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Tyler Durden

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  1. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in First time I thought this tonight   
    Problem is we are relying on other teams charity and we seem to be doing the reverse when gifting the opposition goals.
  2. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Bubbles in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    Gonna say something that’s potentially going to be disagreed with by most but eh, the world would be a boring place if we all agreed with each other!
    Wayne Rooney is a poor manager.
    Nice man, yeah, but I can’t help but feel like us fans have really relaxed our opinions on him, based solely on the fact he’s been loyal to us throughout the situation we’re in.
    Last season we was a genuine embarrassment, we was a joke, and we deserved to go down. We had no identity, no tactics, just vibes and hope that the rest of the teams around us were equally as poo as we was.
    This season we started off a bit better but now seem to have gone backwards. Back to playing with no identity, players looking confused, communication shot… Just like last season.
    Rooney and Rosenior don’t have a clue. I have the upmost respect for them to wanting to be loyal to the club but if we are bought out, I’d hope that then we’d be able to get a change of staff.
  3. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to Bris Vegas in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    I’m not convinced by Rooney as a manager.
    That said, our squad is crap and so unbalanced towards a particular style of football.
    We can’t play a high line due to our slow defence. Barnsley’s second goal was schoolboy stuff.
    We can’t press high and have a low block defence, the opposition will just play through the gaping holes in midfield, just like Blackburn did.
    Our wide players are utterly ineffective in deeper positions with their back to goal. But we can’t push forward, because we can’t dominate the ball with our ultra slow transition.
    The only way we can really play with this group is a deep, compact shape and hitting it long to Kaz and hoping to pick up second balls. But it’s a turgid style, and Rooney has said he wants to progress the way we play as not to do that.
    Ultimately, we’re stuck and our whole situation comes as a result of woeful management of the club from Mel and the dire recruitment under his tenure.
  4. COYR
    Tyler Durden reacted to uttoxram75 in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    We have to expect a certain amount of moaning - its always been the case since I've been watching the Rams.
    We are in a desperate position as a club, its as bad as its ever been with still no guarantee of survival. Changing the manager right now is not an option so the only way we can influence the future of our club is to continue to show the magnificent support we have done so far this season. 
    If people want to moan on a forum thats fine as long as the majority of us continue to get behind Rooney and the players at the match, thats all that matters right now.
    COYR ?
  5. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Jimbo Ram in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    That argument can never be proved or disproved unfortunately so is an easy statement to make. 
  6. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Jourdan in Rooney and his sidekick OUT NOW   
    That argument can never be proved or disproved unfortunately so is an easy statement to make. 
  7. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Captain Tom Lawrence   
    Always thought Lawrence was a really weird choice for club captain.
    Thought one of the pre requisites was leading by example...in retrospect that probably explains a lot about the recent performances....
  8. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Yani P in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Agree with that we were lucky to get nil v WBA
  9. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from GenBr in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Seeing as I posted when we scored then apart from that what you've said is totally accurate. 
    As long as it fits in with your narrative though that's the main thing. 
  10. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Boycie in First time I thought this tonight   
    We’re down.
    Slow out from the back, no desire to get the tempo up from the defence.  Hollywood passes from midfield to the strikers.
    Striker link up play depressing.
    Forget the admin points, and the incoming ffp points, we’d be down anyway if Mel had stayed on.
  11. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Hector was the best in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    The administrators really need to work their magic now with the appeal as we're going to struggle to stay up on this evidence even without any points deductions
  12. Sad
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Chris_Martin in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    The administrators really need to work their magic now with the appeal as we're going to struggle to stay up on this evidence even without any points deductions
  13. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Russell Ram in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    The administrators really need to work their magic now with the appeal as we're going to struggle to stay up on this evidence even without any points deductions
  14. Clap
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Finch in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    The administrators really need to work their magic now with the appeal as we're going to struggle to stay up on this evidence even without any points deductions
  15. Clap
    Tyler Durden reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Shame about the last minute, thought we scored. Didn’t deserve anything anyway. Looked very poor tonight. Gifted second goal. Didn’t start playing until 87 minutes. Barnsley should have had a peno. Abject performance. Ebosele looked bright. Morrison on the ball a lot. Disjointed everywhere. 
    Relegation form and performance. Awful
  16. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to DanS1992 in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    I seem to recall them being active in good times and bad. Generally well grounded, rational and balanced posts. But that's just my opnion and that is what football is, a game of opinions ?‍♂️ A bit of an unneccesary post though Yani.
  17. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Patrick Rams in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    That's that theory knackered then 
  18. Like
    Tyler Durden reacted to Ewe Ram in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Rooney must be the most stubborn bloke ever. If I was him I’d go home and have a nice life. This is painful. 
  19. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Wolfie in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  20. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from BucksRam in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  21. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Old Spalding Ram in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  22. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from DavesaRam in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  23. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from AbuDerbyDave in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  24. Like
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from Malty in Rams vs Barnsley (A) Matchday Thread   
    Baldock don't believe it.
    Anyway more importantly who's in favour of timewasting now.
  25. Haha
    Tyler Durden got a reaction from i-Ram in Derby finally accept 21 point deduction.   
    I'm not going to try and get on my moral high horse as am certain I've posted questonable stuff and I do come across as a nark so no worries and nothing personal ?
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