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Posts posted by Alph

  1. That's the only reason I don't like Tommy. All the ridiculous "fight a proper boxer" stuff while he's never fought one himself. 

    I didn't watch tonight but I've seen him 3 times before and he walks backwards in straight lines. Pretty much no professionals do that unless it's a rookie who's concentration has slipped. And even fewer get away with it. Absolutely asking to take the full brunt of a shot. 

    Jake Paul has a history of conning people. This was fairly honest by his standards. 

    They will rematch cus they need each other now. Where else do they go?

  2. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Me too. Pure clickbait, but it did make me chuckle. 

    Didn't see the Moneybags fight, simply because I didn't even know he was fighting. I'm giving myself a gold star for that at least! ?

    Oh the Mayweather fight was in a half empty O2. 

    Turns out nobody wanted to watch Mayweather fight a Geordie Shore turned MMA fighter. 

  3. 53 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Badou Jack masterclass right there. Actually had me feeling sorry for Makabu. Jack is such a good fighter to watch, great feet, fast hands, lands shots from all sorts of angles and can dig a bit too. That was pure class. Total domination start to finish. Three weight champion. Not bad for an old guy!

    Yes! I'm purposely trying to boycott but I've always loved Jack. Absolute warrior

  4. 16 minutes ago, David said:

    The script is clearly fake, talks about Tommy Fury having an eye injury, can’t open it, not sure how you can script that kind of thing.

    Saying that, it’s also clearly a circus and wouldn’t be surprised if he’s been paid to take a fall.

    This is the guy who put boxing aside to go on Love Island, should be nowhere near sports channels. Embarrassing it’s gaining more attention than legitimate boxers that have worked their arses off fighting in front of small crowds for peanuts.

    And to add Tommy should already have an L to his name. Or certainly a draw. 

    "A proper boxer". The cheek of it! 

  5. 15 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Busted! ?

    Bet you had a quick Google though... ?


    I did! Was like an excitable kid thinking the pair of numpties had been caught out 

    Did you see Mayweather last night? 


    Don't think anybody did ?

  6. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Too many eggs, huh?

    Well, we've all been there and the doozy that was the wild boar excuse had already been rolled out. Honestly, I guess we'll never really know, but boxing seems to be just another sport that is doing its utmost to eat itself whilst treating fans with borderline contempt. 

    If you find a sport that's ran by people who understand the fans and are actually fans of the sport themselves then please let me know. 

    The most blatant cheating can be swept under the carpet right in front of your eyes in F1, football, boxing... 

    And when they all start talking about reputation, fans best interests and such you can guarantee they're plotting a way to milk the s*** out of us

  7. 10 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    Great win for Lara and a lovely TKO. I think it was a good stoppage too, I get people saying there was 12 seconds left before a minute break, but he was out on his feet wobbling all over the shop, Lara is dangerous so another punch would've meant lights out for Wood.

    Wood was actually doing better than I thought he would, but apart from the body shot in the 5th (or 6th, can't remember) I don't think the punches were really hurting Lara that much but Wood was clearly being affected by Lara. Wood was boxing well on the outside and he needed to keep doing that and not getting involved in exchanges (think AJ vs Ruiz 2).

    Warrington vs Wood would be a great fight, I think Wood edges it based on his power, Warrington is the better boxer but seems to have been found out his past few fights. Although if Warrington can get one of his trademark headbutts in...

    I'd love to see Lara flatten Warrington. Can't stand the little space raider. Does Warrington really want to do it again though? 

    Wood might need a bit of time after that. Took some punishment but gave a good account of himself didn't he? 

  8. On 19/02/2023 at 10:01, CWC1983 said:

    Yeah, good call on both counts. 

    Don't think I'll go back to an arena event again.

    To many Stone Island, CP company lads on substances last night that decended into a massive brawl about 4 rows behind me. 

    A Wood Warrington fight would be chaos. 


    Good scrap though! Wood looked pretty good. Just felt like it was going to happen for Lara. It was a pretty close fight but Lara had an extra level of spite in his shots. 

    Too many knobbers at boxing now. 

    Even worse when it's a domestic fight. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Jubbs said:

    Looking forward to Wood vs Lara at the weekend! Completely forgot to get tickets but should be a decent war, can only see a Lara win with those bricks for fists and Wood having been dropped by Conlan who's not a massive puncher.

