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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    First as I expect every season or why bother?

    There’s hope and then there’re realism. As things stand we should be finishing near the top. But that wouldn’t be my expectation in the championship or PL.

  2. Now that the league has been finalised, what are people’s expectations on where we should finish? 
    Mine is that the top 2 should be the target. Top 6 potential acceptable, but anything outside the top 6 deserves Warne and co to be walked through Derby with people shouting shame at them.

    Think if we did finish outside the play offs Warne should go.

  3. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    But the counter point is booking the flight isn't responsibility for delivering a safe flight, that comes down to the transport provider. 

    A football club's logistics person is probably not an expert on aviation safety and just makes bookings that fit the who needs to where equation. There is perhaps a question of due diligence on the part of Nantes regards the provider (approved supplier lists are a thing).

    Ultimately, I feel some sort of partially reduced payment due to the circumstances should probably have been negotiated in good faith between the parties but I feel the route Cardiff are going down won't financially benefit them very much if at all but will be very bad for their reputation and public image. The contention that Cardiff would have made a lot more money had Sala not tragically lost his life is very speculative at best and going into court on the basis of speculation is "risky" shall we say.

    I may be completely wrong but i thought Cardiff had been ordered to pay the transfer fee, so maybe this counter claim has been made to recoup some if not all of the fee.

    Agreed that Cardiff won't get anywhere near the £100m, so i can only assume that there's some legal politics being played. 

  4. My initial opinion is that Cardiff should've paid the fee and moved on. But i believe their argument is that they booked Sala a flight but he had some personal matters to resolve and therefore Nantes organised the flight that he ended up on. 

    The more it drags on the more i think they should just wipe the debt and move on. Harsh on Nantes but ultimately this issue is becoming more distasteful by the day. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    He's a rat who cheated the club at our lowest point. Don't bother sticking up for him. 


    Think the biggest issue with Byrne, is the way he went out the back door after being part of the squad that showed togetherness with the fans. He should've stuck around and if he so wished, informed LR of his intention and got us a few hundred thousand for the inconvenience. 

    To add insult to injury, he's ended up going to a dead league and hardly featuring. Such a waste. 

  6. Decent shot stopper but was useless at crosses. 
    Made a clanger in the play of final and needed a solid season the following year to erase those demons. Sadly this didn’t happen and the fans went in on him. 
    Good for him for moving and improving. But don’t think we as fans need to be too self critical, he was a liability towards the end. Anyway, the same thing happened to Wildsmith being not rated at Weds and we’re the beneficiaries. It’s football. 

  7. Re - Knight

    Ive always rated Knight and for me his best position would be in a midfield 3 playing the Bryson role. Ironically he’s played in this position about 3 times since he came in to the team. 
    This season once again he’s been a victim of his own flexibility. He’s played at least half the season at right back or right wing back, he is neither but churned out 6/10 performances most weeks to be fair to him. The other half of the season he played as an attacking midfielder ‘in the hole’, his goal and assist record speaks for itself, this is not his position. 
    Unfortunately we’re now left with a player who’s probably ready to leave, has only 1 year left on his contract and whose season was average. Can’t see us getting more than £3m for him. 
    If he stays great, but I think he’ll go and I wish him the best. As others have pointed out there’s plenty of worthy replacements knocking around.

  8. I know there's been an air of arrogance from ourselves and the whole Mel on strings photo will haunt us for a long time to come. But it is staggering how the general consensus is that we're a hated team. I doubt many people know the ins and outs of why we got done for cheating (I say this as i still maintain we didn't do much wrong). Yet because we did get the guilty verdict everyone has taken it at face value. 

    Man City are arguably more corrupt but because they can afford the super lawyers they get off through a loophole and nobody bats an eyelid. 

    I dare say being known as Frank Lampard's Derby and Wayne Rooney's Derby hasn't done us any favours either. Kept us in the spotlight and stopped us from sweeping our misdemeanours under the carpet. 

    In time with DC at the wheel things will get forgotten but Mel's ego really has come with some serious baggage. 

  9. 7 hours ago, europia said:

    Or stupid. The transfer fee (allegedly) paid for this player was ridiculous. 

    You can say that’s In hindsight and perhaps reckless is a better term. But if he stays fit and storms the championship for a couple of seasons. Irrespective of our status as a club we probably make a profit. 
    Then this season we loan him out probably assuming that if he stays fit he’ll be class and we can recoup a significant amount back. Only for him to stay fit and look gash. 

  10. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Yet Warne continued to start NML, even starting him in a non-winger slot so his brain had to work harder too! The goals started coming from Barks and he got dropped, Sibs showed he could but had few chances (thought he looked poor yesterday though, maybe injured?). Kept relying on Dobbin who couldn't hit a cow's botty with a banjo! Hourihane seemed to get into the box less but yesterday showed he was 'tired' as he had a generally good game.

    The managing of the players was in question as far as I'm concerned. He spent too long trying to shoe-horn players into his favourite system and not enough getting the best out of the way they could play cf long unbeaten run!

    If Lampard and Rowett have to take the blame for our failures then so does Warne.

    It’s a disappointment but if we go up next season nobody is going to be moaning about this season. Next season is where I think we can judge more harshly. But agree there’s definite chinks in Warne’s amour.

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