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Posts posted by Alph

  1. And it's funny you're telling me nobody would care at all if Middle East fans came dressed as Muslim soldiers. 

    I actually said I don't think many would. But have a look around you. People are offended by everything. Every issue here that can create hysteria or panic is played up. Everybody wants to crusade for what's righteous 24/7. That's before we get to knuckle dragging football fans that have 1 pint and lose control

    So I disagree "nobody would care at all" 

    But in the main, no, I don't think there'd be much fuss about it. And I have doubts the people in Qatar care about England fans wearing Crusader costumes. Which was my point about the portrayal of what goes on in the Middle East. Because the vast majority of people are decent people as they are here. 

  2. 1 minute ago, GenBr said:

    Nobody would care at all. William Wallace was knocking around at the same time as the last crusader lands fell on the mainland. In the developed world people don't care about things that happened almost a millenium ago. And in case you forget the lands taken by the crusaders were Christian in the first place - nobody would care if a group of Arabs came to England dressed as invading Muslim soldiers.

    Do you know why they media portrays these countries as barbarians? Its because virtually all of them have discriminatory laws against homosexuals - some have the death penalty and others just ban it entirely and they all score very poorly when it comes to womens rights. The Arabian peninsula also treats other ethnicities extremely poorly. The media has absolutely nothing to do with their poor reputation - stop trying to find excuses for them

    Excuses for who? The people or some of the governments? 

    I think I can already gauge your opinion of the Middle East to know we aren't going to agree on anything here. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Killing journalists, just allowing women to drive, etc. 

    I think the 'still in the Dark Ages' comments are based on stuff like the above. Perhaps it depends on how much money you have to how much it affects you. Although the odd Princess has been known to disappear...

    What's happening in Iran shows that away from the governments there are many many people who have more in common with us than many imagine. 

    You could travel the ME and meet millions of people who's beliefs aren't so different. Who are waaaay more open minded than the news stories about governments, militaries suggest. 

  4. 9 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    I personally wouldn’t wear fancy dress, it’s not my thing. But to kick someone out of the stadium for that is a serious sense of humour failure.

    it’s the impression I get about the Middle East in general, and maybe I’m completely wrong, maybe it’s skewed by the media, and I genuinely look forward to going their myself to find out, but there seems to be zero sense of humour. 

    the crusades happened literally thousands of years ago, chill the f*** out. There seems to be all sorts of things you can’t joke about, or you’ll lose a hand. I dread to think how stand up comedy works over there. Comedians must be in fear for their life, all the time. 

    It's just a hugely different culture. 

    But there's obvious scepticism about Western attitudes towards them. 

    Britain is odd with it's comedy. The banter, the self deprecating, the sarcasm, the cynical way we are with our humour doesn't always travel well in the West! Nevermind to such vastly different peoples.

    I guess you could only compare it Turkey coming with their, I dunno, Ottoman get up. Saracen star and crescents everywhere. Medieval armor. Would people here find it provocative? Hmmm, probably not many. 

    But I can understand why such humour is lost in the Middle East. Assuming it is. Because despite the media hype I imagine plenty of Muslims see the fancy dress and don't give a toss. 

    But our media loves the Middle East barbarian goat herders stereotype. Stoning women and hanging gays. Always seems to me they paint the worst of them. Maybe it's just because I'm easily triggered by such stuff 

  5. Or that just think there's a difference between voting labour and leaving the country when they don't get in/moaning about your employer at the bank and flying at to Qatar with the best part of decades worth of warning to hold a football tournament and then complain about it. 

    There's compromise and then there's being a complete hypocrite.

  6. It's a pretty endless debate whether dressing up as a crusader is offensive in ME 2022. Because it probably depends how it's intended.

    There's those that just like to dress up, be daft and genuinely there for a good laugh. 

    But there's going to be idiots that are doing it to provoke a reaction. And you can't distinguish between the two. More importantly the people of the middle East are going to have mixed responses. 

    I think, it's common sense just not to wear it. It's the decent thing to do. It's the safest thing to do. C'mon, you must have some respect and appreciation for the country you're in. 

    Think there's a blurred line between why the WC shouldn't be in Qatar and blatant disrespect for the beliefs and practices in Qatar. Like "why can't they just be like us!?" type attitude. Well, it's not up to Dave 37 year old forklift driver from Leicester. So just respect the culture and people or don't go/complain. 

    FIFA knew all this would happen anyway. But the guys there had offshore accounts to top up and mistresses to pay off

  7. 1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Oh do do one BBC1. Every time Brazil have a shot it's glorious. FFS it was okay and it missed,

    Neymar wants to be worried. I think these guys might force themselves on him. Weirdos 

  8. 1 hour ago, Blondest Goat said:

    You gave up on any attempt at a sensible discussion then.

    I only made I comment about everytime I turn football on it's not football it's people complaining about football going to Qatar while they're all in Qatar which is why so many people died getting the country ready. Because they knew football would take the moral high ground while following the money. Because football always does.

    It makes grand gestures about equality and fair play. Anti racism and homophobia. But cares more about getting that dollar in. So does feck all contribution to anything. Just talks s**** 24/7

    And that was my passing comment. You came with the tired "free speech" rhetoric. 

    But I'm not arsed about these hypocrites flying their entire organisations out there. I'm laughing at them. Because their free speech is as empty as these stadiums will be in a month. 

    Then you said something about leaving the country because of the Tories. Whatever. I'm not in a debate because there's nothing debatable. 

    The world of football moves to Qatar and then thinks if they "raise awareness" that they'll deflect plenty of criticism. And I'm sure they will. Wear a pretty armband here. Take the knee the there. Rainbow laces and KickItOut. Wait! Pretty armbands are banished now!!

    For the record I'm not against rainbow flags or world cups in Qatar. I just expect people to act on what they speak. Take the Qatar money and follow your sport. But for ffs shut up whining like you've been kidnapped. Talking s**** about carbon neutral world cups and equality. If you've gone for the football then stick to football. Quit crying about the problems you're a part of.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Blondest Goat said:

    Is everything in your life black and white then?  If you don't agree with something you completely cut it out of your life?  You vote labour and leave the country if the Tories get in?  Or vice versa? 

    These people work in football, love the world cup.  Why should they not watch the football they love or earn a living just because they don't agree with the decision for it to be held there?   

    Yes I left the country when Tories got in. I'm in Qatar now taking their money cus I really really like football even more than human rights. I'm fuming about it to be honest. So what I'm gonna do is go on about footballs duty to represent everybody from every race, gender  and religion equally. But I'll do it from the only place in the world that could hold this tournament. The home of football. Qatar. 


  10. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I admire your honesty fella. I want to see an end to SOME aspects of RBR's behaviours and I qualify this so as to not be reminded that other teams are not whiter than white, an illusion under which I've never fallen. That said, not at Checo's demise. Had he not looked after Max on a few occasions this season, I feel pretty sure he'd have 2nd place locked in already. In a sport where oftentimes nice guys finish last, it'd be grand to see one in finish an honourable and well-earned second.*

    *DISCLAIMER: But yes, in some ways so do I ?

    I like Perez too so it does feel a bit mean saying it. But then I like Leclerc. In fact I like most of them. 

    I hope that Perez could use the hurt for next season. And the next time Max needs him that Perez just says nah. 

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