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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Just now, SKRam said:

    Is that an Olympic sport? 
    The South American roll.
    Messi and Neymar Gold and Silver. I never used to think Messi play acted. He gets lots of stick and genuine fouls against him I know but the rolling deserves a 

    Chef Cooking GIF by Brix 01

    I saw that. I reckon Messi and the boys are happy to turn to anything now. They're rattled but LVG has decided to give them a breather. Holland doing nothing again now. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Tombo said:

    Despite the certainty of the commentary, I thought it was a soft penalty as well. May not be the popular view but lots and lots of referees would shake their head and signal them to "get up". Completely bought and paid for

    I thought so too. 

    But as you said the commentary was convincing and even the Dutch response wasn't that strong. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    Don't get why some people are devastated that Brazil are out. You're not from Brazil. I couldn't care less. My only concern is England. If England go out then I don't care who wins it. If anything, I'm supporting the underdog.

    For some reason they manage to keep the reputation that they're this amazing flair team that play with complete freedom and smiles on their faces. 

    Nobody seemed to notice their transition to cynical cheats who aren't as brave as the legendary squads of the past. 

    I hate them. Neymar is good but I'm not having it that he's some all time great. He's a cheat and he's pampered like teams have to do for Ronaldo (who was actually worth it) 

    They're all living off the past. Think they're better than they are. 

    There's African sides now that play closer stuff to those old Brazil sides.

  4. I can't remember when a pundit last pointed out something I hadn't spotted. 

    I swear Alan Hansen would explain how to defend against someone in this situation, how much distance you should have in this position or that position or where the defender should be and the gaps between defenders. 

    I'm sure he never used to show a replay of a pass or foul 100 times and explain why it was a good pass or bad foul. 

    I swear it was more tactical than that talking like he's coaching us. 

    Micah Richards telling me Mbappe is fast then them all doing the lads lads lads act while laughing is boring and annoying. 

    It's all very American. "Receptions". Give it a fecking rest.

  5. 5 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

    It's trend over the last few years. The top keepers had become so good at reading the subtle changes in striker body language that they were saving too many penalties.
    The idea with the stutter run is to force the keeper to move first so you can hit your shot taking that into account. Shots taken in this way tend to have less power, but that doesn't matter if the keeper goes the other way.

    Lewandowski has been one of the architects of this approach. His penalty record using it is astounding. But at this World Cup keepers have been wise to his approach.

    So there is some analysis behind it. 

    I genuinely thought it was all a style thing. 

    I thought Lewandowski was lucky the other day. Allowed to retake but with that feint he did I think it's reasonable for the keeper to have stepped off his line. 

  6. I've not taken many penalties and I don't think any I have taken were in World Cups. 

    But I don't think you need these big run ups or stutter runs or silly little side slip angles to help score. Surely reasonable power (which you don't need to run from the halfway line to generate) and solid accuracy (which you lose during stupid run ups?) you can place a ball beyond a keepers reach?

    Some of these penos now are like a catwalk. I'm sure that Simon Cowell is going to be in the VAR room judging them for style. 

    You can hit a 25 yard free kick beyond a keepers reach without the Riverdance. You can surely put a solid shot near a top corner? 

    These ones that get saved at waist height either side of the keeper are criminal. 

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