    Yeah I can't see past Lara. I know some lads who are going and have a spare ticket but they're more likely to end up fighting than see the fight. 


  10. I actually want Paul to win. 


    Never thought i'd say that. But the audacity of some of the stuff Tommy and John come out with you'd think he had a long amateur background or had shown a real talent for it. Hypocrite is not much different from Paul!! 

  11. I'm up to episode 4 of The Last Of Us and losing the will to carry on. 

    Everything that was good about the games character development is rushed or missing. 

    The best episode was episode 3 and that was one with the main characters barely in it. Decent episode that. 

    As a franchise fanboy I think the hype is mix of wishful thinking and bandwagon hype. 

    The Road, The Walking Dead (sometimes), Black Summer, A Quiet Place.... I could go on. Lots of similar TV in the genre that had better child actors, more engaging characters and depressing world. 

    The game is so superior in acting and chemistry that it should be embarrassing for Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann. Not that anything could harm Druckmann's ego. 

    The show is nothing more than a time filler. The wait for the next episode has never felt easier. 


  12. On 28/01/2023 at 01:23, uttoxram75 said:

    I have no knowledge of all this stuff but what I do know is that my 14 and 11 year old grand daughters love to play on a rope swing across a river with their friends and Granddad gets the blame when he takes them home wet and muddy.

    Let kids be kids and get them out in the wild away from computers and phones.

    I do try. 

    But the problem is that the only way they do kid things is if it's with me. Because all their friends want to do is play online games, watch YouTube, do TikTok dances etc. 

    It's hard to drag them away from online stuff and not due to lazy parenting but just because that's where kids live their lives now. That's where their friends are. 

    I think if I sent them out building dens and riding bikes that they'd be on their own. 

    Another messed up thing is I don't think kids know how to play. We could turn our living room into Vietnam jungles without touching a cushion. We could hold imaginary wrestling belts. And toy soldiers could go up to the bath for some naval combat! 

    Now they just seem to lack any imagination. Most of them will watch kids play with toys on YouTube rather than play themselves. 

    I've had to show my youngest how to role play with her dolls. What the heck is that about and how did it happen. 

    Toys are dying. And so is imagination. Mine couldn't build a den without me if I evicted them into the garden for a full week. 

  13. 14 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Great fight. A tired looking Yarde eventually tagged and his corner wave the towel. He's a brave lad and backed up Beterbiev as often as he took a backwards step himself, but Beterbiev's power is frightening. That said, he knows he was in a fight tonight and for my money, Bivol beats him hand down should they meet.

    Imagine if Yarde had built up to this fight properly instead of Frank's careful navigation. He's got heart and power. Digs in some nice shots to the body, quite elusive at times too. Maybe could have done even better? 

    I'm with you, I think Bivol will dominate Beterbiev. I've not seen lots of either fighter. Maybe 3 Bivol and this is only the second time I've seen Beterbiev. The first was v Callum Johnson where he got dropped before winning by KO. He's target practice for Bivol, no?

  14. The consensus seems to be then that it's probably more confusing for adults to understand than the kids as @TigerTeddsaid.

    Weird part of having to think that kids might have to teach grown ups about acceptance. 

    I just didn't like the idea of Ofsted and schools getting kids thinking about their gender and sexuality. In my eyes it should be left for them to discover and my role as a parent to accept whatever my kids become. 

    I don't like the idea of them being lead by trends and internet crusades. But I suppose it just showing how out of touch you become. Quite quickly apparently. 

    It's interesting to hear @Duracellsay that kids are confused by everything and will change their minds so much. Because that just makes me think that they need these schools to not start making them think about their gender and sexuality. Surely confused enough as happened with my daughter who does know what Lesbian and non binary mean. But not a clue how to identify if she is those or anything else. 

    in my head that makes her growing up more of a minefield. 

    I can accept I'm wrong though. 

  15. 29 minutes ago, Scott129 said:

    The Ofsted interview thing is a bit weird - perhaps it is a lot to put on an 11 year old - but it's such a huge thing for schools nowadays. I know a very well-renowned school in Derbyshire recently got a poor Ofsted report, and a large part of why was because it didn't address diversity and inclusion enough. So I think they're just making sure all of the boxes are ticked, so to speak.

    And, just as an aside, I hate the term 'woke' with a passion. Just a dog whistle used by the GB News brigade, which seems to have now become mainstream.

