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  1. COYR
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in Well let's get pp rocking let get even louder   
    Hey guys let's get behind our lads let's make pp even louder than last home game which was against stoke city let's have a wall to wall noise let's have the lads think wow this is load tonight lets have pp sea of black and white let's have pp full of flags scafs  and balloons sent up with pride but rest of them let's be held with pride.
  2. Haha
    taffyram reacted to i-Ram in To billy sharp from accepted our apologies   
    Totally shellfish.
  3. Clap
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in To billy sharp from accepted our apologies   
    From all Derby fans that we are sorry what was sung to you yesterday unfortunately some people drank to much and lost all scences but does not excuse it what so ever. And if that has upset your family it is same here or sheffield untied support please do not judge all Derby fans with same brush.
  4. Clap
    taffyram reacted to Carl Sagan in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    Here we are, administrators in, massive points deduction, an estimated £50m or whatever in debt, unable to pay wages. And then we read in the Teesside Gazette that Steve Gibson is suing Derby County. https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/middlesbrough-Derby-rooney-mel-morris-21660410
    His gripe is that Mel sold the stadium to another of Mel's companies (accepted as OK by the League because not every club owns their stadium and you can't force a club to) and that Derby loaned Matt Clarke when Gibson wanted him to go to Middlesbrough.
    Of course claims such as these are manifestly absurd and would normally be laughed out of court. But the problem is it's inconceivable that the Derby Administrators can also afford to pay lawyers to fight the Middlesboro Chairman. Equally, it's inconceivable that Derby could afford any additional fines the courts might impose.
    The sole purpose of this can only be to ensure the end of Derby County as a football club. Nothing less. The entire football world including honest Middlesbrough fans should be outraged by this behaviour and condemn it in the strongest possible terms. The club can't afford to fight this, so it's up to us fans to shame Gibson into stopping this despicable course of action.
  5. Clap
    taffyram reacted to whaley bridge Ram in Ditch the Rooney song   
    Time to ditch the horrible song about our leader . I think you all  no which one .replace it with he’s one of our own he deserves that the way he is conducting himself in these grim times 
  6. COYR
    taffyram got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in v Sheffield Utd (A) - Predictions   
    blades 0 rams 1 frgs sibley
  7. Clap
    taffyram reacted to sage in PM me if you genuinely cannot afford to go but want to   
    We have a few posters who have agreed to gift a ticket or 2 to someone who cannot afford to go. You can PM me if you you want to go but genuinely can't afford to buy a ticket or two. Due to Covid you will need a fan id and an email address. We can get the ticket emailed to you.
    Your PM will be dealt with in strictest confidence. We have all had times when we haven't been able to afford to go, we are all Derby and will help each other.
  8. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Andicis in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    They weren't even in the league when we did anything wrong and they shouldn't even have got promoted the way they did. Piss off Wycombe.
  9. Like
    taffyram reacted to Sparkle in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    What did it cost Peterborough who were 6th was it who weren’t allowed to be promoted whilst Wycombe 8th were promoted now there was legal action. 
    anyway we haven’t breached yet !
  10. Clap
    taffyram reacted to G STAR RAM in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    Who exactly are they considering taking legal action against?
  11. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Ramslad1992 in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    Can’t wait to do the double over them in league one next year. 
    Duck ‘em!
  12. Clap
    taffyram reacted to Bosshogg in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    Just read this. No chance. Not sure why the BBC even bothered with it other than another  scare mongering tactic. 
    I mean it’s been a rough week hasn’t it but this is laughable. 
  13. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Carnero in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    American lawyer considers legal action ?
    Colour me shocked.
  14. Haha
    taffyram reacted to Yani P in Wycombe Consider Legal action (again)   
    Wycombe Wanderers owner Rob Couhig is considering taking legal action against the club's relegation to League One after Derby announced they are due to go into administration.
    It comes after Derby owner Mel Morris' admission the club would have been at risk of a points deduction if it had submitted accounts for 2017-18 without using the club's controversial amortisation method.
