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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Worth noting as well that we’re behind 20 teams in the championship. I say this as we arguably have as much pull as Rotherham, Plymouth, Hull and maybe one other. So whether we like it or not we’ll only get players that don’t attract a championship suitor. 
    We may well end up having a worldie of a window but it’s going to take time.

  2. 21 minutes ago, RodleyRam said:

    Exactly this. Good luck to him, he's had a good career and helping NC to stay in the football league as the last thing he does in his playing career would be a great way to bow out.

    Quite where our goals will come from next season are anyone's guess but you've got to think we'll sign 2-3 strikers if he goes. Hopefully we can spread the goals out and share the load.

    Exactly this. Time for the recruitment team to earn their money. If we’re going 3-5-2 then we’ll need 3 strikers unless the plan is to use NML up top.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Macintosh said:

    I can't remember the thread it was on, but there was someone who posted that his relative was going to sign for us in the window. He couldn't mention his name 'for obvious reasons', but when push came to shove he neither got named nor came here. 


    These transfer links aren't half frustrating and the quality of players decreasing. Where are the rumours of Messi, Benzema and Ibrahimovic. I miss the Morris days and having to look on Wiki who the hell these players we are interested in are!

    I know exactly what you're talking about, either they were full of poo or things changed at the last minute, but would have been interesting to hear if that was the case and the reasons for it.

    I think the lack of people ITK is what we're truly missing, everyone is in the dark (not saying that's a bad thing, but less captivating). 

  4. Needs to go and whilst the comments from the Ireland manager aren’t helpful, he’s only really stating the obvious. 
    Don’t think we’ll get the fee we deserve but alas something is better than nothing.  
    I like Knighty a lot but at the moment he’s not a match winner and that could still be a few years off yet. I wish him the best and hope we replace wisely.

  5. He’s either a reasonable intelligent guy and he’s posted that photo as a teaser for him signing. 
    Or he’s give the monkey bashing two symbols together a break and just randomly put it on. 
    Hoping it’s the first option as that would be a good start to the window. I’d be surprised as well, thought he’d be heading to the championship.

  6. 9 minutes ago, inter politics said:

    Nixon saying we're after Nelson

    Still got one eye shut so hopefully someone can elaborate 

    Curtis Nelson at a guess. Was linked in jan which Warne denied, claimed he was linked with him every window. Free after leaving Blackpool.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    ...but you've displayed no real evidence , as has been pointed put, that Anya did that either. Just a passing thought that he 'must' have had offers.

    Anya wouldn't have been a semi-regular on an international team (even if it was Scotland... who let's be fair rely on effort more than talent) without "putting a shift in".

    if he wasn't being selected for other reasons that's nothing to do with him.

    I'm not trying to have a pop at you or your views, I just think sometimes people need to be a bit more considerate and stop holding players to expectations based upon the money they're paid, the fee that's been paid for them, or anything else.

    Well I’m happy to agree that there will be players you and others dislike that I won’t mind and vice versa. 
    Plus we’ll never know but if it was proven that he genuinely had no offers despite his agent doing their best to get him a move then I apologise. 
    But until that improbable scenario happens I’ll continue to hold a very low opinion of him.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Can I ask what Anya actually did wrong to be called a cockroach?

    There was no hint that he ever did anything to make himself unavailable to play, trained badly etc and he was praised for setting a good example to / having a good attitude around the U23s when he was selected at that level.

    On the rare occasion he did play he never noticeable lacked effort nor was he even particularly poor. One of his final appearances saw a perfectly good goal chalked off in a game he'd played well in.

    The manager who signed him (along with Vydra) saw them two as players who'd successfully played together before, and their early performances showed they had an understanding. Pearson was sacked and he was never really given a chance again.

    I don't seem to recall there being much talk of offers for potential loans, and no evidence that he ever turned down an opportunity to play football elsewhere, but I may be misremembering that.

    His main crime seems to be that he didn't really fit in with the 'lad culture' and that the club stupidly saw fit to put appearance activated payments into his transfer fee. 

    Again, only one person to blame here and that's Mel Morris.


    I’ve got no proof but I doubt he didn’t have offers at some point during his spell here. I imagine we were keen to get rid. 

    Any footballer who’s priority isn’t to play football gets a thumbs down from me.

  9. 13 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Why do you call him a cockroach? My understanding, which is limited admittedly, is that he was signed on a transfer fee with instalments based on appearances/milestones. It was the club who didn’t want to play him rather than him not wanting to play. He kept himself fit, and played for the youth teams, therefore I think you are being harsh. I would have probably sat on my contract in his situation. Another Mel classic signing for a manager he got rid of a few weeks later.

    I’ve got no proof. But I’d be very surprised if no offers came him for him during the last 2 years of him being here. He sat on a big fat contract rather than playing..his prerogative but not stuff of comic books is it.
    I could be wrong and maybe he never had an offer to leave but I doubt it. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Kinder said:

    Isn’t Rowett from Birmingham?

    I like the sound of Knibbs though, good age and size.