    Yeah, "woke" is very much a bait word but I didn't mean to use it as such. 

    But it's difficult to describe a push from a person or organisation etc like Ofsted who are insisting schools tick diversity and inclusion boxes. 

    Like how do they tick these boxes? I'm assuming it's by educating kids on the questions asked to my daughter? 

    But how much does a kid need to take on board. She sees it online, she sees it on TV. She knew what pansexual meant. She knew what  Lesbian meant. 

    Yet she didn't understand how to know whether she's a Lesbian or Bisexual. Unsurprisingly because she's confused as hell by what she's meant to be feeling, what others are feeling, what's trendy etc. 

    Then they come in with their box ticking exercise and in my opinion just add to the confusion. 

    I dunno. I don't care what she is or isn't. But having this push for acceptance (which sounds like the right thing and in theory can't do any harm) could actually be giving her and others an identity crisis and more confusion than what we all go  through? 

    Like, her knowing what a Lesbian is, thinking she is one, but then not actually having the experience to understand ANY of her feeling for ANY gender made for a strange conversation.

    Sure, she ticks the boxes. But she really hasn't got a clue on what she should be feeling and for who. I imagine we didn't back then either. But that's the point I think. That they think it's right to open them up to sooo much and how can diversity and inclusion ever be bad? 

    She's mature. But that kind of identity minefield at those ages... 

  16. That is also a major worry. That bullying doesn't stop. Great point. 

    Kids now aren't like us. The internet isn't a choice. It's so much of their existence. They don't play with toys or go on bike rides. Nobody has built a treehouse or den since 1995. 

    They meet on Roblox. TikTok trends and crazes sweep schools. It's the digital age and you can say "when I was a kid" but if I took away the internet and gave em Barbie dolls then they'd be left behind socially. I mean they kick and scream when I make them go on walks and bike rides. 

    They just can't switch off. 

  17. So hoping to avoid twitter like "get woke/go broke" Vs "You're all homophobic" arguments where there's no chance of an agreement. 

    So there's a strong push through media and social media and various what some call stunts and others call diversity to open everyone's mind. Netflix are doing it, twitter is talking about it, Hollywood is obsessed with it.... and that's just that. 

    But a few months back my daughter (11) came home to say she had a girlfriend. We were a bit surprised as she obviously had a crush on a boy. So after giving her a chat about how it's fine and we are glad she was fine to tell us some things didn't make sense to me and the wife. So after a conversation that was very hard to navigate so as not to twist her mind or whatever, she came back a few days later saying that she doesn't like girls in the same way she likes boys. (We did say you can like both). 

    She said that she wasn't sure because she does like girls in much the same way that her girlfriend does. Add to this her girlfriend is now identifying as a boy. 

    (Kids being kids they have now "stopped dating")

    Then Ofsted came to the school and as my daughter is the student president she was interviewed. (Coincidentally the teachers have been extra nice lately). 

    She then came home to tell us she'd been asked about any boys approaching her or being inappropriate to her or anyone else? Does she know what transexual is? Bisexual? Pansexual? Transgender? (She knows it all but I didn't know that she knew)

    Now she's 11 and she's probably more naive than some of her friends who's parents seem to have no rules. But it seems to me that being 11 is a billion times harder and more complicated now. 

    When I grew up, a lad couldn't just be gay. Not without abuse. I mean, it wasn't always ok to have different skin! I certainly don't want to go back to that.

    But are we overloading them with information here? I'm not trying to spark an argument or anything. But she's a smart kid and I don't want to start shielding her from being able to make decisions. At the same time it feels everything is designed to make her question her gender and sexuality. In theory that's great. She can see the choices and be who she wants. I don't want to remove all the access her friends have and protect her from something she perhaps doesn't need protection from.

    But is there not a danger that she follows trends and goes on someone else's journey? Case in point the girlfriend that's not her girlfriend but if she was then it would be her boyfriend? 

    Does it even do any harm? 

    I feel like identity politics is in everything now and it's pushed in the media to create outrage and arguments to get more clicks on Twitter and likes on TikTok. BLM was hijacked. COVID panic paid the bills. This seems to be the current thing to get the mob infighting. 

    If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it. I don't care what she is so long as she's what she wants to be. I dunno if I have a right to be annoyed that inspectors chose to go into school to put this all on kids? It's bloody adults that create any barriers! Initially it's made me angry that they approached her with this stuff in Year 6. 

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