  15. Like
    taffyram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in Proud ram   
    I feel nothing but pride today, from the moment I hit the A52 bridge to after the final whistle.
    I think the most frustrating thing about this whole debacle is that Mel may have finally found a manager that with a bit of backing could have been a success.
    Get Bielik back and CKR and we either stay up, or if points deduction is so severe, we go down fighting!
  16. COYR
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in Derby will survive if I have I something to say about itm   
    No sadly not
    But as a fan while I still have breath in my body I will continue my ralling crys to us Derby fan and players.
  17. COYR
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in Derby will survive if I have I something to say about itm   
    Well lads you did us all pround of you are Derby county and we are fighters to bitter end. And with everything going off you at least sent a message to players to fans we are one and togather we shall come out of this stronger than ever before.
    Now to new owners you seen what players are trying to do and roony first thing first get those damn keys of mel and then give roony some funds in january window and pay as much debt as you can.
    Now mel I never ever wanted to say this when you leave dont you dare ever step inside pp again GET OUT OF OUR CLUB.
    And us the fans have shown how much this club means to us.
    I will there guys.
  18. Like
    taffyram reacted to Kathcairns in Time to stand behind the lads and fight with them every step of the way   
    Give the bloke some credit.you hav'nt spent your 50p, he has.
  19. Like
    taffyram reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Time to stand behind the lads and fight with them every step of the way   
    Doesn't alter the fact that he shouldn't have to do it.
  20. Like
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in Time to stand behind the lads and fight with them every step of the way   
    Well roony been doing stuff mel should been doing providing coach for away travel and place to stay over night he been paying for it all out of his own money.
  21. COYR
    taffyram reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Time to stand behind the lads and fight with them every step of the way   
    I think from this point onwards (ok it might not technically be the case) but I think it's fair to see the manager, staff and players are now doing this for love, lets make them feel loved. They don't know what their futures hold, how long their salaries are going to be paid and if they turn out like they did against Stoke they're going beyond what could be expected from an employer that's basically in the process of going bust.
    Not sure which match yet but I'm going to make a trip down specifically to support the manager and players in this difficult time.
  22. COYR
    taffyram reacted to B4ev6is in Time to stand behind the lads and fight with them every step of the way   
    Well I know facing hard times ahead no use of hiding anymore we all got stand firm and back our lads like never ever before I know many really dont want spend money Sheffield untied want but lads could need of sell out away end. And club could need percentage of away ticket sales what ever that percentage is.
  23. Like
    taffyram reacted to IslandExile in Mel put us in Administration because......   
    We are all gutted that the club is to be put into Administration. We face so many points deductions, we do not know which division we will be in the season after next let alone next (depending on when the penalties are applied).
    Unless a buyer does come in once we are in Administration, which Mel claims is his hope/plan, then we're in even more trouble. Asset stripping, further points deductions, heaven knows where we will end up.
    It's clear the vocal majority are irate at Mel. Even those of us who have tried to give him the benefit of the doubt in the past are annoyed that the poor management of the club has led to this dire situation.
    Even so, I think we are where we are because of incompetence not vindictiveness. 
    A poll allows the less vocal to express their view. Of course, I may have missed the real reason behind Mel's actions but I am sure posters will correct me.
    Similarly, who knows what will happen next? There's a poll with a few options but the list is far from exhaustive simply because - to be frank - I do not have a clue what could happen. So, again, feel free not to bother voting but just add a comment with your own prediction.
  24. Haha
    taffyram reacted to i-Ram in WBA Away   
    Is this the Matchday thread? Less than 36 hours before kick off, and no one seems to be too arsed.
    For those not going, it’s on Sky red button at 8 o’clock, but clashes with Holby City on BBC.  Choose your hospital case.
  25. Clap
    taffyram reacted to deanoakaram4life in If You Took Over DCFC...   
    The fans!
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