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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Brazil have had it easy. The hype around them and of course cult leader Neymar has been so ott. Everyone has let them play. The few times Switzerland and Serbia didn't fall over their own feet coming forward then Brazil looked ordinary.

    I think if they were to face a top European side they'd be gone. Including the ones that have gone out like Belgium and Germany. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I'm surprised that the commentators mikes worked by the end of the France game, there was so much cream on them from whenever Mbappe touched the ball

    Yeah, it's been the same for every single "star" player. 

    Even if they lose the ball it's a lucky escape for the other team. And of course we still pretend Ronaldo is a free kick master. 

    They were so happy for Lewandowski to get a deserved goal. Why? He did a stupid run up penalty and got to retake it. Poland were horrible to watch and he was just as disappointing as the rest of them. 

  3. Haha, listening to them crying about camera angles. 

    Without micro analysis these boys are out of work. I'm glad we can't hear an endless debate about it. Spain just didn't dive enough on the night. Sorry! I meant 'do'. Spain didn't do enough on the night

  4. Isn't VAR kind of a product of constant analysis and criticism from fake tan knob heads in studios and "journalists"?

    All the crying with 50 replays, a magic pen and lasers for 3 hours after a match surely played a role in referees being under constant scrutiny. So VAR came to protect them? To iron out these faults? 

    I think quite a lot of football fans of a certain age are now fair weather fans. They watch their team. They go because it's part of their social circle. They go out of habit. 

    But I think a lot of people are fed up of the slap in the face that football gives them. 

    The obscene wages, the horrific life changing tackles that happen every 3 seconds, the fake tan men telling you what you just watched, the organisations (and their lack of humour was a great shout) trying to be social media savvy, up to date with the latest politics, all politically correct yet utterly failing on every single level to put words into action. 

    Then of course there are the super clubs and super stars. Mbappe has a testicle worth more money than every club in League 1. Man City now have 3 teams better than Derby. And we make sure they can play those teams in a fully competitive match and make 5 subs to keep everyone happy. 

    VAR is perfect. I'm not smart enough to think of the words. But it's suited for a game where everything is in a bubble and they can all play up a simple beautiful game to be some kind of science. 

    There's a generation that will know no difference though. So rest assured Sir Neymar. You can continue doing 50 rolls after being knocked over by a brush on the the arm. And you can collect hundreds of millions for it. Just remember don't bring the game into disrepute. Because reputation has to be upheld. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, BondJovi said:

    I have a strong dislike for Bruno Fernandes. A talented footballer who cheats his way through games. There was no way that penalty should have been given and to see that twonk score makes it even worse.

    The level of cheating/play acting/abuse for officials  in this competition compared to the Women's Euros... Mans game eh? I think Brazil are pretty vile and as you said, Fernandes is a massive knobber. 

    Imagine watching a replay of that penalty incident. Imagine the journey your mind has to go on for you to give that. Not Portuguese ancestory is he?

  6. This is where football trips itself up over and over. 

    It likes saying nice things about stopping racism, homophobia etc etc. It likes minor punishments for minor breaches like moaning about a referee on twitter. 

    But when it comes to actually having a chance to make statement they usually drag their feet and hope it blows over. 

    Will Serbia get kicked out the World Cup? 

  7. 8 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Are we talking about the same fighter? No disrespect to Liam, whom I've backed in his last two fights, but he doesn't do footwork. He adopts a wide stance, he fights off his heels, not his toes and typically marches forward from the middle of the ring. He's incredibly durable and a hateful puncher, but I must have missed this 'footwork' you reference.

    For my money, assuming all is well with Junior after trimming down for the Benn fight, I can only see one winner and I've taken the 8/11 accordingly. To my mind, Eubank is a 1/2 shot and come the night, that's how I expect the fight to be priced. There'll likely be some 7/4 or thereabouts for Liam, so if you think he'll win you'll be loving that price.

    @Alpha what's your take on this one mate?

    I hate myself for becoming a bit of a Eubank Jnr fan. I just find him quite entertaining to watch. 

    Same as you I hope he's feeling good after trimming down and preparing for Benn

    Smith always seems to like to grow into a fight, taking his time and being selective. Which is contrast to Jnr who swarms and takes breaks. Should be a good fight shouldn't it? 

    But I back Jnr to hurt Smith during his busy periods. He's such a handful. 

    I agree on how Smith punches though. Really digs every shot right in. So if Jnr isn't sharp and able to work often through the whole fight he could find his energy sapped. 

    Boxing has been terrible lately though hasn't it. Nobody wants to be in big fights. They keep letting them sit in the near future. It's always YouTube nonsense going on

  8. 1 minute ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Mount has been dire but still on the pitch


    Like useless defensively, made zero use of space left by Kane when he drops in to do the job Mount hasn't done. 

    And then woeful on the ball. 

    It's passed Southgate by somehow

  9. The 3 behind Kane have offered pretty much nothing for the entire first half except on the 2 or 3 occasions they sprang to life. 

    But for the other 45mins and 30 seconds they've abandoned England's defence and admired Harry Kane doing their job for them 

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