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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 40 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    I got it wrong regarding the Ewarts bit because although they were on the same site as Leys  near the BBG they were actually chain makers I seem to remember .

    Those pea soupers were fun at BBG though .

    ‘Ewarts Chain Belt’

  2. 27 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    I remember a recent leader who did this regularly. Trying to remember how that ended up for him!

    For someone with 'former UK PM' on his CV, about an extra £50,000/hr when doing after-dinner speeches. Plus an additional lifetime pension of £115K/year.

    If they carry-on like this, we'll be bankrupted just by having to pay-out ex PM's pensions.

  3. 6 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    I await to see what positive spin the right will try to put on this climb down by Truss and Kwartang. While ignoring the damage it's caused to the country, the money spent by the Bank of England to prop up the pound, the cost to mortgage lenders.

    All this extra unneeded cost at this time of hugh government borrowing. 

    …… and a hedge-fund managers dream.

    They will have cashed-in on the pound crashing and again when it went-up again, (no doubt tipped-off on both occasions). In the meantime, all the contributions I’ve made to my personal pension in the last two years have evaporated into thin air. ?

  4. 1 hour ago, Rev said:

    When you queue for 40 minutes for a booster jab, having had an email and a text requesting you book a slot as a clinically vunerable person

     After a further 10 minutes conference, told that you're not actually eligible for one yet, and to come back at a later date. 



    Can't get my head around the over 70's getting priority over people still working, does my nut in.

    I got asked to go for my annual check-up but was working abroad. When I got home and called to make the appointment I was told in no uncertain terms "we've started doing the flu-jab, so there are no slots for the next 24 months", (I lied a bit at the end of that sentence). ?

  5. 1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

    So if you’re solar and wind energy is so efficient and supplying the UK with energy, why have our bills increased so much?

    Simple answer; the cost of producing electricity is calculated as if 100% of it is generated from gas, even if no gas is being consumed.

    I wonder how big the bonus was for the bloke who got that written into a contract?

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