in Wayne Rooney   
    He made mistakes learning on the job last year, he might make a few more, but considering the bum hand he’s been dealt, he’s showing his leadership and fighting characteristics in one. He doesn’t flap, he’s not moaning, just getting on with the job.
    What is clear, the players believe in him and are not just playing with pride, they’re actually implementing his tactics remarkably well, given the threadbare nature of our squad. For all Rooney has done wrong, lacking maturity at times, he’s actually proving a good mentor to our youngsters and the whole team are responding to his tactics.
    Going to be a long season, but Rooney comes across with far more sincerity, than anything we’ve heard from the boardroom in a long while. His comments on the staff losing jobs for me were both heartfelt and genuine. 
    Whatever happens, his stock is rising amongst Derby fans and rightfully so. Keep up the good work Wayne ?
    We as fans should believe in him.
  20. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to BucksRam in Wayne Rooney   
    My respect and admiration for this guy increases every day.  Not one of us would be surprised if he walked but no, he remains, fighting.  It's no wonder he achieved what he did as a player.  And it's no wonder we see the team, to a man, fighting for him. 
  21. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Rev in Wayne Rooney   
    When he first said his job was to bring the dignity and pride back to the club a while ago, I raised an eyebrow, particularly given what happened later that evening.
    Wayne Rooney has many talents, but I thought that was something of a stretch.
    Yet in a time of crisis, it turns out he is actually a real leader, and has the emotional depth and intelligence to become a figurehead.
    I wanted him gone last season, even started a thread saying so, but recent events have made me re-evaluate his contribution.
    He's the leader of the resistance, and today was a test he pulled off with aplomb.
    More tests lie ahead, somehow this might not be the darkest moment, but I now see we've got a steady hand on the tiller.
  22. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
    Rams players 'had no information'
    ..."I spoke to (chief financial officer) Stephen Pearce after, but initially I saw it on the TV," Rooney said.
    "This morning it was a bit flat because, by me not getting all the information, the players had no information and they saw it on Sky as well.
    "I haven't spoken with Mel. I am sure he has got other things on his mind.
    "I've had no contact with Mel for a while now so it's been very difficult for me to address the fans when I don't know what the situation is.
    "All we can do is play with a lot of pride. My job is to bring some dignity back to the club.
    "I've said a few times I'm committed to this club and to the group of players and the staff, I care about them, so I'll keep doing everything I can to help us get through this.
    "I think we will get through this for the better. We are going to have tough times ahead in the near future but it's my job now to start rebuilding this club and trying to put it back together."
  23. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to derbydaz22 in Wayne Rooney   
    I think he is growing in his role as manager and as a person. He’s got my full respect and more importantly of the dressing room they are giving everything for him. ???
  24. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to Pearl Ram in Wayne Rooney   
    Well he certainly deserves a crack with some stability around him in my opinion.
    Admittedly, he cheesed me off last season, the Cardiff/Coventry away games spring to mind but there were others, oh Rotherham away was a bad one too but I’m impressed he’s got us into double figures already this season and if you take into account the blunders you can’t legislate for this season that are in no way down to Rooney, we could have been bothering the top 6 at this early stage. 
    I think it’s a remarkable turn around when you add the deceit he has had to deal with since his appointment. 
    Hey, you could have been right all along Roy?
  25. Like
    Kathcairns reacted to RoyMac5 in Wayne Rooney   
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