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  1. Sad
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Lincoln v Derby (A) Matchday Thread   
    I wonder if that late and gutting capitulation against Plymouth has put a serious dent in the confidence levels. Last night was woeful by any reckoning.
  2. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from ColonelBlimp in Lee Gregory (again)   
    Yeah, no issue here at all, I'm happy to hear reasonable debate and contributions from oppo fans, just not the foaming hysterical nonsense that we get from Forest, Boro and Leeds and certain Bristol City fans.
    I often check out opposition boards to see what their take was before we play and again after the game. We are all occasionally guilty of seeing things through Rams tinted specs so it's always interesting for example to see who opposition fans think was a threat and it's not always who you think, plus the 'best team to come to <insert random stadium> this year' comments are useful to put our performances in context.
  3. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from 48 hours in Lee Gregory (again)   
    Yeah, no issue here at all, I'm happy to hear reasonable debate and contributions from oppo fans, just not the foaming hysterical nonsense that we get from Forest, Boro and Leeds and certain Bristol City fans.
    I often check out opposition boards to see what their take was before we play and again after the game. We are all occasionally guilty of seeing things through Rams tinted specs so it's always interesting for example to see who opposition fans think was a threat and it's not always who you think, plus the 'best team to come to <insert random stadium> this year' comments are useful to put our performances in context.
  4. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Miggins in Petition to Derby to remove our relationship to gambling companies   
    Firstly, total respect for what the OP is trying to do, that's an absolute tragedy and a needless loss of a young life.

    Ultimately I think you can only make these decisions on a very much personal level as it affects you. I understand that in these cash strapped times that clubs will grab whichever is the biggest offer and I wouldn't boycott games or anything if we went down that route again.
    That said, I really really hope that we can buck the trend and find another source of money because betting does seem to have a stranglehold on sponsorship. I have watched that Clowes interview and he mentions 'integrity' a number of times. He is clearly looking to reset the relationship with the EFL and regardless of what has happened to this point, I think that is the right thing to do. I do wonder if he has a strong personal preference as to the sort of company that he wants to deal with re sponsorship though. The process is certainly not being rushed.
  5. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from LERam in Petition to Derby to remove our relationship to gambling companies   
    Firstly, total respect for what the OP is trying to do, that's an absolute tragedy and a needless loss of a young life.

    Ultimately I think you can only make these decisions on a very much personal level as it affects you. I understand that in these cash strapped times that clubs will grab whichever is the biggest offer and I wouldn't boycott games or anything if we went down that route again.
    That said, I really really hope that we can buck the trend and find another source of money because betting does seem to have a stranglehold on sponsorship. I have watched that Clowes interview and he mentions 'integrity' a number of times. He is clearly looking to reset the relationship with the EFL and regardless of what has happened to this point, I think that is the right thing to do. I do wonder if he has a strong personal preference as to the sort of company that he wants to deal with re sponsorship though. The process is certainly not being rushed.
  6. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to Chester40 in Thank you Mr Clowes.   
    Things I enjoyed...
    Genuine fan with decades of supporting the team 
    Nice hint of a Derby accent
    Spoke well of Mel's 'team'
    Didn't criticise Kirchner
    Talked about how emotional he was at buying the club
    Really creating a decent relationship with the EFL
    Gave credit to Lionel 
    Didn't promise anything but talked about progress and stability. 
    Not much more you could ask for. Hope he stay fairly quiet and enjoy the ride back to the top!
  7. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Nethermoor in Neutral   
    I occasionally attend a completely random game as well if we are not playing. I find it gives you a different perspective to just attending a ground as an away fan and would recommend it to folk.
    Glad you enjoyed your day out at PP and sorry about the awful traffic ! Yep, I always park in the city centre these days and walk in from there. Takes me about half an hour but that is still quicker than the discounted parking that I can get closer through my company on that industrial park. It's a fair old walk from the centre but at least you feel that you are getting somewhere ! Means that I can get a bit more of my Saturday night back as I drive back up to Gtr Manchester. Anyway, enjoy your return visit later in the season ?
  8. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to Nethermoor in Neutral   
    Alright Rams, Guiseley (who?) fan here in peace.
    I came to the Oxford game on Saturday with my mate (Wolves fan). 
    It was our first trip to Pride Park between us and usually we pick a random game every so often. So we ended up at your place.
    We had a great time, your stadium is fantastic. Plenty of eateries around the ground too. The fans we were sat near were passionate and it was infectious. We were in the North Stand which was family orientated but it was nice to see so many youngsters getting behind the team.
    The atmosphere was great, the bounce by the south stand was something I won't forget. Capped with a great goal to get the win aswell. 
    Only downside being, we parked at the industrial park past the south stand and we didn't move for about an hour after the final whistle. But that didn't spoil a great day out. 
    All the best for the season, will be looking out for your results and will likely come back later in the season too. 
  9. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from SaffyRam in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  10. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Premier ram in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  11. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from angieram in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  12. Sad
    Alty_Ram reacted to B4ev6is in Bad news   
    Well guys I have broken my big toe and a bad break and bits of bones has come off too. So now I might need operation to get rid of them. I will try get games when I can I going to be out of work for weeks possible months.
    Big blow sigh just when things just starting look up for me.
  13. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to Grumpy Git in It’s…….Rebekah Vardy’s account   
    Thick as mince, no other words.
  14. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Ewetube in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  15. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from roboto in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  16. Haha
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  17. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Caerphilly Ram in New Kits 22-23 Season   
    *Puts hand up slowly and says in small voice..* "I quite like them all.." ?
