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Grumpy Git

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Posts posted by Grumpy Git

  1. 11 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    You're right - but it would need the main two parties to agree to any such rule change - and Labour are on dodgy ground as they didn't even have an election when Blair handed over to Brown......

    Neither did the current lot when Theresa May got the gig.

  2. 6 hours ago, Keepyuppy said:

    If you’ve got an older iPhone that set on  4G the signal gets completely overloaded. A cheat trick is to change your 4G down to 3G as not many people are on 3G and it works perfectly - it’s all about how many people are trying U.K. use the same 4G  band width. 

    Trust me you signal will be great when clogged down to 3G. ivd been doh g this for 3 a few seasons, yes 3G is slightly slower than 4G, but that’s much better than not getting anything in 4G. 
    if you’re on 5G it’s fine anyway. 


    So it’s you who sends me texts in black & white!

  3. 50 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    you earn more you get more, what bit don’t you understand. I’m still shocked that grown men and women who were given something they didn’t have a week ago are crying because it might not be as much as someone else, it’s staggering. 

    Your own statement said ‘proportional’.

    Sorry to be a pedant, but that means that if the person on £20K gets £167 extra, then the person on £200K would get £1,670 extra.

    ……. but then again I’m sure you knew that anyway and are just on a wind-up!

    One thing grown (working class) men and women definitely don’t understand is reading the Mail/Express/Sun will addle your brain.


  4. 50 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    The new monetary breaks are proportional to what people earn, that’s what I am acknowledging.

    I think even those unable to get a grade 1 GCSE in mathematics would know that there is absolutely nothing proportional about this chart:





  5. Labour win next election.

    Sun/mail/Express says everyone's skint due to Labour.

    Tories get back in power for next 15 years..................... rinse and repeat.

    Gordon Brown was credited with devising the plan that saved the banking sector but somehow it's still all his fault we are where we are. I'm just glad I'm not skint (yet).



    Edit: Anyone not concerned about this graph should be (the 'x' scale is 24 hours)!:


  6. I've just realised we should have all shorted the GBP this morning and bought US Dollars, (the Pound has dropped 3.15% against $US since 9 a.m. - unheard of after a budget in the last 50 years).

    Funny I cant find anything whatsoever about this catastrophe on either the Sun, Mail or Express websites, who'd a thunk it? ?‍♂️

  7. Just now, TexasRam said:

    I’m not really interested in capitalism or socialism or whatever, my point is when things get tough you have two choices. Sit and wollow in self pity and whine about people having more than you, or do something about it. That’s it really that’s my point. 


    You make it sound like a piece of cake. Maybe you should write a self-help book so all those on Universal Credit can become millionaires by this time next year?

  8. 8 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Came back years ago tiger, sorry. No I’m alright Jack bus from me, I just don’t begrudge those who do well for themselves earning a good living. Everybody who works is benefitting from todays news, thats fact and is a good thing in my opinion. I’m actually shocked people are turning their noses up at money in their pocket they didn’t have yesterday. 

    So you don't think the extra £55,000 a year a geezer on £1,000,000 salary gets needs to be paid back at anytime?


    For ease of arithmetic, lets assume every Premier League club has a minimum of 20 players earning £19,250/week (£1M a year).

    Each now gets an extra £1,062 a week! So the loss to the public purse, JUST from 20 Premier League players per club in a year is a minimum £22,000,000. (and almost certainly a damn site more). That's an awful lot of lost income that has to come from somewhere else.

  9. 12 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    No one has given a clear answer to a simple question. I’ve just seen whining that some people may get more than others, rather than the fact everyone is getting something. Jealousy is a cruel master. 

    The last comment makes no sense, I could of gone private yesterday and the day before and I can go tomorrow that’s never changed. 

    And there goes the "I'm all right Jack" bus. I'm glad you caught the one that doesn't stop until it gets to the Good'ol US of A, (hopefully one-way only)?

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