    I meant him living locally and having local connections meant the manager gig was a toughen. Slightly different i know as to my knowledge HK doesn't have kids but if he starts dropping stinkers you can't count on fans to not make derogatory comments.


  11. 11 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Football creditors have to be paid at 100% to retain EFL membership. There was no advantage to Clowes paying Arsenal off early, when 4 year payment terms were in existence. We still owe instalment(s) due under the contract. I don’t know the figure, but many seem to state it to be £1.5m outstanding in total. I can’t see any club coming up with that personally over the summer, but I would be happy to be surprised. Very poor value for money. Anyaesque.

    Nobody was as big a waste of money than that cockroach Anya.

  12. To be fair the strikers linked with us have all been suggested by us fans as soon as the season finished. 

    We're obviously competing in a certain pool for players. Can't see Warne having the contacts to bring in some unknown wonderkid from PL clubs, so strikers around bottom end champ, L1 and higher L2 and NL will be our targets.

  13. 3 hours ago, whiteroseram said:

    Quite a lot of age related comments, isn't he a good 6 years younger than didzy, 3 years younger than Collins? 


    Yes we need more of the bulk of our squad in that age profile, but got to work around who we can get in. Maybe if didzy leaves we'll replace with younger as well and everyone complaining about May's age will presumably be happy, but then we'll definitely need a goalscorer regardless of anything else 

    Think its all to do with finances, if we get him for £200k then even if he's Conor Doyle mk2 then its no harm no foul. If the fee is £750k upwards then we need to do every bit of research to ensure that our decision in signing him is justified. 

    Personally i wouldn't pay over half a mil but providing its less than that then he's worth the gamble.

  14. Re: McGoldrick

    It’s dragging on that long I’m starting to convince myself that I wouldn’t be that disheartened if he didn’t sign. 
    The positives for him staying are obvious but if he did leave then we’re losing a 35 year old striker…Nothing long term about his renewal.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Similarly though, the lasting memories of the cup runs & the play-off second leg cloud people's judgements as to how good we were during many of our standard Championship games.

    There were some other memorable highlights, including the comeback win against Norwich when the floodlights failed, but there were also spells where we looked very poor and/or relied on a Harry Wilson set piece (or two) or something special from Mount to get us points, rather than us having played well and/or been entertaining as a team.

    We were at our best when then opposition were also willing to go a bit gung-ho and leave themselves open, which is the main reason IMO that Leeds game happened. Lampard - and Marriott - couldn't have asked for a better manager to face-off against than Bielsa, who did nothing to protect their first leg lead.

    ...but that also means the criticism of Lampard for the team selection vs Villa is a bit skewed by what I think is a false narrative, that had Marriott started the match would have been completely different and it was his non-selection which doomed us to failure. I don't think he'd have made an impact at all had he started -  it wasn't his type of game to play from the start in.

    All fair points which i agree with.

    Just so its on record, my input wasn't to stick up for Frank because I believe he's a shoddy manager and at the time I was salty at the way he left us. So my opinion of him is very poor. However, I don't think he can be called a failure in his season with us.

  16. Think Lampard's time as manager has soured due to bitterness how he left and his record in management at Everton and Chelsea part 2.

    The season in isolation was enjoyable, we played attacking football and we witnessed a good cup run and a memorable night in Leeds.

    Yes, he fluffed up the final, yes he sold us down the river in the summer, could a Warnock type manager have got us up with the same funds given? Maybe. But I think anyone saying he failed or that he did a bad job with us are being swayed by the above reasons. 

  17. I'm a big fan of Knight although I was underwhelmed with him last season. Although i acknowledge that playing at right back and right wing back wouldn't have helped his case. If we can get between £2m - £3m for him i think take the money and invest elsewhere. 

    Bielik will leave because of his high wages, think we've been unlucky with him throughout. But the fact he stunk out the world cup and then the second half of the championship season has done us no favours. Think £1.5m - £2.5m will be as much as we'll get for him.

    Sibley and Bird could both well stay, but other than the inconvenience of us having to replace them, i wouldn't shed a tear on either leaving. I think Bird is a bit lightweight and Sibley has just stagnated and seems destined to never fulfil his potential with us. Think we'd get around £750,000 for LS and between £1.5m - £2.5m for MB.

  18. 1 minute ago, MadAmster said:

    Hope is Champions. Expectation is top 6. All will, of course, be dependent on recruitment but, especially now we are allowed to pay moderate fees, we should be able to improve the squad in both quantity and quality and go on to finish higher than last season.

    Those mentioning we will still be everybody's Cup Final are correct.

    Referees? Those expecting anything better than this season (Rebecca Welch apart...) will be disappointed. Refereeing standards will be much the same as this season. Poor. 

    With regard to opposition, I'd have preferred Barnsley to go up. They have a young team that will be at least as good next season. Wendy have an old squad and, IMO, this was last chance saloon for them as they wouldn't have lasted the pace. Chuffed for Darren Moore but he now has a huge job on his hands replacing about half the squad with younger players. 

    Believe Duff is linked with the Huddersfield job, so hopefully he'll go down this route and they'll appoint a plonker.

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