  18. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from nogbad van 50 in Krystian Bielik - Joined Birmingham on a 3 year deal   
    I don't see many/any shelling out 7-8m for him. An excellent player at ours and Championship level (when he plays) but surely needs to prove that he is over his injury issues which is far from certain. I know that he's a Polish international and all but that sort of money is a huge gamble for a Championship club with his injury record and Prem clubs surely have better/safer options.
  19. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Oldben in Crystal Ball predictions   
    I'm really not intending to be negative but my gut feeling is that we will need some time to get into our stride so I expect a slow start. We have a reasonable squad which has some quality in some areas but there are still some real weaknesses and very limited cover (that is good enough) plus very little playing time together as a first team not just a rotating squad for pre-season. I think we're just going to have to be a bit patient and not over-react if it doesn't all click straight away.
    Momentum and a winning habit can be really important, particularly when you want players to buy into what you are trying to do so I really hope for our managers sake that we can get off the mark with wins home and away quickly. I really don't expect promotion this year but hope that we can see something that suggests that we are on the right track and finish the season strongly.
  20. Haha
    Alty_Ram reacted to RoyMac5 in Alfreton Town vs Derby County (Match Thread)   
  21. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to TheMatlockFan in Matlock Town Vs DCFC U21 - Clowes Cup - 29/7/22   
    Hello friends,
    I hope this thread finds you all well on this warm Sunday afternoon.
    As a club, we were strong supporters of the "Save Derby County" campaign as we strongly believe no fan base or community should have to face losing their football team and we were overjoyed when our friends at Clowes UK came to the rescue. Clowes UK sponsor Matlock Town including our away strip so it's fantastic to all be part of the same football family.
    To celebrate the continued links, The Proctor Cars Stadium will be hosting Derby County on Friday 29th July with a 7:45pm kick off. It promises to be a fantastic evening of celebrations as the Gladiators will wear our Clowes UK away strip for the first time ever, the Clowes UK Cup will be up for grabs and they will be in attendance and we get to celebrate together the saving and hopefully thriving existence of the club you all love.
    Tickets are available now via the following link - https://matlocktownfc.ktckts.com/event/mtl2223hpre3/matlock-town-v-derby-county-u-21s
    We are hoping for 2300 sell out which we believe can be made possible by two fantastic fan bases. We were encouraged by Rams fans on Twitter to add a donation ticket option for those who want to help us out but are unable to attend for one reason or another.
    As a community based non league team which doesn’t have a wealthy owner we rely solely on our community to fund the club whether through gate receipts, sponsorship or donations. Any donations would be greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you to all who took the time to read this post and we hope to see you this coming Friday.
  22. Clap
    Alty_Ram reacted to Ellafella in Rams Fans: Stay Positive, Stay Classy   
    Last season the atmosphere and togetherness was phenomenal. Rams in big numbers home and away inspired the team to keep fighting. The Club had its future hanging by a thread & Fans responded & inspired. The result is that high calibre players have signed because they want to play in that atmosphere. But can Rams fans keep that support going now the context has changed? The learning points for us:
    1.  Support in big numbers home and away: the cost of living crisis will impact here but Derby is a football city so expect the big numbers to continue. In any case, often the atmosphere was better when PP had 25k than when 30k.
    2. Inspiring songs like we fight to the end, Allez Allez, Since I was young…are more likely to insure and raise the Teeam’s energy than Collymore’s a winker and other negative chanting. 
    There’s a total change of context; we are no longer United in the face of extinction. We will be the big fish, the prime scalp. Teams will play in “Cup Finals” against us and raise their performance 20%. At times Derby will struggle. It’s at these points that we need to stay positive and stay classy and try to raise our new team to higher levels. Generate positive energy which will translate to the Team. Do this and we will move upwards and forwards. 
    Can’t wait for next Saturday. ? 
  23. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Nathan Byrne - Joined Charlotte FC   
    After everything that everybody at DCFC have collectively endured over the last year or two this really stinks. In recent years in particular I haven't had a particularly high opinion of many footballers but then folks like Curtis and Colin Kazim Richards completely restore your faith only for it to be 'Byrned' or 'Buchananed'. If this is true then it's just a cynical way of trying to denying the club any cash while slightly improving their own negotiating position. It's just despicable behaviour and I have nothing but utter contempt for them.
  24. Like
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Hans Datdo-Dishes in Nathan Byrne - Joined Charlotte FC   
    After everything that everybody at DCFC have collectively endured over the last year or two this really stinks. In recent years in particular I haven't had a particularly high opinion of many footballers but then folks like Curtis and Colin Kazim Richards completely restore your faith only for it to be 'Byrned' or 'Buchananed'. If this is true then it's just a cynical way of trying to denying the club any cash while slightly improving their own negotiating position. It's just despicable behaviour and I have nothing but utter contempt for them.
  25. Clap
    Alty_Ram got a reaction from Crewton in Nathan Byrne - Joined Charlotte FC   
    After everything that everybody at DCFC have collectively endured over the last year or two this really stinks. In recent years in particular I haven't had a particularly high opinion of many footballers but then folks like Curtis and Colin Kazim Richards completely restore your faith only for it to be 'Byrned' or 'Buchananed'. If this is true then it's just a cynical way of trying to denying the club any cash while slightly improving their own negotiating position. It's just despicable behaviour and I have nothing but utter contempt for them.
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