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  1. Like
    48 hours reacted to jono in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Both our strikers are far from young. It makes sense to use them in a balanced way. It also keeps the opo guessing. Mc G is hugely polished and dangerous but Collins is a rough tough old soldier and very useful in away games. 
  2. Like
    48 hours reacted to Anag Ram in Jordan Hugill - joined Rotherham   
    Does anyone know why anyone has ever tried hitting a cow’s arse with a banjo?
    What did the cow do wrong?
    Why a banjo rather than any other type of instrument? Why not a ukulele or a mandolin?
    How do vegans rate their accuracy?
    I need a lie down.
  3. Like
    48 hours reacted to Boycie in Jordan Hugill - joined Rotherham   
    Couldn’t hit a cows barn door with a banjo’s arse I heard.
  4. Like
    48 hours reacted to Gaspode in Pride Park Stadium   
    Surely it would be his half-brother?
  5. Like
    48 hours reacted to Steve How Hard? in Pride Park Stadium   
    B2? Is that B4s dad or his younger brother? ?
  6. Haha
    48 hours reacted to kevinhectoring in Pride Park Stadium   
    We’ve become masters at repelling oppo fans and wums from match day threads. Bolton was mostly about attendances and now it’s the price of energy and the structural condition of PP. There will be hundreds of PV fans asleep at their desks it’s like listening to local chat radio at 2.00 am. 
  7. Like
    48 hours reacted to Archied in Pride Park Stadium   
    No way ,, I’m a right aches and pains old duffer now , I get in it every morning ( always wake naturally between 5 and 6 ?‍♂️) , I soak my aching bones , have a coffee , do my emails , read the forum , do wordle ( challenge with the missus, it loosens me up ready for work
  8. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to Ghost of Clough in Pride Park Stadium   
    £1.48m in the 12 month period after entering administration.
  9. Like
    48 hours reacted to RadioactiveWaste in Pride Park Stadium   
    It'll never have the potential for geothermal energy that elland road does, what with that Leeds utd portal directly to hell....
    However, it is probably more sustainable than the energy from waste plant referred to as "the city ground"
  10. Like
    48 hours reacted to StarterForTen in Pride Park Stadium   
    (Electrical) jumpers for goal posts...
  11. Like
    48 hours reacted to rammieib in Pride Park Stadium   
    This won't financially be as good as it looks but it will resonate well with the green brigade. I don't estimate the Pride Park electricity costs to be that high, maybe 300k a year. Majority of that will be in winter time when Solar creates 20% of what it does in Summer. 
    I'm all for going green, but the ROI on this will be 10 years plus IMO. You can't even sell back to the grid at decent rates these days since the FIT tariffs dropped. 
    I know my stuff here, I've just spent £1.4 million on Solar for my company. We area 24/7 business with a big electricity bill!
    However, the positive aspect of environmentally friendly and going green is a good selling point. Moor Farm has had solar for a long time. I would say thats been a better return there. Much smaller but more of a day time operation.
  12. Haha
    48 hours reacted to BodminRam in Pride Park Stadium   
    I know their fans are really happy with solar panels, ive heard them singing Green Army lots off times
  13. COYR
    48 hours reacted to B4ev6is in Calling all derby fans   
    I am calling everyone to be in full voice if stood up or sat down we need let's derby feel the love and help suck ball into portvale net and at the same time I am asking everyone to help scunthorpe get rid of there owner as they need our help.
    Maybe a chant who ever owner is
    We let him know that he is not wanted there and we are hear to help there fans get him gone asp.
    But now back on topic let's help our lads claim to top of league one and help finnish as champions and go back to the championship in style.
    Who is with me.
  14. Haha
    48 hours reacted to uttoxram75 in Pride Park Stadium   
    What do you mean "is that it"? I've longed to join the ranks of ITKnowers for years. This could be the making of me becoming a true forum legend, talked about in hushed tones for decades to come instead of just being bullied by @Boycie.
