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Posts posted by Alph

  1. Some fights have genuine beef. Like AJ Vs Whyte did. 

    Some are just mind games like Fury who winds em up, plays it down, makes them take it serious then it's all a joke.... He's just making sure he's in charge and it works pretty much every time. 

    Josh Taylor is one that says it's not personal but he has to hate someone to be at his best. 

    Then yeah, there's all the petty stuff like "he disrespected my cat". 

    Eubank Jnr in fairness is the villain so he always just trolls his haters. Everyone is hostile to him. He brings out the worst in people. 

    It's terrible when some really nice fellas like Joe Joyce do the whole build up nonsense. But promoters push it because even fake beef gets more attention than no beef. Bad attention still sells. 

  2. Jnr's career is a mess. This trainer, that trainer, no trainer, Dad in, Dad out, Super Middle, Middle, hunting stupid titles, entering the Ali trophy tournament... 

    I think he's just paid the price for arrogantly thinking his natural ability will take him anywhere he wants to go. 

    He started off well but even so lacked power and imo some of that pace he fought with in the past. Maybe weight really has been an issue? 

    Anyway, I would have been happy for Smith had he not had some digs about Jnr's sexuality which was weird and sounded like Smith has a problem he needed to talk about. So not pleased for him. 

    Benn having the audacity to mock Jnr in a video. Probably frustrating being on maternity leave

  3. On 18/01/2023 at 18:54, CWC1983 said:

    I got a ticket for Wood v Lara in the Nottingham arena next month. 

    Should be a good fight and hopefully lead onto a fight with Warrington at the city ground in the summer. 


    I would very much like to see Warrington take a good thrashing in the summer. Horrible runt

  4. On 18/01/2023 at 15:44, 86 Hair Islands said:

    His old man was a killer masquerading as a gentleman. Junior is a gentleman masquerading as a killer. Have to admit that he's kind of grown on me. I never really bought the panto villain stuff anyway but the lad's got a sense of humour for sure.


    I think he's a great troll. 

    For some reason he got pegged as the villain early on and now he seems to just enjoy trolling the haters. 

    Even the "I thought Bellew was the biggest A-Hole to come out of Liverpool but Liam Smith is trying hard" (or similar words to that effect) made me laugh. 

    That's one of the best descriptions I've seen by the way. Snr killer disguised as gentleman and Jnr the other way. Ultimately I think that's why as @Archiedsays, he just gonna fall short of being a serious world elite. He'd make anyone work hard though. 


    Ever since Groves gave him a deserved spanking I've liked him more and more. Be hoping for a win here too. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Only vaguely modern game I've played was Tiger Woods. Think I was good at that because you have time to set the controls and work out exactly what you need to do, then set yourself to do it, if that makes sense?

    Tried playing a zombie one - Resident Evil? - but got couldn't even get through the first screen as I kept running into walls instead of around them so was munched within seconds every time. Hugely amusing for my mates, not so much for me ??

    As for the show, I'd give anything Pedro Pascal appears in a go as he chooses his parts very well.

    Little bit of trivia from IMDB for you...

    Gustavo Santaolalla, the music composer for video games The Last of Us (2013) and The Last of Us: Part II (2020), was brought on to compose the series soundtrack.

    Enjoy the show! 

    Oh the music on the game is a heart breaker itself. 

    The music is like a character alone. Definitely give the show a go. The reviews are brilliant and from gamers perspective they seem to be saying "nailed it". 

    The Part I and Part II versions come with so much accessibility options that registered blind people have played them. (This doesn't include the original 2013 release) 

    You surely are at least more coordinated with a control pad than a blind person? Surely?? Gotta be?? ?

  6. 7 minutes ago, BondJovi said:

    I have been playing Last of Us part2 for nearly 2 years now. It is so dark and miserable I really struggle to play it for long before I need something light! I have only just got past the half way point I think. It is incredible but so intense I do question how much I actually enjoy it yet the story and gameplay is worth the effort.

    I got it on release, cus I'm a fangirl, played about 2/3 of it then stopped due to how I felt and how the game didn't help. I can't even tell you it cheers up. 

    It's a kick in the nuts constantly. 

    I'm glad I finished it because it's a story you need to experience if you have any fascination for the post apocalyptic genre. And after the magnificent part I you feel like you need to see the story through. That's further imprinted by how Part II begins.

    But it's controversial for good reason. The most reviewed game in history I think? And subject to heavy review bombing. 

    By the end of it I think you'll be invested in the story more for a Part III. So it's not 'bad'. 

    But yeah, a miserable tale 

  7. On 06/01/2023 at 12:57, 86 Hair Islands said:

    It's on my IMDB watchlist. Didn't realise it was based on a game though. 

    Yeah. As a gamer it's probably my favourite piece of media ever. 


    If you're not a gamer then you probably think Pac Man and Mario. This show will let people see how games now are capable of stirring emotions. 

