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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Just had a quick look to see how the rest of the division is recruiting and to be fair, the average amount of signings is around 4, which is what we're on. Probably shows that we're not quite as struggling as we think. However, i imagine most of the other teams aren't looking to bring in 10 players so to play devils advocate maybe we do need to get a move on. 

    In my opinion the 4 signings we have made have been smart and solid and the recruitment team deserves credit.

    The issues are obvious that we're struggling to sign attackers and the elusive last centre back doesn't seem to want to finalise. Bradley keeps being mentioned as well as Flint but so far so frustratingly slow. 

    I think the next 2 weeks are vital. I'd want at least 1 attacker and the centre back situation resolving in this time. Then by Wigan at home I'd expect at least another couple of players on top of that. I don't think we want to be looking at bringing in more than 2 players during the last month of the window.

  2. 23 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    Its become apparent that some sides , Charlton,Portsmouth and Oxford to mention 3 have looked at the runners and riders this season and thought, spend a little bit in the right places and we might get up this season

    I can see all 3 of those sides being in or around the top6 as they have recruited well

    I'm not concerned yet but firepower was our main flaw last season and with Didzy gone this window has to be productive and get us some goalscorers 

    There is no excuse for not being in or around Top 2 IMO that may seem harsh but we really must be looking at those top two positions 

    We must hit the ground running so our business in the market is crucial ...lets hope Warne is getting the players he really wants 

    Excellent post. 
    You’re quite right that Pompey, Charlton and Oxford have all signed some real quality. In my head I also had Fleetwood and Bristol Rovers as dark horses but their recruitment has failed them so far. 
    However when we look at other promotion contenders forward line it becomes quite concerning (for now). 
    Bolton - Dion Charles   
    Pompey - Colby Bishop   
    Posh - JCH          
    Wigan - Will Keane   
    Charlton - Alfie May

    Not sure what Barnsley, Reading or Blackpool have but without us strengthening the forward line then our top 2 aims suddenly look more like top 6.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Think we would all collectively eat our hats if we loaned anyone from Forest. 

    Agree it would hit the pride hard. But providing he produced on the pitch we’d get over it. 
    Like I say the link is weak at best. But looking at his career projection a loan to a top end league 1 club does make sense.   

  4. 8 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Correct that excuse isnt there now 

    but it was worth noting as people seem to forget/deliberately ignore to suit their anti warne narrative 

    so lets see what happens and regardless of the name and whats they have or havent done previously lets give them more than 5 minutes in a derby shirt before we judge them and throw hissy fits cos theyre not household names like nick blackman lol

    Edit: tbf if warne did re sign nick blackman u would see the greatest hissy fit ever coming out of nottingham lol


    I’m ironically not anti Warne but I fully expect top 6 this season and with restrictions lifted I don’t expect us to be signing the equivalent of Tony Springett. 
    I agree that PW has until the window closes to be judged but we also need a competitive team for the month were the window is still open. 
    I’ve not lost faith as such, but listening to his interview I’m surprised we aren’t closer to bringing players in.

  5. 8 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    U missed the bit about being under an embargo and unable to pay transfer or agents fees 

    But sorry i interrupted .. as u were 

    Not got that excuse now though so expecting to see some decent attackers joining.

  6. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Nervous The Big Bang Theory GIF

    I'm thinking I might need to join in after reading PW's latest interview about strikers.

    Exactly this, PW keeps meeting players but nothing much is materialising. PW got away with a poor Jan because people made the excuse that Jan is hard to recruit. No excuses for now though. 

  7. As a respected tweeter has pointed out PW has gone from saying that if Derby are in for a player it’s basically a done deal because of the size of the club. To now saying that half the league are competing with us for signatures. 
    Also to my knowledge Bielik’s wage was included in this years budget. So if we can’t sign a couple of decent strikers with that then it’s a bad job….I get we can’t splash the cash Willy nilly but if we start the season with Collins as our main striker then questions need to be asked.

  8. Do we think our substantial budget is that big or is just big because teams like Shrewsbury don’t have a pot to pee in? Or do we think the EFL aren’t being as easy to deal with as first assumed? 
    I think if we haven’t signed anybody else by Friday then it’s not cause for concern but it would be a tad disappointing.

  9. 22 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Personally think we should bring in both. Then it would be Nelson, Bradley & Flint in for Davies, Chester & Stearman.

    Centre backs options then 3 of...Nelson, Bradley, Cashin, Flint & Forsyth, send Rooney out on loan

    Agree that both would be ideal. But I imagine Flint doesn’t want to be a benchwarmer and also imagine the same goes for Forsyth (if he was behind Flint on the bench).

  10. Feel the need to vent on the Bairstow topic.

    By the letter of the law its out and if Australia or others want to play cricket in that manner then that's their prerogative. 

    However, anybody that's played at a level above school boy cricket knows that the wicket was underhand and against the spirit of the game. If Carey wants to stump Bairstow then he should back his ability and stand up to the fast bowler. Of course, Bairstow wouldn't wander out of his wicket if that was the case so Carey decided to stay back like the snake that he is and stump him on the sly.

    I've seen people showing clips of England doing the same thing and once again i feel the need to address these.

    Marnus Labuschagne - Marnus was standing out of his crease, therefore this isn't comparable to Bairstow who waled out of his crease assuming that the ball was dead.

    Colin de Grandhomme - The batsmen started to go down the wicket for a run before turning around, once again the fielding team is well within its rights to run the batsman out.

    The Starc catch - England didn't make the decision, Ducket was leaving the field of play and the third umpire made the call. Whether it was out or not is a different debate but certainly not of England's doing. 

    In fact the only example i can see of England doing something comparable is when Foakes stumped the Irish chap after waiting an age for the batter to briefly lift his foot. This was also sly in my opinion but if we're playing tit for tat then i'm sure we can find evidence of every test nation doing something shady. But that doesn't mean Australia gets a free ride for this action.

    In my opinion England would've lost the test anyway but the fact the the number 1 test side resorted to this action is pathetic. England need their bums kicking for losing the first test so what should be a 1-1 score line is 2-0 Aus and the Ashes are all but done and dusted.

    My final word on this is that i can't believe how many pundits have sided with the Australians. If what Carey did happened on a saturday down at Belper or at Denby there would be uproar and embarrassment from those involved. Its just really poor form all round.

  11. Just now, hintonsboots said:

    May and Nombe.

    I must admit I don’t know much about Nombe, but in comparison to other viable options he’s exciting. 
    I agree May seems to have the X factor but we don’t seem to keen and Gillingham are close to signing him.

    Think who we get in the final third will make or break us. So far so quiet on who we’re actually after.

  12. Worth noting that in comparison to previous seasons the whole of the EFL seems a bit meh at the moment in regards to exciting strikers. 
    I couldn’t name you one League 2 striker that we should go for. Apart from JCH league 1 is looking pretty threadbare and even in the championship there’s not a plethora of exciting goal machines.

  13. 1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

    Come on then, be truthful, who is worried that Warne is struggling to find or convince any decent strikers to sign for us for the coming season. Conor Washington they yell. Prosecution rests its case.

    Not sure I’m worried about Warne’s pull. But I’m certainly twitchy that there doesn’t seem an outstanding, realistic candidate that’s being linked to replace Didzy.

  14. Think Warne’s comments on how many more we want leaves us a bit short IMO. However, I guess at full fitness he doesn’t want 4/5 senior pros not making the match day squad so understand where he’s coming from. 
    The forward options is were I’m getting the most anxiety from. Collins is ok, Washington is ok, NML and Barkhuizen good in patches but need competition. We could do with 2/3 high quality players to spearhead our attack.

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