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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Did you give that number a call Bob?

    If not just take a deep breath and give yourself a team talk. Then take the plunge mate. Be a massive step you've took and then that's done and you just plough forward from then. 

    If there's any set backs, pick yourself up and plough on. If it's plain sailing. Plough on. If there's self doubt. Plough on. 

    Don't listen to the negative voices in your head that bother all of us. Tell em to feck off. 

    He's had a drink! Who gives a feck! His name is Bob and he's on the up! 

    Not gonna wish you luck though because you won't need it. Just perseverance no matter how hard the road ahead. 

  2. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Interesting point made here, if Perez crashed on purpose in Monaco and the team knew about it, doesn't that make them complicit? I'm sure Ferrari would have a thing or two to say about that. Perhaps the FIA as well.

    At the time I thought it looked oddly convenient but probably looked away because I like Checo and love Checo getting one over Max which he did a few times at the start of the season.

    Which places Brazil as still a bell end move by Verstappen but also puts a real damper on Perez and that Monaco win. And obviously, Horner and Marko knowing about it.


    I think that Max thinks it's on purpose. I think Dutch journalists would think it's on purpose. 

    Maybe it was. 

    But we're saying Perez crashed on purpose to deny Max a potential faster lap when he was behind the Ferrari's already. That he then went to tell a man (Horner) who has pictures of Max around his house instead of his wife and kids. And that man not only kept hush but went on to ask Max to move over in Brazil. 


    A guy who behaves like a petulant child and is the Red Bull golden boy who never gives anything to anyone actually falsely believes Perez crashed on purpose. And refused team orders before (as it was clearly discussed) and during Brazil. He also must believe Perez crashing on purpose was hushed and kind of supported by RBR. 

    I think one is a leap and the other is quite normal. Because Max has quite a reputation for tantrums, complaining, arguing, blaming and acting like a complete tool. 

    He's great for the sport. His behaviour gives great TV. I just don't get why so many like him. Probably because he's not Lewis Hamilton. The guy is a knob head. 

  3. Oh didn't my Max, my glorious Max, my beautiful Max also basically say he was ok with ruining Hamilton's race because it didn't cost Max anything? Did I hear that right? 

    I've not even looked what Horner had to say but I can guess it's something about being surprised because Max is such a great team player and that at the end of the day these guys are racers. That kind of thing. 

    "Lewis has never praised my Max"



  4. 15 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    The line from Max fans is apparently it was payback for Checo crashing in Monaco qualifying (on purpose) and denying max his lap.

    Which I don't think is better?

    Shame he can't remember all the times Perez has supported him. 

    Early signs of dementia maybe. Or just a seeyounexttuesday?

    I've seen the state of Verstappen fans. Many are the rage against the machine types that cheer Lewis crashing and defend stuff like this with "why should he let Perez pass?" 

    They're the type that think his and RB bitter attitude is some sort of rebellion against The Man. Average mental age of 15. 

    Perez is too decent for them. 

    Max is a great driver of course but I still think we got a glimpse that under pressure he's going to cross the line. Which is fine. But he can't take it when someone else does it go him. 

    If Leclerc beats Perez next week I wonder how the Xmas party will be at RB. Perez is probably too nice to throw a wobbler though 

  5. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    Yikes, the Red Bull team garage is going to be a bit awkward tonight. 

    Nah, my Max, my super Max will be wrapped up in cotton wool and won't have to listen to any of that Mexican apprentice's whining. 

    My lickle Max is so special to us at Red Bull. He doesn't do Sky interviews and neither do we

  6. I've had 2 Zafiras. Bad for street cred. Didn't go up hills if you made use of the room. But I loved how big they are inside. Practical. 

    Peugeot 207 was the worst for me. Bloody racing stickers on the side when I bought it. Every knob head wanted to race me. No end of problems and the view from it is the worst view you could possibly have. The size of the bloody windscreen column blocked entire vehicles. Tiny wing mirrors and poor view to both front and back. 

  7. Shithousery performance by Derby failing there. 

    You can blame the ref but that was utter nonsense again. No direction, no responsibility, no leadership. 

    The exact sort of team that we would face under McClaren and get annoyed when they'd fluke something off us. 

    It was a penalty. That was deserved. And that could have been avoided if somebody took some responsibility on the ball. Or if there was any kind of direction beyond kick it up and head it on. Torquay managed to play so it wasn't impossible to ask for Derby to at least compete in that second half. 

    If Torquay had scored earlier in the half they might have gone on to win it too. Such was the open invitation. 

    Only seen this since the Ipswich game but I'm assuming this isn't a common approach to games? 

    A bunch of midfield bottlers, forwards with just a general "do stuff" instruction and then defenders encourage to just play the percentages? Is that what Warne is about?

  8. Bivol v Ramirez this weekend. Two nice enough fellas, two warriors and a great fight. 

    Should be better than Bivol v Canelo which I still can't believe how easy Bivol made that. 

    Ramirez is quite a unit

  9. I've tried 2 of Cabinet of Curiosities and I don't think I can go on. 

    I don't find it action packed enough to be action.

    Witty enough to be dark comedy

    Gory or scary enough to be horror. 

    It seems to be reviewing well though. But not for me, this one.

  10. 2 hours ago, TimRam said:

    Love, Death and Robots has good short scifi stories. 4th season has been commissioned.

    Yeah I was like an addict when that was released. Watched last season in one sitting after definitley not organising work so I could have a day off. Because that would be sad.

    I tried that Oates Studio thing on Netflix. The one that's from the the same person/people that wrote District 9. 

    Felt more like a music video. Didn't make it very far in

  11. 1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

    Just gone for 'celebs' as the list would be way too long if I included politicians:

    Ryland, Michael McIntyre, Jamie O'Hara, Tik Tok Lingard, Micah Richards, Alex Scott, Alex Jones, Huw Edwards, Fiona Bruce, Noel Edmonds, Ant & Dec, Prince Harry & Meghan, Andy Twigge, Sally Pepper and Ed Dawes - can't stand any of them and they all deserve the worst the jungle can throw at them - with any luck they could simply leave them all there at the end of the series and make the world a better place....

    Alex Scott? The retired women's footballer isn't it? 

    I like watching her. She doesn't know though

  12. 4 hours ago, Andicis said:

    That was such an embarrassing interview. True Geordie made him look like a complete fool. Tyson Fury seems to be behaving in ways similar to when he left boxing before, he seemed better after his return but he seems to be going off the rails a bit again sadly. 

    Clip below for those who haven't seen it:


    He's a troubled fella, Tyson. 

    Think, as you say, he's been behaving odd for some time now. Even by Fury standards. 

    Right from the start of that interview you could tell he was gonna be a knobber. 

    Excellent fighter and I believe he's a genuine nice bloke. But sometimes he just sticks his chin out for the media and all his haters to swing at. And it's hard to defend him when he does. 

    Poor Paris Fury!! 


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