  15. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Henrycav81 in Pride Park Stadium   
    Does that mean we can have heated turnstiles 
  16. Haha
    48 hours reacted to uttoxram75 in Pride Park Stadium   
    We thought a new pope had been elected.
  17. Like
    48 hours reacted to uttoxram75 in Pride Park Stadium   
    At last, I have some ITK information.
    A mate of mine (none Derby fan) who is a Structural Design Engineer was at a meeting recently to discuss plans to turn PP green!
    They are looking at solar panelling the roof and fitting wind turbine generators to future proof the stadium from energy costs.
    Thats it! Thats all I know, its early days but the club is planning to do this and is looking for companies to provide detailed plans and costings to carry out the work.
    David Clowes Black, White and Green army....
    Seriously, the fact that Mr Clowes is looking at this is yet another pointer to his love for the club and wanting us to prosper in the future imo.
  18. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Rev in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    We'll be OK. 
    Apparently PV use a life size cut out of Robbie Williams as a cover for the pitch. 
    Saves salting the stands, too.
  19. Cheers
    48 hours reacted to plymouthram in Could Plymouth Argyle lose their manager   
    Well the Plymouth fans are concerned
  20. Like
    48 hours reacted to sage in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    I'm sure players like Barkhuizen, Hourihane, NML and McGoldrick would love being called journeymen.
    They were part of an incredible piece of recruitment and planning by LR.
    Rosenoir ought to change his name to Leon as he is slowly being painted out of the revolution by many fans.
  21. Like
    48 hours reacted to StantonRam in Wouldn't It Be Good...   
    ...if we were able to get maximum points from the 7 league matches in Jan/Feb?
    21 points would give us 68 at the end of Feb.  Ipswich would then have to pick up at least 2 points per game from their 6 games during the same period in order to avoid being overtaken by us.  Even Sheff Wed would have to start watching their backs.
    All these 7 games are winnable IMO.  The team are on such an amazing run right now, and confidence is so high, that I don't think this is just wishful thinking but definitely achievable.  
    Warne knows this league inside out, the other teams, managers, players etc.  This is exactly why he was hired.  The tactics and setup v Bolton were a masterstroke, and I really believe that he has what it takes to secure those 21 points.  The final score flattered Bolton a lot IMO.
    By then it will probably be clear whether we really are in with a chance of displacing Sheff Wed in 2nd or whether it will probably be playoffs.
    Even then, I think we would go into the playoffs as the favourites no matter where we finished.
    I truly believe that had PW been in charge from this time last year and in charge of pre season then we would be 1st or 2nd right now, because far fewer of those points would have been dropped before Xmas.
    As it is, the gap is probably too large now, but I would like to see us give it a real go anyway.
    There is not much to lose by being bold at this point.  Even a couple of defeats would see us still in the top 6, and 3 points from 2 games taking risks and winning 1 and losing 1 is better than 2 points from 2 draws and playing it safe - if that were the choice.
    This hastily assembled squad of journeymen and academy products is in fact proving to be greater than the sum of its parts, and long may that continue.
  22. Like
    48 hours reacted to Ambitious in Bailey Wright - Joined Rotherham, but we have Warne   
    We've been linked with Sunderland defender Bailey Wright, who was ever present in their team last season but has fell in the picking order this season. 
    Link: https://www.si.com/soccer/sunderland/news/sunderland-league-one-club-join-bailey-wright-chase via Daily Record. 
    He's been a steady player at this level (and higher) for a while so would be a decent signing on the face of it, especially in the light of James Chester's news. 
  23. Like
    48 hours reacted to hintonsboots in Chrissy Martin   
    If you think Warne can convert Martin into a high pressing centre forward he must be planning on radical surgery.
  24. Like
    48 hours reacted to i-Ram in Chrissy Martin   
    Paul Warne to Matt Hamshaw
    PW: If we were to sign Chris Martin, how do you think we could get him moving faster around the pitch?
    MH: Put him on a stretcher.
  25. Haha
    48 hours reacted to Wolfie20 in Joseph Anang signed on season long loan   
    Then give the arrogant pratts another going over on Monday evening 
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