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Posts posted by OUTSIDER

  1. 10 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    The problem is, boycotting games won’t really reflect them, as they make the vast majority of their money from kids in China buying shirts, and they really don’t care about a few mancs having a moan. 

    Yes true, few moaning mancs will mot, but a disruptive protest works.... look back under the 3amigos, RPG I believe it was called got the results 

  2. can a 29 year old do what many experienced businessmen couldn't do, run the club financially and steady the ship? 

    he talks the talk on twitter how the good days will be back, which i love his enthusiasm , BUT i have doubts, 


    seeing as he is a in the boxing game, he be handy for forest away next season lol

  3. i will say again , if he had stayed at Derby he probably got us promoted and his cv would have looked alot better than it does now. 

    this talk about it was a job in a life time and he could not turn it down is bullsh@t, the chelsea job comes around every 2-3 years.

    yes it was a great season under frank imo as all fans to mel were as 1. i did 35 games that season flying over as i too was enjoying the the Lampard's Derby euphoria  so no sympathy from me 

  4. Along with the end of season coming to a halt, the euro20 was also cancelled,  on thursday i was suppose to be flying to Azerbaijan for 2 games and then on to italy and beyond ?

     so looked back of euro 16 and here are few photos 

    paris apartment

    bordeaux fan park

    Bordeaux centre 

    irish bar in france i cant remenber but it started a issue betwenn me and few cardiff fans ??

    i dont have any for the big one in Lens ?





  5. 19 minutes ago, RamNut said:

    V Middlesbrough I was - for some unknown reason - listening to Radio Derby whilst at the match.

    lawrence took a corner from the NE corner, and ed Dawes says “ Lawrence takes in the shadow of a large welsh dragon flag hanging from the stand” implying that this was some special show of support for our man.

    i spent the next hour looking for this mythical flag anywhere around the ground, even though the description was “in the shadow of”

    if anyone ever spots it ( NE corner) please feel free to post a picture.

    Only welsh flag I've seen at PP is mine and it wasnt there for boro.

  6. 11 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    @OUTSIDER I've been watching tonight's game against Croatia and I've tried and failed to spot you so far.

    Welsh Football Flags@WelshFootyFlags Twitter.

    Here's some others I've spotted on the web from other games.





    could not make the Croatia home 


    top one Denmark away at Aarhus next one was Croatia away at Osijek

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