    The Last Of Us Part I is covered by this series. They stay pretty faithful too according to all sources. 

    The Last Of Us Part II is brilliant but also one of the most depressing miserable games of all time. To the point where you wonder if it's actually "fun" to play. 

    I hope everyone enjoys the series though. Can't wait to tune in tonight. 

    From the man who brought us Chernobyl (the show, not the nuclear meltdown) I think the franchise will attract lots of new fans and maybe inspire a few to pick up a game! 

  8. I enjoyed both of them. But I didn't think Glass Onion was that clever. I called a lot of it. And the "omg" moment of what actually happened during the glass switch. I saw that in real time too so the whole "what you saw or what you THINK you saw" thing was wasted. 

    I've watched Ghostbusters 2 (1989) and I loved it just as much as when I was a kid. But I didn't realise it's been absolutely panned. In my head it was a classic. But according to reviews from audiences and critics it's a bad movie and Bill Murray wanted no part in a third. 

    I thought the 80's didn't make mistakes

  9. 21 minutes ago, SSD said:

    I like Gary Neville the football pundit. Can't stand his political preaching on TV. Do your job and focus on the matches. Not that I disagree with his points, I just want to enjoy the escapism of watching a football match and get away from the political BS.

    That's how I feel about all football. 

    Life is heavy enough. Especially in this digital age with the info overloads we can't escape. 

    So when you watch football and that's on a crusade.... Where can we just enjoy something meaningless anymore. 

  10. 15 hours ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    You lot need an OAP thread where you can moan about the modern game while us young'uns enjoy it! We'll see you in a few years.

    I'm only 37. I feel like it's changed massively in my lifetime. 

    It's kind of gone through a makeover to please family and TV audiences more which has brought in a ton of advertising and the full American sports coverage. 

    It's just so different. So much money. When I think of glamour sport I think of F1 but football is in so much more of a bubble. F1 is supposed to be the traveling circus 


  11. There was a dive that got booked too wasn't there? 

    You've got live video referees and still the harshest punishment for blatant diving is a rare yellow. Football says cheating is less criminal than taking your shirt off after you score. 

    Diving should be a red card. Just like time wasting should be a yellow instantly and not 20 minutes of warnings. And actually follow the yellow with a red. 

    Last night Martinez should have been booked for throwing the ball and/or not returning to his line. Then he'd have not messed around afterwards. If he did then send him off. 

    Truth is that football left gentleman's conduct behind many decades ago. It is waaaay to late to talk about fair play and respect. 

    Lie, cheat and push the limits. That's what players do. Because it's now called gamesmanship and the worst you'll get is told off for being naughty. 

    As @TigerTeddsaid, don't hate the player. Martinez might be a troll but the referees allow this nonsense to go on. 

  12. Didn't most of Pele's goals come in that Brazilian league? 

    Messi is gets my vote for the goat. Even before he won the world cup. Some of the things I've seen him do consistently I just don't think others have been capable of

    For as many years as he's done it, at the level he's done it, against the opponent's he's done it.... I just think he's a freak. 

    I think there's players past and present that have been better than Messi for a time. Mbappe is probably there now. Ronaldo has had ridiculous seasons for example. 

    But Messi has always been one of the best playmakers of the last 15 years. One of the best goalscorers of the last 15 years. The haul of trophies. The personal awards. For his whole career he's been the very elite and produced magic on every stage so frequently. He's never been carried. He's never shrunk away. 

    He's the goat imo simply because he's the best midfielder, winger and striker of over a decade. 

    Most great players are only in that top 2 or 3 for a few years. Their "peak". When was Messi's peak? He scored 70+ goals in a season 10 years ago and now he's just won the Copa America and World Cup. 

    Whatever you use to measure him by he ironically stands tall. Whether a young winger, center forward or a number 10. Whether 2012 or 2022. 

    Don't suppose it matters. But short of joining Burnley to prove he's good I'm not sure what else he could do to further his case. He's not even finished yet. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Would that be Terry B who lost a finger or 2 ?‍♀️Went to Sinfin school and played for me when I was Sinfins under 15 manager, Now early 40s

    Yes! I forgot about the fingers ?

  14. 2 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Ken and Curley next to the Hilton pub, He did my 1st couple of tattoos, Not too many tattooists around back in the day...mid 70s, Now all over the place...some good...some very very good, My Daughter is covered from head to toe with em

    Kevin Paul did a large one on my back who has done  Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles and Rihanna...Oooo you name dropper ?

    I think Ken or Curley, can't remember which is Tez's grandad? He's a tattooist on Osmaston Rd. He has all their old equipment I think. Did my sleeve. 

    He's good too. I went with an idea and he was like nah, that's not gonna work and then used my idea to create what would work. 

    There's pictures on the wall of Ken/Curley. 

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